Say what you will about Fortnite, but there’s no denying the game has a sense of humor.
In our humble opinion, it’s this lack of taking itself seriously that has allowed Epic Games to be very experimental and playful with most of the attributes surrounding the game, the chief one of those being the marketing.
Fortnite’s infiltration into the wider demographic of general pop culture, particularly in one of its core player demographics of children anywhere between 5 to 15, has meant that it’s been able to collaborate with a number of different brands, franchises, and companies that have only deepened it’s well of content.
Whether it’s the mad scientist Rick Sanchez or Reddit users posting their own character concept art, there’s a wealth of mad, crazy, and goofy outfits the game has on offer.
That’s why today, we’re checking out the funniest skins in Fortnite.
Funniest Fortnite Skins Review – Honoroable Mentions
15. Giddy-Up/Yee-Haw!
We start silly, and we’ll only get sillier. The first up is an outfit that has an iconic piece of Fortnite woven into it, that being of course the bright pink, wide-eyed Supply Llama.
However this time, it’s not there to be shattered into confetti and have its goodies pillaged by savages. Both Giddy-Up and the Yee-Haw! Outfits instead have the unblinking mammal inserted into their outfit around their waist. The design gives the illusion that they’re mounting the mighty steed and charging headlong into battle. These hilarious outfits make our funniest Fortnite skins list and use the Spitfire and Headhunter character models, respectively.
A nice little side note, both outfits were the first ever skins to have built-in emotes. That emote was the Glitter Up emote.
14. Candyman
The first on this list is a silly skin that flirts with Fortnite’s love of all things edible. Candyman looks like a sweet guy. Yet, he’ll put a cavity in you before you can even think about taking a bite out of him.
This very funny outfit arrived in Season 1 of Chapter 2 as part of the Wild Hearts set. Candyman is a heart-shaped humanoid who is literally a collection of hearts, both edible and inedible, stacked up in a bipedal form. His hands however are normal. This is good, seeing as it would be quite tough to try and fire an automatic weapon without opposable thumbs.
Just to rub it in, whenever Candyman gets an elimination and takes a player out of the game, his head will do a little flip. It’s a silly and tiny note of mockery to add insult to injury.
13. Guaco
From something sweet to something salty, Guaco is the next in our line up of wacky and goofy characters.
Fortnite references food where it can. Yet, it definitely has a mild obsession with tacos in particular. The game has almost pronounced them as the king of all foods going by the number of times it tries to get them into the game. This is exemplified by the fact that Guaco and his female counterpart Lada exist. They are definitely two of the funniest Fortnite skins you can buy as a food lover.
I’m not certain if both characters are regular humans wearing playful taco masks, or if their heads are indeed actual tacos, but whatever the case, it would be kind of embarrassing to get taken out of the game by a taco-headed human.
Even worse if it’s a human-bodied taco.
12. Crustina
Crustina is the first member of the Tomatohead family on this list. We’ll get to the other one a bit further down. She is just so happy (by the look on her face anyway) to be part of the Battle Royale. She may not really be bothered about the outcome.
This funny skin was part of the Pizzafighters Set that was released in Season 3 of Chapter 2. Crustina is the female version of another outfit with a very high fruit-to-cranium ratio. She has a unique character model and sports an orange and white striped vest top, dark green pants, and brown boots.
Oh and she also has a tomato instead of a head.
Crustina is tied on this funniest Fortnite skins list for the least expensive skin. It comes in at just 800 V-Bucks since her rarity clocks in at Uncommon rather than the usual Epic or Legendary.
11. Bao Bros
According to the lore, these four brothers (even though they technically all come under one outfit but each with a different style) were going to be released in conjunction with the celebration of the Chinese Lunar New Year in 2020, but they were delayed after the Annual Pass concept was shelved.
Bao Bros were skins given to players in China to celebrate the Lunar New Year of 2021. They were one of two skins exclusive to that region, the other being Swift.
The Bao Bros are just like you and me, with the main difference being that their heads are all steamed buns, the sweeter version of its more savory cousin, the dumpling.
The leaders of the Mascots, the four “brothers” are Pork, Beef, Veggie, and Shrimp. All of these very funny Fortnite skins represent different fillings one could have inside the delicious bao buns (the non-sentient ones anyway).
