All Vermintide 2 classes have access to three career paths representing the hero’s potential path after the events of Vermintide 1. Today we will focus on the Battle Wizard, the career that sticks close to her ideals as a battle-tested spell caster who excels at horde clear and area denial. This guide will cover both a full Battle Wizard build in Vermintide 2 as well as tips on how to play her well.
Who is the Battle Wizard in Vermintide 2?
Sienna Fuegonasus is the intelligent and wicked Bright Wizard of the Ubersreik five, who brings magic and mayhem to the battlefield with her destructive firepower. Sienna is an addict who is forever torn between her will to control the magic she wields and an irresistible desire to set the world ablaze.
She is fiery-tempered but has a good sense of humor which pairs well with the rest of her companions.
Battle Wizard Skills and Traits
Career Skill: Fire Walk
Sienna teleports forward, leaving a blanket of fire in her wake that lingers for 6 seconds.
Fire Walk is an immensely powerful ability, allowing her to reposition, burn hordes of enemies, or stagger enemies (including Bosses). Fire Walk has lots of utility, making it useful for many situations.
Passive Abilities
- Tranquility: After not casting spells for 6 seconds, automatically ventilates Overcharge.
The Tranquility passive is a main pillar for why Battle Wizard is one of the strongest careers in Vermintide 2 since other careers lack sufficient ways to vent Overcharge passively.
- Reckless Haste: Overcharge increases spell charge speed by up to 30%.
- Pyromantic Surge: Increased range damage by 10%.
The Best Weapons for a Battle Wizard Build in Vermintide 2
All Battle Wizard Melee Weapons
- Sword
- Mace
- Fire Sword
- Dagger
- Crowbill (Requires the Back to Ubersreik DLC)
- Flaming Flail (Requires the Winds of Magic DLC)
Battle Wizard is a ranged-focused class. Therefore, our choice for her melee weapon primarily comes down between three options.
Best Melee Weapon for Battle Wizard
The Fire Sword is easily the best option for Battle Wizard for its heavy attacks help further excel her horde clearing. The Fire Sword’s main strength is the first heavy attack that causes Sienna to lash out with a burning claw that deals a lot of damage but has limitless cleave power, not being stopped by any armor or number of enemies but doesn’t pierce shields. The fire claw also spreads a burning DOT that combos with one of her essential talents we will discuss later on.
The Fire Sword’s other moves are fast and combo well, but the main combat strength comes from using the first heavy attack, then blocking to reset the attack chain. You don’t need to prioritize critical chance for this weapon so we recommend getting attack speed and block cost reduction.
Honorable Mentions for Melee Weapons
If you don’t enjoy the Fire Sword, we have two other recommendations for your battle wizard build in Vermintide 2. The Dagger is an excellent alternative with fast attacks, bleed, and heavy attacks for landing headshots on Elites. Otherwise, if you have the Winds of Magic DLC, we also recommend the Flaming Flail because it’s a great frontline weapon with an amazing heavy attack chain.
However, we typically recommend the Flaming Flail for her Unchained Carrier since this weapon has more offensive traits instead of defensive like the Fire Sword does.
All Ranged Weapons for Your Vermintide 2 Battle Wizard Build
- Fireball Staff
- Flamestorm Staff
- Bolt Staff
- Beam Staff
- Conflagration Staff
- Coruscation Staff (Requires the Forgotten Relics DLC)
Sienna’s ranged weapon is the primary focus of a Battle Wizard. Thus you will be using it more often than your melee weapon. We have another three recommendations to use to excel in her ranged playstyle.
The Best Ranged Weapon for Battle Wizard
The Coruscation Staff is easily the best option for Battle Wizard for the ridiculous amount of damage over time and crowd control in this staff. The Coruscation’s charged attack conjures a miniature vortex of fire at a target location, damaging enemies who come too close to the pillar. The Coruscation Staff is the fastest staff to fully charge and can create multiple vortexes without Overheating; this a fantastic weapon for use in chokepoints or to cull hordes of grouped enemies.
The uncharged attack for the Coruscation Staff is a shotgun that deals a ton of burst damage at the cost of high Overcharge. The primary fire can headshot Elites and Special enemies several times in a single blast, which can drop Storm Vermin or other armored enemies in a single burst. The significant downside to this weapon is it lacks long range, but that isn’t necessary for all situations, and the positives are worth the exchange.
Honorable Mentions for Ranged Weapons
If you enjoy sniping special and elite enemies in Vermintide 2 or just love dealing out huge amounts of burst damage, we recommend the Bolt Staff. The Bolt Staff doesn’t have consistent damage and is mainly used for dealing with Elites or Specials, but it can put out a lot of damage against Bosses. The Bolt Staff deals insane amounts of damage if you can land a headshot with the charged bolt projectile that has an insane amount of range but requires a bit of time to learn.
As for our other recommendation, we suggest using the Beam Staff. It’s not our favorite, but we will not overlook the fact that it has a lot of consistent damage, long range, and deals damage over time. It’s not our favorite because of how the staff aims, but many Sienna mains will argue that it rivals the Coruscation Staff.
