The Halo series has had some great weapons over the years. However, none have been as controversial as the Mangler. When Halo Infinite was released the Mangler was making waves throughout the community. This weapon was a powerhouse, it could compete with power weapons and it had a quick respawn rate.
The weapon can kill players in 3 shots. It can take down shields in 2 shots, allowing for an easy headshot. But the real danger was being able to melee kill an enemy after one shot. This made it very dangerous and overpowered. However, due to some backlash from players and pros, melee has been changed. The Mangler now requires two shots before you can kill a player with melee.
Let’s continue to learn more about the Mangler in Halo Infinite.
Mangler General Information
- Weapon Type: Pistol/Revolver
- Manufacturer: Brutes
- Ammunition Type: Kinetic
- Magazine Size: 8 Rounds/Spikes
- Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
- Time To Kill (Multiplayer): 3 shots (2 to deplete shield then 1 headshot)
The Mangler is a brute-developed weapon in Halo Infinite. It holds 8 huge spike rounds. With 8 rounds per magazine, you can kill 2 fully shielded opponents. It has a semi-automatic fire rate but still has a slow firing speed. Due to its high recoil, it is advised to fire it at a steady pace to make sure you hit your shots. This weapon is not very effective at damaging vehicles so you are better off using something else if possible.
However, this weapon is a Spartan killer. It can take down an enemy with 2 shots to take down the shields and then one to the head. However, it will take 2 more shots, for a total of 4 if you don’t get a headshot. It is usually best to switch to another weapon once the shield is down for more accuracy.
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Best Maps To Use the Mangler on in Halo Infinite
The Mangler is best on 4vs4 maps but can work on Big Team Battle maps if you can close the distance, but with so many players it may not be worth it. The Mangler spawns on just about every map so you are sure to find it very easily, that is if others haven’t grabbed it first. You want to stay close to medium range with this weapon to be accurate and do the most damage.
Recharge has only one spawn for the Mangler, so both teams will have to fight over it. Teams that control this weapon usually have an advantage. Before the melee nerfs, this map was easy to score kills, especially on objective-based game modes where people have to come to you. You could get easy 1 shot beatdowns. But this map is still great because of the small hallways and corridors.
Bazaar is a symmetrical map and features 2 Mangler spawns. Bazaar is great for this weapon. Staying on the outskirts of the map is ideal for running into players where you can easily kill them. The basement area where the Bulldog shotgun spawns usually has people going down there to grab it. This spot is good for beating down other players.
Live Fire
Much like Respawn, there is only one spawn for the Mangler. The Mangler is near the bunker spawn side. It can be found on the wall near the middle corridor where the power weapon spawns. Live Fire is a good map because you are always at close or medium range. Most battles are never fought at long range. This makes the Mangler very good here and a must-have if you want to secure kills.
Tips and Tricks to Using the Mangler in Halo Infinite
The Mangler is one of the few weapons that can take some time to get used to. It has a slower firing speed, slower bullet travel, and bullet drop at long distances. So for novices, this gun might not be exactly for you. However, these tips should help increase your skill with the Mangler in Halo Infinite.
2 Shot Beatdown
Before the nerf, the Mangler was able to beat down an opponent after one shot. This made the weapon extremely powerful in close-quarters areas. It effectively almost made the shotgun obsolete and was a viable counter to lunging Energy Sword users. However, with the recent changes to melee damage, the Mangler now requires 2 shots in Halo Infinite before you can beat down an enemy. This strategy is still very effective at close range.
Switch To Battle Rifle after You Pop Their Shields with the Mangler in Halo Infinite
Similar to the tip above, switch to the Battle Rifle after popping their shields with 2 shots of the Mangler. This method is more efficient if you are out of melee range. This strategy works great in Ranked Halo Infinite when you start with a Battle Rifle. You can also drop the Mangler in Halo Infinite after depleting their shields to quickly have the Battle Rifle in hand. Dropping weapons are faster than switching.
Aim A Little Higher When Using the Mangler in Halo Infinite
In Halo Infinite, the Mangler has bullet drop. Even in medium-range, you will notice how the projectile will begin to fall. This drop is even more obvious at long ranges. You will need to aim way above the enemy’s head if you want to score a headshot.
You also have to calculate elevation. Depending on if your opponent is on higher or lower terrain, it can get confusing trying to score headshots with the Mangler in Halo Infinite.
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Lead Your Targets
Along with bullet drop, this weapon also has bullet travel. The projectiles take a few milliseconds longer to reach your target. And depending on the distance it may take even longer. So, if you are trying to hit a moving target, be sure to lead them just a tiny bit to make sure you hit your mark.
Even with the season 2 patch changing melee damage across all guns, the Mangler is still one of the best weapons in Halo Infinite. Players will no longer be able to perform the 1 shot beatdown, but the Mangler still has high damage. This makes the Mangler a fantastic support weapon.
It is great at popping shields quickly allowing you to then swap to the Battle Rifle to secure the kill. The Mangler respawn very quickly as well, it is crucial to try and deny the enemy this weapon. To understand which guns in Halo Infinite are worth grabbing and which are worth forgetting, check out our tier list that ranks all of the multiplayer weapons in Halo Infinite.
Do you still use the Mangler even after the small nerf? Sound off in the comments.