My personal favorite is Veggie, seeing as I’m a sucker for a well-kept ‘tache.
Related Article: The Cutest and Most Kawaii Fortnite Skins
Top 10 Hilarious Fortnite Skins
10. Diamond Hanz – The Funniest Finance Fortnite Skin
He’s all about stocks, stonks, and share prices. It’s nothing personal. It’s just what’s good for business.
For those that don’t know Diamond Hanz’ origins, he was born in 2017 as an internet meme to mock stock traders with the word “Stocks” deliberately misspelled as “Stonks” to insinuate those in the profession had no idea as to what they were actually doing (which to be honest, isn’t too far wrong but that’s a wild tangent not for here).
His name also actually comes from the stock slang term “Diamond Hands”. It refers to someone who refuses to sell despite plummeting losses.
Released as an April Fools Day joke back in 2021, Hanz has a 100% trading record. Yet, unfortunately he doesn’t keep receipts or invoices, so he can’t actually prove it.
Just trust him. You’ll be in safe Hanz.
9. Atlantean Fishstick
Regular Fishstick is a humorous-looking character without a doubt, but it’s the dopey-looking water dweller clad in Atlantean armor that kicks it up a notch.
What makes the Atlantean Guardian so much more of a funny Fortnite skin than his regular self is the beaming look of pride on his face now he’s got a fancy new set of threads to be taken more seriously in.
Arriving in Season 3 of Chapter 2 in the Fishlantis Set (that was brought on by the introduction of Aquaman), this Fishstick dons the armor of Arthur Curry’s homeland (or more accurately, homewater) protectors with his golden chestplate, shoulder guards, and his trident inspired helmet.
8. Tomatohead
The male counterpart to Crustina, Tomatohead wins zero points for subtlety with his name, since he physically has a tomato for a head.
Tomatohead is a staunch believer that pizza is the king of fast food, and is a regular host of pizza parties with the help of Guaco. He’ll team up with any of the food mascots, but he has a deep-seated rivalry with the guys over at Durr Burger and the patty pot-shotter, Beef Boss.
Often found near The Pizza Pit and Pizza Pete’s Food Truck, Tomatohead wears a more or less identical uniform to Crustina, but instead wears the male version.
The main reason why Tomatohead beats out his female companion in terms of ranking on our list of the funniest Fortnite skins? Simple.
That mustache.
7. Tender Defender
He’s a chicken alright, but he’s the toughest chicken you’ll ever meet.
Tender Defender actually has quite a cool story about how he came into existence. It all started with a young fan who went about designing his own character for the game, and produced a drawing that he dubbed “Chicken Trooper”, a fowl so foul, KFC could never tame such a beast.
The boy’s father later posted his son’s drawing on the r/FortNiteBR subreddit to share among the many fans of the game, and it quickly gained traction in the group and began its viral journey.
Another reddit user eventually took the concept of the drawing and made a more complete version of it. They were then contacted via Epic Games themselves and asked if they could design an in-game character to that likeness.
Two months later, the funny and friendly Tender Defender Fortnite skin was virtually hatched into the Item Shop and the rest is history.
6. Ginger Gunner
Three parts jolly, one part terrifying, 100% edible. The Ginger Gunner is ready to spread some holiday fear all year round.
Ginger Gunner emerged piping hot from the oven of outfits in December 2017, right in time for the caroling of Christmas. Very understandable timing considering what the outfit is.
Unfortunately, the Gunner is not an actual Gingerbread Person, but is in fact the Wildcat character model in a seasonally spicy outfit with a Gingerbread Person mask on. Yet she doesn’t have any gumdrop buttons.
The edible gal has three other variants to her design, one being decoration-based and the other a result of overbaking.
She has a frown design to warn you that you’re on her naughty list, and two Burnt versions where her clothing is charred after being left in the oven for too long.
She’ll give you more than toothache, that’s a fact.
5. Kit – A Cute and Funny Fortnite Skin
Conjuring images of Rocket Racoon and Groot, Kit proves that teamwork really does make the dream work.
A reward waiting for players at Level 60 of the Battle Pass in Season 3 of Chapter 2, Kit currently holds his own record. He is the only Fortnite character to have parents within the lore. Meowscles and Lynx are his father and mother, respectively. It was they who bestowed him with his mechanical suit to be able to duke it out in the Battle Royale.
