Attention gamers of the night, heed our call, for tonight we’re hunting down all the PS4 games about vampires. We’re not shying away from our opinions; today’s list ranges from the crème de la crème to the absolute bottom of the barrel. So settle in!
Which Vampire Games Are the Best and Worst on the PS4?
A quick heads up before we start: Some of the games we’ll discuss will be included as a whole if they’re a two-parter or a trilogy. Basically, if there are two or three games in a series and they play exactly or very close to each other, we’ll count them as one.
We’ve scoured 13 games from the recesses of the PlayStation library of vampire games to bring you our selection. Grab a bag of popcorn and a drink. Let the roasting and praising begin cause we’re not wasting time and jumping into our picks immediately. Here we go!
13. Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars – The PS4 Vampire Game, Which is A Steaming Pile of Garbage
No point in delaying the inevitable; let’s rip the band-aid off in one motion and talk about Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars. This vampire game on PS4 will drain your soul and make you question your love for gaming.
The game makes you pretend you’re a vampire by bombarding you with an interface of cards. Instead of actually joining the action, all the work goes into prep, and then the slow interface and outright dull nature of combat sours whatever fun elements Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars has.
Boring Gameplay Loop, Make Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars, A PS4 Vampire Game in Name Only
The enemy A.I. is extremely lifeless, and no significant changes occur, even in Sandbox mode. The combat feels unnecessarily tedious since positioning also takes up a turn, which makes the wait even more painfully long. The payoff isn’t worth the effort. A good example of a Sandbox game done right is Minecraft; check our guide for its server issues.
Do yourself a favor, and don’t play Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars if you want to avoid losing your hair at a young age, or your mind for that matter. It’s quite possibly the worst PS4 vampire game we’ve ever had the chance to play.
12. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing – Who’s This For? Certainly Not For PS4 Vampire Game Fans
Oh, joy, another vampire game on PS4 that belongs in the vault of gaming abominations that should never see the light of day. We’re referring to the horrendous Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. If you like this game, more power to you, but for us, it was bloody awful.
The game has plenty of problems, but the main one is that the gameplay is far from impressive. When you factor in the genericness of everything, there’s not one good time that stands out in a positive light.
Spamming Over Strategy is the Way to Go, Which Gets Really Old Real Fast
Here’s the deal with the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing; you see, the rinse-and-repeat strategy feels flat. There’s no real engagement in this PS4 vampire game, and it’s nothing more than a spam-fest and hoping for the best. Oh yes, there are also glitches to contend with, like hits on enemies not registering. Yeah, avoid this one like the plague.
11. Evil West – A Vampire Game on PS4 With Much Potential That Goes to Waste
Our disappointment stems from games that offer unique ideas and premises but ultimately fail to capitalize on them. Such is the case with Evil West, an exceptionally brilliant merger of ideas, but gameplay-wise, it’s like the devs shot themselves in the foot. The entirety of the gameplay feels like a half-measure, and you will tire of it really quickly.
A Poor Progression System, Lack of Co-op in Certain Missions, Plus Bugs Galore Hamper Evil West
Imagine a game where you level up, but there’s hardly any difference in your power; that’s Evil West’s progression system. You’re as powerful as a toothpick in comparison to your enemies. Also, the complex control layout, info dump of combos, and Evil West’s punishing difficulty make for a trifecta of development errors in this PS4 vampire game.
For a more straightforward Western game that has narrative nuances and gameplay with refinement, we recommend playing Red Dead Redemption 2 instead. It doesn’t have vampires but Read Dead Redemption 2’s game length will leave you wanting more.
10. Vampire: The Masquerade – The New York Bundle – More Like Two PS4 Games Where You Talk
Next up, we have two visual novel games set in the Vampire: The Masquerade verse. They’re part of a package deal, but really that’s a sorry excuse to say there are reused assets and art between the two PS4 vampire games. We say games, but they’re mostly stills with minimum input aside from the choices in dialogue.
Both Vampire Masquerade: The Coteries of New York and Shadows of New York are independent of each other. Though it hardly matters, as you’ll quickly lose interest, all thanks to poor writing, predictable twists, and no sense of immersion.
Reading Texts of Dialogue Will Feel Tedious and Tiresome
The visual novel format is not for fans of action-heavy games. You’re talking, solving cryptic riddles, and trying not to doze off. The game is like a kid trying to act like an adult; it won’t ever come across as anything remotely believable. There are far better social simulation games that offer more depth, like our top 6 dating simulator games.
9. Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon 1 and 2 – PS4 Vampire Games Which You Can Hardly Enjoy
Okay, now we’re getting a reaction out of people with this entry. The problem with the two PS4 vampire games, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon and Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2, is that they feel like afterthoughts.
We’re not blowing hot air either because our theory checks out since the first game was a kickstart side goal. They’re put together at the last minute and with little to no thought process about how the experience for gamers shapes up.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 1 and its Sequel, Are Side Games, and It Shows
The side-scrolling platforming is our jam, but even we have limits. Seriously, the games are outrageous even by metroid-vania standards. The input lag is the cherry on top which can kill your momentum and ruin any enjoyment you might feel.
The result of the oversights is that both PS4 vampire games suffer from severe difficulty imbalance. Before any of the get-good elites act up, we’re not speaking ill of Bloodstained Curse Of The Moon 1 and 2 lightly because we’re actually fans of hardcore retro games. If you don’t believe us, check out our top 32 Game Gear games list as evidence.
8. Vampire: The Masquerade Swansong – Another Case of Innovation Not Panning Out
A vampire game on PS4 that’s style over substance is the perfect way to describe Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong. Don’t get us wrong; we were slightly hopeful that the new style of story-orientated gameplay might be the fresh start the series needs.
As it turns out, we’re much better off going with the list of best story-driven games instead. Here’s why we think you’re better off skipping the game.
Identity Crisis and Poor Painfully Slow Traversal Design Choice Weigh Down Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong
The biggest hurdle against Vampire: The Masquerade Swansong is its indecisiveness. We love David Cage’s story-telling technique with intrigue and strong hook, but this game is missing all of it. Instead, we get three playable characters with little to no personality and NPCs with hilariously haunting facial features.
You can get stuck in the nefarious corridors next to electrical switch boxes. The PS4 vampire game also has horrible traversal. You’ll find out by chance or mid-game about sprinting; even then, it’s mind-numbingly slow. Don’t play this game; We recommend playing an excellent RPG, Skyrim, where sprinting is easy.
7. Code Vein – Anime Dark Souls, Nuff Said!
Oh, thank goodness, we’re halfway into our list of top PS4 vampire games. Now we focus on the good ones, and for an excellent entry-level vampire game, we highly recommend Code Vein. To sum up Code Vein, we say anime-style visuals meet a tame version of Dark Souls, plus a dash of edginess for that vampiric flavor.
Phenomenal RPG Mechanics, Narrative, and Gameplay Make Code Vein an Excellent Vampire Game on PS4
RPG titles are aplenty nowadays, but few have that special quality that sticks out and draws players in. Code Vein is one of those RPGs, but it’s also a PS4 vampire action-heavy game. It satiates our craving for video game combat and provides the right amount of challenge and enjoyment. Just skip the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood if you can.
The A.I companion and character class switching on the fly is a big help. The story is also quite compelling, and the inclusion of weapons and gear systems feels welcoming instead of overwhelming. We love Code Vein; it’s an awesome mashing of video-game and anime, like the terrific Fire Emblem games.
6. BloodRayne: Terminal Cut 1 + 2 – A Triumphant Remaster of the Vampire Games on PS4
Ah, now here’s a blast from the past we can get behind. The fearless, intense, and hot vampiress Rayne returns to the PS4 in this remaster of the original games. Both BloodRayne Terminal Cut 1 and 2 feature upscaled graphics and that original magical vibe.
Solid Gameplay With Stylish Combat and Seamless Transition Between Melee and Ranged Combat in 3D Action
BloodRayne Terminal Cut 1 and 2 are action-adventure titles that offer highly addictive combat. Players fill in the shoes of Rayne against several nazi soldier enemies. Her movement is sublime, where Rayne pounces, somersaults, and vaults over enemies gracefully.
She can also reel in enemies using chains before slicing them up or shooting them point blank. There are lots of creative ways to dish out punishment to enemies. Both titles are actual authentic vampire games on PS4 that deserve way more love, so go play them. For more suggestions of similar titles, check out our list of adventure games like God Of War.
5. Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night – A Gorgeous and Endearing PS4 Vampire Game
Now we’re entering the territory where modern and classic styles collide to bring fantastic vampire games on PS4. The game which perfectly exemplifies this concept is Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night.
