Hunt Showdown offers players a variety of consumables and tools to use in their adventure through the swamps of Lousiana. Some of them are incredibly useful, and some others are entirely useless. Yes, I am looking at you, Electric Lamp. Hunt Dollars will get you places in Hunt Showdown, it will buy you the weapons and equipment you want, but to unlock some of them, you will need to grind a little to open what you desire.
In this article, we will talk about the Concertina Bomb and how to use and unlock it. Some people consider it a gadget for meme builds in Hunt Showdown to make their opponents angry. Yet more talented players can put it to good use. Dying to a concertina bomb is no joke and will probably make you uninstall the game while, at the same time, every hunter’s dream is to kill an enemy player with one.=
How to Unlock the Concertina Bomb in Hunt Showdown
The Concertina Bomb is one of the most desired consumables in this game, not because of its utility but because of how scary and annoying it can be to die to one of these. As with most other tools, consumables, and weapons, there is an unlock condition for this item, and in this article, we will tell you how to do it.
Unlock The Flash Bomb
The Flash Bomb is the first item you will need to unlock before anything else. To open it, players must reach Rank 40, granting them access to the Concertina Trip Mine. Once you unlock this Trip Mine, you will only need to use any Tactical Gadget Item 15 times. Check out our linked companion guide if you are unsure what Tactical Gadgets in Hunt Showdown are.
Our recommendation for this is to unlock the Flash Bomb in Hunt Showdown quickly. Start a match, place your Concertina Trip Mines as soon as possible, and look for tool boxes to refill your mines and put them right away. If you are lucky, it will take you one match, but it usually takes between 2-5 tries; once you finish this step, the Flash Bomb should be unlocked.
Unlocking The Concertina Bomb in Hunt Showdown
Once the Flash Bomb is unlocked, you must repeat using any Tactical Gadgets Item 15 times. Our recommendation remains the same, go with the Concertina Trip Mines and place them as soon as possible, refill them and repeat.
How to Put the Concertina Bomb to Good Use in Hunt: Showdown?… or Not?
Spring-loaded razorwire coil that unfolds violently when thrown. Shreds and entangles anything that tries to move through.
What you read is what you get, and it is fun. This consumable costs only 48$ Hunt Dollars and damage of 200 hit points, meaning that if you land this on someone, it’s instadeath. It has a small radius, so make sure you throw it well. Once deployed, if a player touches the Concertinas, it will cause bleeding damage.
The best way to use this Concertina Bomb tactically is to block paths where enemy hunts might come through or throw them on downed enemy hunters to prevent revival from their teammates.
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It is Difficult to Remove Concertina Wire Traps
Getting rid of concertina wire can be a little hard for inexperienced players. You must use slashing melee weapons to destroy it, as direct attacks don’t work. Another way is walking into it, back away to stop the bleeding, and repeat. Every time this is done, your body will destroy a fraction of the Concertina wire. Another way but the least recommended is shooting it with FMJ or Nitro bullets, but this might attract other hunters, and you are already vulnerable with a teammate down.
Add Pitcher to the Formula
The Pitcher trait is a great trait for this if you are trying to kill live enemy hunters with the Concertina Bomb. Using the aim helper, the Pitcher allows you to increase your throwing range for all items.
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Conclusion for our Guide on How to Unlock the Concertina Bomb in Hunt Showdown
Now that you have the Concertina Bomb unlocked is up to you how you use it. Use the Concertina Bomb to have fun and get some kills which can be very challenging but satisfying, or use it tactically against your enemies in Hunt Showdown. We invite you to visit some of our past articles for Hunt Showdown, such as our guide about The Best Guns in Hunt Showdown.
Good Luck, Good Hunt!