Since the introduction of Deep Rock Galactic’s first season, Rival Incursion, players have encountered a few new season events down in the caves of Hoxxes. One of the more recent and challenging Season Events in Deep Rock Galactic is the Rival Communications Router, which involves multiple hacking nodes to disable enemy communications.
How to Disable the Rival Communications Router in Deep Rock Galactic
This Seasonal Event is different from fighting the Prospector or defending the Data Deposit. Rather than calling down your hacking assistant drone, Hacksy, you will need to disable it yourself. A new hacking mini-game has been added in DRG’s second season for situations where you encounter a Turret Controller Unit.
For those who haven’t experienced it yet, the Turret Controller Unit is surrounded by various Rival Tech turrets that safeguard an area. If you reach the Turret Controller Unit, you can play a hacking mini-game. That mini-game involves joining two cables of the same color and then cutting a marked weak point. If you successfully cut all the wires quickly, you will disable the surrounding turrets permanently.
The Rival Communications Router in Deep Rock Galactic shares the same new hacking mini-game as the Turret Controller Unit. Yet, it involves a timer, meaning you have very little time to do so. The Communications Router is surrounded by multiple small Antenna Nodes, which you need to disable.
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Walkthrough of the Rival Communications Router Event
You start the Communications Router event by cracking all three corners on the Router, and then one random Antenna will begin to glow purple. When an Antenna radiates purple, it means this is the one you must hack. You will also come under fire by Patrol Bots and Shredders during the event, as usual during any Rival Tech event.
You have under 15 seconds to complete the hacking mini-game on one Antenna. If you are successful, then Antenna will be disabled, and a new one will start to glow shortly afterward. Repeat the disabling process up to five times and the Rival Communications Router will be disabled. After that, the Data Core inside will be yours. However, if you take too long to disable the Rival Communications Router altogether, it will explode. And, as a result, the Data Core inside will be destroyed. Set up and take note of your surroundings before starting the timer on this Seasonal Event.
Tips to Complete with Each Class of Dwarf
Before starting the event, there are some preparations you can start to make the task easier for you. The Antenna Nodes for the Communications Router can be a bit randomized. Sometimes all the Antenna Nodes are spread out or nice and compact in a small room. We will help you take out the rival communications router in Deep Rock Galactic using each of the different classes in the game.
Using the Engineer Class to Take Out the Rival Comm Router in Deep Rock Galactic
Whichever the case is, Engineer’s platform gun can assist you in giving you a stable platform to stand on while the hacking commences. These platforms can be extra helpful if a few Antenna Nodes decide to spawn high up on the ceiling. Engineer’s turrets also help with this event. Since you cannot fire while hacking, the turrets are an excellent tool to keep Shredders off your back while hacking.
Using the Scout Class
Scout is the best class for this Seasonal Event because of his high movement with the Grappling Hook. Scout’s ability to cross large distances makes him the best pick for quickly reaching the different highlighted Antenna Nodes. Combined with Engineer’s platforms that we just mentioned, this setup is a breeze to move between Antenna Nodes.
Beating the Rival Communications Router Event with the Gunner Class
The Gunner is less effective at supporting the hacking process than the other dwarfs we have previously mentioned, but he still has his uses. The gunner can still provide covering fire just like any other dwarf, but if enemies swarm too much, his Shield Generator can completely cover an Antenna Node, giving whoever is hacking complete cover for a short time. Unfortunately, Gunner doesn’t have enough generators to cover every Antenna Node, so use your shields wisely.
How to Use the Driller to Pass this Event
Lastly, Driller also falls into the same situation as Gunner, but he still has his strengths. If you brought the Flamethrower with you, all Heat damage overheats and quickly destroys Patrol Bots and Shredders. However, Antenna Nodes are rarely completely covered. This makes the Engineer’s platforms a better tool for this job.
If you have at least one fellow dwarf, or an entire party watching your back, these Rival Communication Routers will go down fast. However, the order in which we listed these dwarf’s usefulness while hacking can become more noticeable if you are playing solo.
Wrapping Up Our Guide to Completing the Rival Communications Router Event in Deep Rock Galactic
That’s our short guide on disabling the Rival Communications Router in Deep Rock Galactic. While setup, and team management, are the easy parts, the hacking mini-game is where the real difficulty is. Sadly, there aren’t a lot of tips on how to improve the hacking mini-game other than simple practice.
If you struggle with the new variant of the hacking mini-game, you can practice on the Turret Controller Units since they have no timer. The only threat about the Turret Controller Units is getting to them to practice since turrets surround them. That’s all for now, and as always, Rock and Stone, fellow Dwarfs!