Kit also mimics his dad’s muscular pose, but unfortunately doesn’t quite have the mass that his father possesses. Maybe one day though.
His Happy outfit variant turns him completely white, and his Action skin makes him look terrifying, despite his pint-size stature and 9pm bedtime.
4. Unpeely
There is no one person or living piece of fruit that is more ready for Summer than Unpeely. He’s so cute. Beyond being featured on this list of the funniest Fortnite skins, he even made our list of the most Kawaii Fortnite skins.
A Summer Remix of the original giant banana Peely (who also comes in a tuxedo, gladiator armor, and as a half-zombie), the big yellow guy has shed his skin to chill out and soak up some rays. No one likes a sweaty banana after all.
Unpeely is giving off all kinds of relaxed vibes with his minimal hot weather look. His big orange shades and black/green shorts suit him well, but the cherry on the top of everything (quite literally) is his straw hat that’s had the top ripped out to accommodate his large, potassium-filled frame.
Unpeely doesn’t really go with the flow. He is the flow. We love Fortnite’s best Peely skins, so we created a ranked list just for them.
Top 3 Funniest Skins in Fortnite
3. Rick Sanchez
One of the most iconic animated characters in the modern era that’s up there with the likes of Hank Hill, Homer Simpson, and Garfield when it comes to cartoon fame, the inclusion of Rick Sanchez into Fortnite was a stroke of genius from a marketing perspective.
Being a borderline antagonist in the popular cartoon series Rick and Morty due to his narcissistic personality, Rick has absolutely no problem disintegrating anyone and anything since he’s been doing that across multiple dimensions and universes to any number of alien species.
Rick’s look remains faithful to his animation roots, and as a result he retains a slightly rounder and bolder look than most other characters.
Sadly, you’ll have to make do with standard, human form Rick, as Pickle Rick is not an option.
I know. We’re very upset too.
2. Funniest Fortnite Skins Runner-Up – Fabio Sparklemane
Known in the lore as the official mascot of the Unicorn Flakes cereal, who (again according to the rather in-depth and off-the-wall lore of the game) is “cursed” to sell the aforementioned cereal for eternity.
To quote the Flake That Music pack via the official game’s wiki:
“it’s said that “The hoof is a curse that must be obeyed,” implying that “Unicorn Flakes” turn people into Unicorns who can’t escape, doomed like Fabio Sparklemane. The unicorns are then forced to sell “breakfast powered from the depths/Until the monster wakes.””
Despite this darkly comedic approach, Fabio Sparklemane is as a majestic beast as you’d expect from a unicorn, especially one with a six-pack. He comes in six different varieties: Golden Crunch, Flame Roasted, Blue Rune, Purple Rune, and Golden Rune.
All Rune variants turn him from a lucious pink to a deep black with the colour of the rune changing his shirt colour. Golden Crunch makes him solid gold with an aqua glitter jacket, and Flame Roasted makes him look like an equestrian Guy Fieri.
1. The Funniest Fornite Skin – Beef Boss
The Head Honcho. The Top Pickle. The Big Cheese(Burger). He’s got V-Bucks, power, influence, but most importantly, toppings. He defenitely deserves the top spot on our survey of the funniest Fortnite skins.
Head of Durr Burger, Beef Boss is the driving force behind the company’s battle for fast food dominance in the world of Fortnite. The patty-domed executive sees it as his mission “to defend the land from lesser quick-service restaurants. Prove yourself an ally, and he’ll have no quarrel with you”.
The arch-nemesis of Tomatohead and his ilk, Beef Boss despises those who would dare choose cheesy bread discs over the obvious hunger-quenching qualities of a hearty burger.
With his team of Sgt Sizzle, Onesie, Sizzle, and Grill Sergeant at his side, he’s ready for a hostile takeover of Epic (Meal Time) proportions. He’s even got his own glider. You should never challenge a man who has his own glider. That’s just common sense.
Final Thoughts
We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of the most silly and funny Fortnite skins. What do you think of our picks? Do you love any other hilarious skins that we should consider adding? Let us know what your top choices are in the comments below.
And, if you’ve enjoyed this survey of the most hilarious skins in Fortnite, we hope you’d check out some of our other skins review. In particular, we think you’ll enjoy our anime Fortnite skins review.