Fluid Animation, Colorful Aesthetic, and Satisfying Combat Are Highlights of Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night
The major highlight of Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night is the game’s Castlevania inspiration. There are tons of secrets to uncover, levels to revisit, and enemies to slay while looking fashionable with the protagonist Meriam. Her accessories aren’t for show only, as they serve as boosts for her abilities and skills.
A favorite weapon in the game we love seeing in action is the Night Valkyrie Sword. The animation in Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night is stellar, making it an absolutely endearing PS4 vampire game.
4. Resident Evil: Village – The PS4 Game Famous for Zombies Now Has Vampires
Surprise! A Resident Evil isn’t the top pick. Sorry, but hey, that doesn’t mean the game’s not good; in fact, Resident Evil Village is one of the most fun games on PS4 with vampires.
Open-World Structure, Tense Situations, and Terrifying Enemies Make Resident Evil Village Stand Out
Let’s face it; a Resident Evil game will never truly change the formula because it’s already doing wonders. With Resident Evil Village, you get the modern rendition of the survival horror formula with a PS4 game with vampires.
The fully explorable environments, enemies that can appear at any second, and an unsettling ambiance throughout will keep players on edge. You won’t feel disappointed with Resident Evil Village; we highly recommend it. For more suggestions within the same ballpark on PlayStation 4, check out our 7 best horror adventure games like Until Dawn.
3. BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites – The Gaming Return of an Iconic Vampire on PS4
BloodRayne makes another crimson splash on our list of PS4 vampire games. This time around, the game brings a whole new vibe, with a more upbeat visual and more anime-esque style.
Like Code Vein from a little earlier on, BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites is right up our alley, as we’re massive geeks for all things anime and gaming. In fact, our love for anime runs deep; you can check out our friend’s review of Fortnite’s anime skins as proof.
We Love the Fast-Pace 2-D Hack and Slash Action and Traversal With the Game’s Adorable Art Style
The cartoony art style of BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites might give a false impression that the violence is considerably tame, but that’s not true. The action is intense and more rapid than in previous entries, and we love the PS4 vampire game all the more for it.
2. Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night – The Classic Vampire PS4 Game is Our Runner-Up
This is the final stretch; we’re at the number 2 spot on our list of PS4 vampire games. No other game deserves this honor more than Castlevania: Symphony Of the Night.
The progenitor of the vampire games into the mainstream, the Castlevania series of games will always hold a special place in gamers’ hearts. Here’s what makes Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night, in particular, so special.
Hardcore Combat and Hidden Secrets of Dracula’s Castle Await Players
Right off the bat, Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night hits players will a dose of adrenaline and nostalgia. As soon as the signature track, Bloody Tears kicks in, you will be pulled into the game with full focus. As for the combat and traversal, the more you play, the better you get.
The game has endless replay value and one of the best twists in video game history that holds up even today against other PS4 vampire games. Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night is a true test of platforming skills. Our top 8 platforming games are perfect if you’re looking for alternatives that emphasize traversal and platforming.
1. Vampyr – The Overall Best Vampire Game on PS4
The last entry of the best vampire games on PS4 is sure to raise a few eyebrows. Don’t worry; we’re perfectly ready for the reaction, so come at us! Anyway, Vampyr is the definitive vampire game on Sony’s PlayStation 4.
Choices and Consequences, Multiple Endings, and Versatility Propel Vampyr at Our List’s Top Slot
Vampyr is a game that truly feels like an authentic vampire game because it’s not a power fantasy. Sure, players can go on a murder spree, killing and feeding on everything they see, but they can also use subtlety and stealth. Not giving into the base vampire nature and resisting the urge helps Vampyr stand out.
There are nuances and layers to the narrative, amplifying the enjoyability and creating morally complex dilemmas. In fact, while not even remotely close to its Shakespearean style of delivery and the scope of its writing, Vampyr is a small throwback to Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver games. We believe presently, Vampyr is the best PS4 vampire game around
Final Thoughts on the Vampire Games on PS4
Ah, well, time sure flies when indulging in your favorite hobbies, see? We’re already at the end of our list ranking all PS4 vampire games. We hope our list proves helpful in picking out a game you’ve not tried before. So, let us know your thoughts on our picks today. Was the number 1 pick predictable? Well, sometimes, the numbers do not lie.
Also, for the love of all you hold dear, stray away from the stinkers if you value your time and sanity. Or, you know, continue playing whatever game makes you happy. So, how would you rearrange our list, or if you could remove one game and add another, which would those be? For more PS4 gaming suggestions, check out our top 4 PS4 truck games. Until next time, stay safe and happy gaming!