Ready or Not is every tactical FPS gamer’s fantasy dream come true, offering major gameplay mechanics and elements that make the experience very realistic and tactical.
One of the main characteristics of this game is its realistic sound design and complex enemy AI, which will react differently to varying scenarios and situations. This complexity, combined with tactical and military simulation mechanics, makes for a great tactical first-person shooter unlike any other.
This article will delve into the specifics of suppressors and silencers on player weapons and how Ready or Not’s Artificial Intelligence evaluates whether or not they detect the shots fired.
Brief Overview of Ready or Not’s Gameplay
The gameplay of Ready or Not revolves around making the right decision with precise timing and execution; otherwise, any plan you have can go south in the worst moment within seconds.
This game is about communication, individual and teamwork abilities, precision, and decision-making, as most actions taken can have instant positive or negative consequences.
The Importance of Sound Cues in Ready or Not
One of the main aspects of the game that plays a massive role is the sound that you make, as it can alert enemy AI and trigger them to take instant action against you or in defense of themselves. Any sound that you make, whether shooting a weapon, opening a door, or arresting a suspect, will affect their actions on the map. Weapons with suppressors in Ready or Not still make a sound.
An experienced player in Ready or Not must understand how sound works for each action and what can develop from them in a given situation. Always have both a strategic and tactical mindset to succeed.
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How AI Reacts to Sound Cues in Ready or Not, Including Weapons with Suppressors
The AI in Ready or Not is complex and intelligent, so it will react differently to sounds based on the range, the sound made, and the type of enemy.
Surprisingly, gunshot sounds in Ready or Not have a small trigger range regardless of whether your weapon is suppressed or not.
Sounds That can Trigger an AI in Ready or Not to Investigate or Attack the Player
It has not been officially confirmed, but it appears that Ready or Not’s enemy AI gets alerted to a player’s actions against other AI if they are within its spotting range.
The footsteps in Ready or Not are almost silent, and you must get right next to an unalerted enemy to trigger them.
Arrests can alert suspects from far away.
Opening a Door
Opening a door has almost no effect on suspects unless they are very close by.
Shouting can alert suspects a few rooms away from the source.
Eliminating a Suspect
Eliminating a suspect in Ready or Not appears to have a similar effect to arresting. For the most part, any meaningful interaction with a suspect seems to alert enemies, even at a far distance. For the sake of realism, maybe we should just assume they all have earpieces.
Shooting a Weapon
With or without a suppressor, only the suspects in the next room will hear the gunshots in Ready or Not. This may change in the future as Ready or Not moves towards a full release, but at this time, this appears to be the case.
The Three Stages of a Suspect’s Response in Ready or Not
- Calm: The suspect is not alerted and is calmly roaming rooms.
- Suspicious: The suspect heard something and is alert, looking for the player or their other teammates.
- Attack: The suspect has engaged the player or the player’s team and knows his/her last location.
A Youtuber called RyoukaHerself made a great video explaining how suspects react to different sounds, and we invite you to watch it for a more visual representation.
Next, we will give more detailed information about suppressors, such as comparisons, pros, and cons.
Suppressor Sound Range in Ready or Not
The difference between unsuppressed and suppressed weapons is so minimal as to be irrelevant, and might only have a considerable impact on large maps.
Suppressed shots can still be heard in the next room, just as with unsuppressed weapons, but at a slightly shorter range.
Why Use Suppressors or Silencers in Ready or Not?
Though suppressors are not as effective in Ready or Not as one might hope, they still have several advantages that we will cover next.
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The Benefits of Using Suppressors in Ready or Not
- Big Maps: Suppressors in huge maps can play a crucial role as the distance between enemies can be potentially more significant.
- Identification: Using suppressors is an excellent way to identify your teammate’s gunshots to AI enemy gunshots. If all your teammates have suppressors equipped and you hear an unsuppressed shot, PANIC!
- Tacticool: Want it or not, suppressors are fun to use, and it doesn´t matter how much it negatively affects your gun in games; we love to use them because they sound fantastic.
- Higher Damage: Suppressors in Ready or Not have a damage buff compared to unsuppressed weapons. While this damage buff is a good thing, this can be almost irrelevant in a game like Ready or Not, where time to kill is quick.
- Recoil Control: While Suppressor doesn´t offer the best recoil control of the game, they have better stats for this than unsuppressed weapons and some of the muzzle attachments available in the game.
- Hostage Rescue: In the Hostage Rescue game mode, suspects will start killing civilians as they react to sound, and equipping suppressors can be a slight advantage.
The Downside of Using Silencers/Suppressors in Ready or Not
- Small Impact On Sound: Suppressors in Ready or Not have a sound reduction. Yet, unfortunately, it is less impactful than someone would expect. At most maps, they can be irrelevant.
- Better Options: Other options like muzzle brakes can do a much better job of controlling recoil than suppressors if that is what you are looking for in your weapons in Ready or Not.
- Suspects Will Still React to Other Stuff: Suspects in Ready or Not will react to arrests or dead friendlies at extended ranges, even if one shoots a suppressed weapon.
Size Matters: In Ready or Not, suppressors can make it harder for you to pull up and aim your weapon in tight angles, as your character pulls it up when close to a wall. The smaller the weapon, the less likely this can happen. This is a great, realistic effect that makes bullpup weapons and sidearms more effective in close-quarters builds in Ready or Not.
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Suppressor vs. Muzzle Brakes
As mentioned, suppressors have a recoil and damage buff, which is one of their main characteristics.
Unfortunately, muzzle brakes can do a much better job of controlling recoil than suppressors, as seen in the image above.
What to Expect in The Future of Ready or Not
As much as we love this game, how Ready or Not is designed does not do justice to suppressors, as other attachments can easily replace them.
Hopefully, the developers of Ready or Not will notice this and work on a more flexible solution regarding how suspects react to actions to make suppressors more relevant.
The greatest change would be to make shot sounds more audible outside of a room if unsuppressed. Additionally, dealing more realistically with sound from suppressed and unsuppressed weapons with open and closed doors would be great.
Last Thoughts on the Value and Use of Suppressors in Ready or Not
That’s it for our guide to the Suppressor in Ready or Not, and you’ll probably find it useful for your upcoming matches. Remember that it’s up to you how you equip your gun, and at the end of the day, the main objective of any video game is to have fun.
Remember to check out our other Ready or Not guides and articles; we are sure you will find them extremely useful for you and your friends. In particular, you may want to check out our guide to the best weapons in Ready or Not.
Let us know, down below in the comments, what kind of content or topics you would like to see for Ready or Not.
Good Luck, and Stay Frosty!