One of the fundamental elements of what makes up Halo’s multiplayer is the medal system. It has been a core feature since the early days of the series. These medals can be earned by completing objectives, killing sprees, or sometimes accomplishing incredible feats. Players would receive a commendation medal for their performance, often presented by the community’s beloved announcer: Jeff Steitzer.
Halo Infinite continues this tradition with many classic medals returning. Some even have a new twist on the name. There are even some brand new to Halo Infinite, such as Counter-Snipe. This award is earned for killing someone who is scoped in with the S7 Sniper with your sniper rifle. We will be going through the most challenging medals to obtain in Halo Infinite’s multiplayer: Mythic Medals.
Many medals have been used since the older days of Halo, and fans will recognize a lot of killing spree medals. However, a few have changed, such as Untouchable, earned by killing 20 opponents in a row without dying, is now renamed Nightmare.
Killing Spree & Mode Mythic Medals in Halo Infinite
Icon | Name | Type | Description |
Running Riot | Killing Spree | Kill 15 enemies without dying | |
Rampage | Killing Spree | Kill 20 enemies without dying | |
Nightmare | Killing Spree | Kill 25 enemies without dying | |
Boogeyman | Killing Spree | Kill 30 enemies without dying | |
Grim Reaper | Killing Spree | Kill 35 enemies without dying | |
Demon | Killing Spree | Kill 40 enemies without dying | |
Perfection | Mode | Win a game with 15+ kills and no deaths |
As mentioned previously, a few of the higher tier medals have had some renames, and brand-new medals added to them. The mythic killing spree medals that have gone under new names are:
- Nightmare used to be Untouchable
- Boogeyman used to be Invincible
- Grim Reaper used to be Inconceivable
- The Demon mythic medal used to be Unfriggenbelievable
Multikill Mythic Medals in Halo Infinite
The Multikill medals retained their original name and recognizable art. This is in contrast to the previous list of mythic medals available in Halo Infinite. We are unsure why there have been changes to just the Killing Spree medals and not the Mulitkill medals. In short, long-time fans of the series will likely recognize all the following medals:
Icon | Name | Type | Description |
Overkill | Multikill | Kill 4 Enemies in quick succession | |
Killtacular | Multikill | Kill 5 Enemies in quick succession | |
Killtrocity | Multikill | Kill 6 Enemies in quick succession | |
Killamanjaro | Multikill | Kill 7 Enemies in quick succession | |
Killtastrophe | Multikill | Kill 8 Enemies in quick succession | |
Killpocalypse | Multikill | Kill 9 Enemies in quick succession | |
Killionaire | Multikill | Kill 10 Enemies in quick succession |
Related Article: Learn About the Special Way that KDA is Calculated in Halo Infinite
Mythic Skill Medals
The last set of medals on this list is stylized medals. Medals such as First Strike (Earn the first kill of a match), Bulltrue(Kill an opponent that is lunging at you with their Energy Sword), or the newer medal Combat Evolved(Use a Plasma Grenade to blast a Power Weapon off a weapon pad and catch it). Some of the latest skill-related awards are now added to the list of mythic medals, such as:
Icon | Name | Type | Description |
Ninja | Skill | Kill an enemy by leaping over them and hitting them from behind with melee | |
Quigley | Skill | Kill 2+ enemies with a single S7 Sniper round | |
Fastball | Skill | Kill an enemy with the impact from a thrown grenade | |
Remote Detonation | Skill | Kill an enemy by shooting a grenade |
Of course, these medals are difficult to pull off unless you are a highly skilled Spartan on the battlefield. Since the release of these new skill medals, players have found some easier ways to obtain them somewhat regularly.
How to Get the Ninja Mythic Medal in Halo Infinite
The Ninja medal is often received with the help of the Thruster equipment. Whenever a player is chasing, you can stop dead in your tracks with your back turned and quickly jump while moving backward with the Thruster—hopefully dashing over their head to claim the Ninja medal. You may even find that lunging with the energy sword is a great way to get it as well. If you are successful, the medal will show up in the kill feed in the lower left in a bold yellow, exclaiming whoever died got Ninja’d & “hate to see it.”
Obtaining the Quigley Mythic Medal in Halo Infinite
Quigley is the hardest skill medal to obtain, and there isn’t an effective strategy other than trying to line up multiple headshots. The two opposing towers on the map, Behemoth, both have sniper spawns, often resulting in lots of Counter-sniped medals with the occasional Quigley medal. The Quigley medal also used to be called Snipeltaneous! Quigley is also a likely reference to the movie Quigley Down Under.
Remote Detonation was Updated and is Easier
Remote Detonation is a bit easier now that players have had some time experimenting with how to obtain this medal. All the maps contain grenade weapon pads for players to get Plasma, Spike, or Frag grenades. You can shoot the grenades on their weapon pads to trigger an explosion. Knowing that Halo Infinite’s mythic medal Remote Detonations can now be triggered from idle grenades on the map, like Halo: Combat Evolved makes restocking grenades sometimes deadly.
How to Get the Fireball Medal
Lastly, the Fastball medal is somewhat hard to pull off. Yet, due to the recent nerfs to the Mangler, this medal is more easily farmable. The recent nerf to the Mangler has reduced its extra melee damage down, requiring one bullet and two melee attacks to kill an opponent rather than just one melee. Due to the reduced damage leaving a Spartans HP just low enough to obtain Fastball medals reliably.
Shoot then melee, but instead of adding a second melee or bullet, throw a Frag Grenade directly at your target, and the impact will be just enough to kill them. This small trick is inconsistent, especially with an opponent that’s constantly evading, but Fastballs are more common due to these Mangler nerfs.
That’s all the mythic medals currently in Halo Infinite’s second season, Lone Wolves. Hopefully, more medals will be added in the future, such as the return of weapon spree kills for the Sniper, Energy Sword, or the Shotgun like in past Halo games. As always, good hunting, Spartans!