Scrapbeak is the newest boss added to Hunt: Showdown. Due to his unique fighting style, he can prove to be one of the more challenging bosses to overcome. Scrapbeak is unlike other bosses in the bayou that rely on otherworldly speed or strength. He gathers and hoards Hunters’ equipment to use against anyone who dares to step into his lair. We will give you some tips and tricks to effectively bring down Scrapbeak.
Hunt Showdown Scrapbeak Boss Description
Scrapbeak is a monstrous bird-like creature whose physical anatomy is hidden underneath a mountain of feathers and a massive backpack filled to the brim with trinkets and other tools gathered from Hunters. Scrapbeak is rumored to be a human once. It is believed they were a survivor from the Civil War who underwent horrid surgery to replace their legs.
This twisted monster was once a soldier, who now collects any scraps of tools of interest, some from the days of the war, and is constantly pursuing new toys acquired from dead Hunters. From his trait and obsession with gathering, Scrapbeak has a slight mix-up with his fight. Yet, there are ways to exploit them. We highly recommend reading up on their lore if you haven’t already.
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Scrapbeak’s Damage Types
Hunt: Showdown has different melee damage types, including piercing, rending and blunt damage. Scrapbeak wields a melee weapon that Hunters can find in the open world, such as an Axe, Hammer, Pitchfork, or Shovel. The Pitchfork deals piercing damage, Hammer or Shovel deals blunt damage, and the Axe deals rending damage.
The damage types don’t affect hunters much, other than differences in range, or attacking animations. However, these slight differences are worth noting, especially the Axe, since its rending damage can cause bleeding, and all melee weapons have different damage numbers and swing speeds.
Scrapbeak has an Affinity for Items
Scrapbeak also carries a gigantic backpack where they store their gathered items like a packrat. The bag reduces the damage of most directed attacks like gunshots by 50% making the boss tanker if you strike them from behind rather than the front. However, this damage reduction does not block piercing attacks, making Pitchforks or Bayonets better for fighting them.
Scrapbeak also has a devastating range attack. With it, they throw an alternate Concertina Bomb at players if they try to enter or leave the boss lair. Scrapbeak’s Concertina Bomb spam easily makes them one of the more challenging bosses to overcome. As a result, their lair becomes increasingly difficult to traverse the longer the fight goes on.
Scrapbeak also has one of the most dangerous frenzies next to the Butchers. After losing 25% of his health, Scrapbeak frenzies. When this phase begins, he screeches and drops his current melee weapon and up to three randoms in his backpack. He will equip a new random melee weapon and charge at a nearby Hunter while frantically swinging their weapon.
During his frenzy, all directed attacks, such as gunshots or arrows, will cause him to shoot a Concertina Bomb. During each frenzy, Scrapbeak will also gain increased movement speed, making him faster with each frenzy phase and having a 50% damage reduction for the duration.
Any explosions or fire used to damage Scrapbeak, causing him to enter his frenzy, will make the three random items he drops damaged and unusable. The items Scrapbeak can drop include:
- Lanterns
- Bear Traps
- ToolBoxes
- Medkits
- Ammo Crates
- Melee Weapons
- Trait Charms
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Take Advantage of His Weaknesses
Scrapbeak is one of the more unpredictable boss fights in Hunt: Showdown, but their weaknesses are easy to exploit. His main weaknesses are that he is one of the slowest bosses outside of their frenzy phase, making them exceptionally easy to kite around the boss arena. However, the lack of movement speed isn’t a significant weakness when the boss lair is covered in razor wire.
Scrapbeak’s other weakness is piercing damage, making Knives, Pitchforks, and Bayonets far more effective than other melee weapons. If you don’t have a Knife or any other piercing weapon, Scrapbeak drops items when they enter a Frenzy along with their previous melee weapon. The possibility of a piercing weapon dropping from the boss is down to RNG, but it’s still a blessing whenever Scrapbeak unintentionally drops a weapon to aid you.
Lastly, Scrapbeak has a weakness to poison. When a player is shot by a poison round, the bullet usually does slightly less damage but poisons the target, blurring their vision and preventing any healing for a short time. When an NPC is poisoned, they take additional damage instead of the extra status effect.
Poison Bombs, arrows, and bullets all deal extra immediate damage to Scrapbeak. However, this can be difficult and unreliable, since Scrapbeak will have their back turned to you, reducing the damage because of their backpack. Alternatively, Scrapbeak could throw a Concertina Bomb whenever you land a direct attack.
The only way to apply poison to Scrapbeak without the chance of being met with a face full of razor wire as a response is using a Poison Bomb or walking through the AOE from a poison arrow. Both of these methods don’t deal a great deal of damage but avoid triggering any unnecessary Concertina Bombs.
So, How do you Defeat Scrapbeak in Hunt Showdown?
We recommend sticking close to Scrapbeak while fighting them. They move slower than any other boss in Hunt: Showdown, allowing you to kite them around easily. Avoid being in direct line of sight when entering or exiting the boss lair. If you don’t, you could have an exit blocked by a Concertina Bomb.
Knives or other piercing weapons are the best way to deal with Scrapbeak. They allow you to remain up close for as long as possible. Exiting the boss’s room during his frenzy is highly advised, since their movement speed increases with every frenzy, and they constantly swing in front of them.
Attacking from multiple angles might be difficult unless you use a piercing weapon since the backpack damage reduction covers his entire backside. Using a piercing weapon ignores this damage reduction; otherwise, always strike them from the front.
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More Tips and Tricks to Defeat Scrapbeak in Hunt: Showdown
- Scrapbeak’s movement speed ramps up with every frenzy, making them faster as the fight continues.
- Scrapbeak constantly swings in front of them during their frenzy, making it nearly impossible to get a hit in without taking damage in return.
- During Scrapbeak’s frenzy, if they sprint through any razor wire from a Concertina Bomb, they will destory a chunk of it to get to you. If the boss arena is cluttered with razor wire, try to guide Scrapbeak through the mess to clear a path for the future.
- The area surrounding Scrapbeaks lair won’t have any Lanterns or pick-ups. Scrapbeak now carries random items usually scattered about the place and only drops them at the start of a frenzy phase.
- Any explosions that damage Scrapbeak will also damage the items they carry. Any random items they would drop upon entering their frenzy would be damaged. Fire damage has the same result, but only if the boss is lit ablaze at the start of their frenzy.
Wrap Up.
Scrapbeak is easily our favorite boss in Hunt: Showdown. The number of unique gimmicks and mechanics this boss has over older bosses like the Butcher in Hunt feels like night and day when comparing them. We hope that Crytek adds bosses similar to Scrapbeak in the future, or touches up on older bosses to give them more gameplay mechanics to spice them up.
If you’re looking for how to best the other bosses, you can find our tips on defeating all Hunt: Showdown bosses. Or, if you’re looking for recommendations on what to use, check out our guide to the best guns in Hunt Showdown. Good Hunting!