Marauders is one of the newest entries in the looter shooter genre of FPS games, set in a fascinating gritty diesel-punk world that brings a welcome mix-up to other popular games like Escape from Tarkov. One of the main ways to progress in Marauders, besides looting better weapons and gear, is by completing daily contracts. In this guide, we will show you all the current daily contract locations that are available in early access since most contract objectives can be challenging to find.
What do Daily Contracts give You?
Completing daily contracts will reward you with several different rewards. Each contract will reward you with experience, money, weapons/armor, and, most importantly, trader reputation. Four different traders for the different factions include the Central Empire, United Allies, Kingdom Alliance, and the Pirates. Each of these traders will have different weapons and armor stocked, and increasing your reputation with them will expand their shop and give you a small discount.
However, each trader will cycle out around 15 minutes, giving you access to only one trader at a time. Rest assured that no matter what trader you are dealing with, your items will sell for the same price regardless of whether your reputation is high or low.
All Daily Contract Locations in Marauders
In this section, we will go through every single Daily Contract in Marauders. Where we can, we will provide images to help you identify exactly where to look or go to complete your mission.
Crop Production
Examine the Terraformer production manifest as shown in the image above.
The production manifest is found in the research area on Terraformer. The Manifest is located in the center building of the dome, with catwalks connecting to its second floor. You can find the Manifest on a table on the ground floor next to some test tubes and a microscope. Once you interact with the manifest at this location, you will complete this daily contract from Marauders.
Examine the list of Spaceport Bank transfers.
The Vault is located next to the Bar area on Spaceport. There is a counter with a red notebook outside the Spaceport Vault. You don’t need a lockpick to access the bank transfers; you can use the book over the counter.
Vault Intel
Reach the Spaceport Vault.
The Spaceport vault is right next to the counter where you complete the Payday counteract we mentioned above. You do not need to enter the Vault to complete this quest. Simply stand in front of the Vault door for 30 seconds.
Papers Please
Read the Manifest located in the Spaceport Admin Office.
The Admin Manifest can be found on the desk in the Admin Office, located on the second floor of the Bar in the center of the Spaceport. The Admin Office is also across the Medical Room.
Meat Receipt
Inspect receipt in the Spaceport meat shop.
In Spaceport, there is a section with bright red neon signs that says ‘Meat.’ Go into the meat section, and there will be a small table with papers scattered on it next to hung-up slabs of meat. It is this location that you seek in order to complete this Marauders daily contract.
Shopping Tour
Examine the Spaceport cargo report.
Between the Bar and the meat section on the Spaceport, there is a raised office building made out of sheet metal marked “Cargo.” There is a table with a few documents you need to interact with to complete the contract.
Astro Mechanic
Repair the Space Station Frigate fuel system.
On Spaceport, you can find a Heavy Frigate docked in the middle of the Spaceport. The ship is located next to a giant oil tank; simply interact with the red valve on the front of the ship.
Security Detail
Hold the Asteroid Mine Security Office.
The Security Office is found on the top floor of the Asteroid Mine, along the main road near some abandoned trucks. You will need a lockpick to enter the safe room since the office is behind a locked door. To complete the quest, you need to stay in the locked office area for one minute, or else the contract will be incomplete.
Air Production
Activate the Asteroid Mine air processor.
On Asteroid Mine, you can find the Air Processing room between the Furnace and the Cafeteria. Inside the room, you will find a big red lever labeled AIR; interact with it for five seconds to complete the contract.
Furnace Operators
Examine the furnace workers.
You can find the Furnace room between Air Processing and the Cafeteria on Asteroid Mine. There are plenty of pre-spawned bodies in front of the Furnace you can check. However, to complete this Marauders daily contract, you must be in a specific location by the bodies over the Furnace to interact with them. Looting the bodies isn’t enough. Check your quest progress in the raid to ensure you completed the bounty.
Brigand Service
Deliver the Asteroid Mine Foreman’s Ring
The Foreman’s Ring can be located in the Foreman’s Office at the bottom of the Asteroid Mine. You can take the stairway down from Air Processing, the stairs in the tunnels, or the broken elevator in Furnace. The gold ring should be on the desk or next to the locked safe. The Gold Ring only spawns once per raid and can be collected early to turn into instantly complete this contract.
Light Recon
Reach the Asteroid Mine drill pit.
To complete this contract, you must stand next to the drill at the bottom of the Asteroid Mine. You can find the drill on the lower level of the mine next to the Foreman’s Office.
Mineral Mania
Deliver an Asteroid Nickel Ore sample.