Ultimately pick the staff and melee weapon for your Vermintide 2 Battle Wizard build you enjoy the most and base your Talents around the weapon.
Best Battle Wizard Talents to Include in Your Vermintide 2 Build
Level 5 Talents
Confound | Spark Thief | Flame-Fettled |
Staggering an enemy with a melee attack grants Temporary Health. The amount of Temporary Health gained is based on the strength of the stagger. | Killing an enemy with a melee attack grants Temporary Health based on the health of the slain enemy. | Healing yourself with a First Aid Kit or a Healing Draught also heals nearby allies for 20% of their maximum health, also removing any Wounds. |
The Battle Wizard doesn’t have many defensive options and tends to be one of the more squishy characters, so their first talent is crucial. Yet, despite this, she is still highly rated on our ranked Vermintide 2 class tier list.
Since our recommended weapon is the Fire Sword, we suggest taking Confound since the weapon’s heavy attack has a lot of stagger and nearly unlimited cleave. Confound, paired with the first heavy attack on the Fire Sword, allows you to quickly drag your fire claw through hordes of Skaven to build temp health.
Level 10 Talents
Volcanic Force | Famished Flames | Lingering Flames |
Fully charging spells increases their power by 50%. | Increases the damage of Burning effects by 150%. All non-burn damage is reduced by 30%. | Burning effects now last until the enemy dies, but Burning Effects don’t stack. |
For our Vermintide 2 battle wizard build, we recommend using Volcanic Force since the Coruscation Staff already has a fast charge rate, which allows Volcanic Force to easily buff its damage. This increases the base damage of the vortex and the Burning damage over time effects it applies.
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Level 15 Talents
Bulwark | Smiter | Enhanced Power |
Enemies that you stagger take 10% more damage from melee attacks from 2 seconds, and you deal 20% more damage to staggered enemies. Each hit against a staggered enemy adds another count of stagger Bonus damage is increased to 40% against enemies afflicted by more than one stagger effect. | The first enemy hit always counts as staggered, and you deal 20% more damage to staggered enemies. Each hit against a staggered enemy adds another count of stagger. Bonus damage is increased to 40% against enemies afflicted by more than one stagger effect. | Increases total Power Level by 7.5%. |
Enhanced Power is our recommendation since we focus on playing a ranged playstyle rather than melee. Increasing our total power is important since staggering effects don’t increase the damage of ranged weapons. However, if you want to focus more on melee, we recommend taking Smiter instead.
Level 20 Talents
Unusually Calm | Rechannel | Centered |
Tranquility cooldown is reduced to 3 seconds. | When Tranquillity is active, Sienna’s ranged charge time is reduced by 40%. | Increases the venting effect of Tranquillity by 100% |
Rechannel is the strongest option for our build because this talent combos with the Volcanic Force, as mentioned earlier. Rechannel is a great talent for charging a short spell cast before going back into melee. Due to the Coruscation Staff having a quick charge time, Rechannel makes your first cast nearly instant, plus gaining extra power from Volcanic Force.
Level 25 Talents
Soot Shield | Fires from Ash | Immersive Immolation |
Igniting an enemy reduces damage taken by 10% for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. | Killing a burning enemy reduces the cooldown of Fire Walk by 3%. (This ability can only trigger once every 0.5 seconds.) | Hitting 4 or more enemies with one melee attack grants 20% increased attack speed for 5 seconds. |
Since the Battle Wizard class in Vermintide 2 lacks defensive options, we always recommend Soot Shield be included in your build. Previously we mentioned the Flame Sword’s first heavy attack, and the Coruscation Staff applies Burning, so using either weapon will stack Soot Shield quickly when fighting multiple enemies. Gaining 30% damage reduction from one Flame Sword heavy attack or one Coruscation Staff spell cast against three or more enemies is too strong to ignore.
Level 30 Talents
Volans’ Quickening | Kaboom! | Burnout |
Reduces the cooldown of Fire Walk by 30% | Fire Walk’s explosion radius and damage is increased but no longer leaves a burning trail. | Fire Walk can be activated twice within 10 seconds of the first cast. |
Burnout is our favorite talent for Battle Wizard since Sienna’s Fire Walk recharges quickly because of the continuous Burn damage from our build. Additionally, having two charges of Fire Walk allows you to reposition even further, and having two burning trails gives a lot of crowd control. Volan’s Quickening is also a decent option. Still, Burnout is the superior option.
Vermintide 2 Battle Wizard Build & Guide Wrap-up
That’s our build for Sienna’s Battle Wizard career in Vermintide 2. There are a handful of other builds we have tried on Battle Wizard, such as a Bolt Staff build or a Conflagration Staff build, but we found ours to be the best for horde clear. If you enjoyed our Vermintide 2 build and want to learn more about the game, check out our top 10 tips for Vermintide 2 beginners to get better at the game.
For now, Good Hunting!