The Flash Bomb in Hunt Showdown is as the developers describe it a ‘’home made, mercury based, blinding light bomb. Capable of disorienting several targets at once.’’ This consumable is highly used in high MMR matches and super lethal in the right hands. It will blind your opponents with a bright white screen, leaving them unable to react to your next moves. This quick guide will show you how to unlock the flash bomb in Hunt Showdown and then make the best use of it.
This consumable can be thrown and instantly activates on impact. It is one of the best tactical gadgets in Hunt Showdown. It blinds targets for several seconds and will also affect hearing in-game.
How to Unlock the Flash Bomb in Hunt Showdown
Like most of the tools and consumables in Hunt Showdown, there is a condition to unlock the Flash Bomb and here we will tell you how and what is the best and fastest way to do it.
First, we Need to Unlock Concertina Trip Mines
‘’This portable tripwire mine deploys a small concertina bundle perfect for blocking doors and windows. Comes in a pack of two.’ This tactical tool will detonate on contact with any player, friendlies, enemies, or even grunts. Once equipped in the loadout, the player will carry two every match with the possibility of grabbing more in tool boxes.
In order to unlock the Concertina Trip Mines, a player must reach Rank 40.
I Can’t Wait that Long!
Well, our best tip in order to reach Rank 40 faster is to play a lot of quick play and go for kills. This will help you earn XP a lot faster than in a more slowed-paced game mode such as Bounty Hunt. If you want to unlock them while playing with your friends, the best way is to play Bounty Hunt and literally play the objective. Also, keep your eyes open for Bloodline XP’s around the map.
If you want to get farther in each match and have a chance of making it out with the bounty, we recommend checking out our Hunt Showdown beginners guide, or for more experienced players, our list of advanced tips and tricks to make it out alive in Hunt Showdown.
Once You Have the Concertina Trip Mines
Awesome! You unlocked the Concertina Trip Mines, you should have the Flash Bomb now, right? Well, no… This is probably the most tedious part of this as there is one more condition to unlock Flash Bombs in Hunt Showdown.
In order to unlock the Flash Bomb in Hunt, you will need to use any Tactical Gadget item 15 times. Hunt Showdown has three tactical gadgets. They include the Concertina Bomb,the Concertina Trip Mine, and the Flasb Bomb. Since you haven’t yet unlocked the Flash Bomb, you will need to use the Concertina devices to unlock the Flash Bomb in Hunt Showdown.
Concertina Trip Mine
We already mentioned how to unlock this Tactical Gadget, but what is the best way to use it effectively to unlock the Flash Bomb faster? The easiest and simple way, especially if you are forgetful, is to use it as soon as the match starts.
Place your Concertina Trip Mine as soon as you are able to move. Once you place your two traps, keep an eye for tool boxes to have a chance of refilling your mines. If you want to put them to great use, place them in key places where you know there is a high possibility that players will run through. For example, place them in key entrances to the boss lair once you start banishing. Keep in mind that you should let your teammates know about your Concertina Trip Mine placements to prevent them from activating them.
Another tip you can use to unlock the Flash Bomb faster is having the Frontiersman perk, which will allow you to carry 3 Concertina Trip Mines at the same time.
How to Use Concertina Bombs to Unlock Flash Bombs in Hunt: Showdown
Concertina Bombs will detonate on impact and will deploy barbed wire that will cause bleeding on touch. If a player that is already bleeding touches the barbed wire of the Concertina Bomb, the bleeding will escalate.
This Consumable is great for blocking choke points and denying revives on enemy hunters. If you happen to have your path blocked by a Concertina Bomb, the best way to get rid of it is with Slashing attacks (Blunts or stab attacks from hammers, fists or dusters won’t work)
The pitcher is a great perk to carry with Concertina as it will increase the throw distance for any throwable.
Related Article: Interesting Insights Pulled from the Available Hunt: Showdown Lore
How to use the Flash Bomb Effectively
Now that you have the Flash Bomb unlocked in Hunt Showdown, we will provide you with some tips on how to use it effectively.
Hit Markers
If you are unsure of an enemy location, you can throw a Flash Bomb inside. Even if you are not planning to rush in, if a player is hit, you will see and hear a hit marker. This will let you know if there is someone inside a room or not.
Slugs and Flash Bombs Trial Mix (Limited Edition)
This is hands down the best way to use Flash Bombs. Combining a Shotgun with Slugs will make your enemies run into walls as they are blinded like cockroaches being sprayed with insecticide. If you successfully land a Flash Bomb on your enemy and you are carrying a Shotgun, have no hesitation as you will have an overwhelming advantage! Hesitate and you will lose a great opportunity to win a fight.
This has been our step-by-step guide on how to unlock the Flash Bomb in Hunt Showdown and put it to good use. As we like to repeat, all of this will be effective as you practice more, so go on, start a match, die, and repeat. Good luck, good hunt!
If you’d like to learn more great strategies on how to become a better Hunt Legend, check out our detailed guide on how to beat all of the bosses in Hunt: Showdown.