The Nickel Ore sample can be found in a tiny cave underneath the Foreman’s Office on Asteroid Mine. The small cave will have two dead bodies, a gun, and a Nickel Ore sample sitting on a white tarp. Like the Gold Ring, only one or two pieces of ore can spawn per raid.
Salvage Duty
Activate the Capital ship distress beacon.
To complete this daily contract for your progress in Marauders, you must board a Capital Ship and locate the radio room. The radio room is upstairs next to the captain’s room. You must interact with the space in front of the two consoles to complete the contract. For more useful insights on how to breach and board enemy ships in Marauders, check out our linked guide.
Merchant Piracy
Hold the Merchant Ship bridge.
Like Capital Ships, Merchant Frigates have a chance of spawning in any raid. The bridge can be found on the side of the ship, indicated by the red balcony, which has a control room inside. It is this location that you need to hold to complete this Marauders daily contract.
Easier Marauders Daily Contract Quests
The remaining quests are far more straightforward to complete and don’t require location-specific requirements.
Bag Maker
Deliver 3 Folded Light Bags
You can craft Light Bags or find them as drops from higher-ranking NPCs. The contract specifies that you need to fold them by right-clicking on the bag and selecting the “Fold Bag” option.
War Economy
Deliver 3 Metal Sheets.
You can find Metal Sheets on every map, and one stack can hold up to five. We recommend taking Metal Sheets, often turning your runs, since you will constantly need them for this contract, and they are required for the Zero to Hero main Marauders questline.
Sidearm Inventory
Gather 3 1911 pistols
You need the 1911 Stamp Variant for this contract, which you can craft. There’s also a low chance of finding them off high-ranking NPCs, but it’s significantly more manageable to craft them. This is a great daily quest, as we’ve found the 1911 pistol to be one of the best sidearms in Marauders and well worth using.
Head Protection
Gather 3 M1 helmets.
You can find these helmets on elite raiders, inside Vaults, or in the Navy Outpost. You can also craft these helmets, but they require fiber to make, which can be difficult to gather.
Call Home
Deliver 3 Transmitters
Transmitters can be found in multiple places but are somewhat rare to find. Some notable spawn locations to go to complete this Marauders daily contract quest are the administration office on Spaceport, the foreman’s office on Asteroid Mine, or sometimes in areas that require a lockpick to access.
Fuel Shortage
Deliver a Motor Oil can.
Motor Oil can be found on nearly every map, but the best place to acquire some is Spaceport. There are some massive red oil tanks on the lower levels of the Spaceport, and Motor Oil is often found around the oil tanks or in nearby crates. Be prepared if you are hunting for Motor Oil since this item takes up four slots in your inventory.
Coin Collector
Gather 8 copper coins
Copper coins are fairly common and can be found in locked safes or NPC corpses. You can also find a lot of copper coins inside Vaults. It’s worth mentioning that you can prematurely prepare for this contract by stacking extra copper coins in your inventory.
Boom Relay
Destroy a Radar Tower.
You can find Radar Towers outside most raid locations. Radar Towers are defenseless and take a few shots from the Rustbucket’s gun to take them down. This is the easiest Marauders Daily Contract.
Clear Path
Destroy 4 Space Mines.
This is one of the easiest Marauders Daily Contracts. Space Mines are found floating around outside most raid locations and can blow up with one shot from the Rust Bucket.
Cull Cattle
Kill 8 Raiders.
You can commonly find Raiders in the Spaceport, Asteroid Mine, or Terraformer. Another extremely easy Marauders Daily Contract that doesn’t need to be completed at a specific location.
Silent Assassin
Kill 6 personnel with the Welrod.
Other simple Marauders Daily Contract; simply kill any NPC with the Welrod pistol.
Pirate King
Kill one Marauder.
You will probably complete this Daily Contract without even knowing it since its objective is to simply kill one other player.
Pistol Training
Kill 12 Marauders enemies with the Mauser m712 Pistol.
This is another extremely easy Daily Contract in Marauders since the Mauser can be purchased from the trader or commonly found on NPCs.
War Effort
Kill 1 Navy Commando.
Navy Commando’s are elite NPCs found only in the most difficult areas, such as the Capital Ship. Currently, these are the toughest foes in Marauders, often equipped with Panzer armor and the best weapons in Marauders.
Wrapping Up our Guide to Marauders’ Daily Contracts and Other Missions
That’s our guide on the different locations for the Daily Contracts in Marauders. Marauders is still in early access, and more contracts will likely be added in the future when more maps are introduced. If you’re new to Marauders and looking for some tips to get started, check out our starting guide. Good Hunting, Marauders!