Howdy, Xbox fanboys! Are you in the mood for ranking all Xbox 360 zombie games? We know we sure are because the question is eating us alive! Much like how the zombies eat brains!
Anyway, we’re feeling the case of nostalgia and fondness for our Xbox 360 game retro collection. We decided to address the issue and finalize the definitive ranking of all zombie games for the Xbox 360.
Which Games Are The Worst & Best Zombie Games On Xbox 360?
There will be bias and personal preferences at play whenever there’s a ranking list. We will briefly review every zombie game under the sun for the console, which means it’s a long haul. Strap yourselves in, and keep the outrage until you’ve reached the end of our list.
Full Disclosure: The game’s ranking will be in a slightly different format. Since we’ll cover many games, this new system will help classify them more efficiently. Another thing, some of the games might not have zombies specifically, but their replacements serve the same purpose.
Also, many games we’re about to cover aren’t exclusive to Xbox 360, but since they’re on the platform, we’re counting them on our list. Another important thing is we’re counting full AAA games, only major indie stuff, but nothing else, as that would prolong the list unnecessarily. We won’t include Undead Nightmare for Red Dead Redemption, as that’s not canon and isn’t a complete game.
Okay, we think that’s enough small talk, time to dive right into the list and get on with the show.
The Worst Of The Zombie Games Bunch On Xbox 360
Okay, this is the tweaked format we discussed earlier; basically, all the bad games will be listed here first. So then, ready to find out which games are the worst on our list?
34. Rise Of Nightmares – The Worst Zombie Game Ever On Xbox 360
Keeping it short and simple with this one, Rise Of Nightmares showed promise but then killed it. The essentiality of the Kinect accessory is what most gamers loathed about the game. Rise Of Nightmares is the worst zombie game experience for the Xbox 360, which is a shame.
The story of Rise Of Nightmares is from multiple character perspectives, and players will control them at different stages. The main character is Josh, an alcoholic, and you know what? After you’ve played the story, you’ll need a drink to process the mind-bending twists. Anyway, the point is, the game’s story is top-notch, and the gameplay is utter garbage.
33. Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Have you ever considered why Resident Evil is popular? Is it the survival horror aspect? Is it because of the scarce resources and infinite undying zombies coming after you? We think it’s a combination of both. What happens when you remove those elements and replace them with a generic by-the-numbers walking simulator? A sheer steaming pile of hot garbage, that’s what.
There’s hardly any tension in Resident Evil Revelations 2. As much as we love seeing Claire return in this game, even she can’t save this horrendous game. It’s better to skip this one, folks.
32. Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2 improves the series formula and eliminates the dire time constraints, but you can play at your own pace. The game’s controls feel janky, and there is greatness within Dead Rising 2, but there is an evident lack of polish. Also, the lack of Frank West is not helping players feel invested.
Dead Rising 2 will feel fun only after you’ve stopped caring for the priority quest. It’s dumbfounding how Capcom makes such incredibly stupid mechanics in their games. We are never playing this game again; sorry to all its fanboys and staunch defenders.
31. Deadlight
Okay, we’ll admit it. The game caught us by surprise with its immersive aesthetic. We got hooked, but after playing the game, we realized how tedious it was. We’ve lost a couple of hours playing this nonsense, and that’s the real tragedy, not the game’s story.
The puzzles are challenging without so much as a hint of what to do, and if you die, you have to start the level from the beginning. We were not prepared for the sheer madness of it all, nor are we plan on going through it again. Deadlight is a hard pass for us.
30. Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil games leaning toward action-heavy themes isn’t a high point for us fans of OG Resident Evil. Instead of seeing the error of their ways, Capcom, in their wisdom, decided to go all in. They turned Resident Evil 5 into a full-blown action shooter game. The fandom outcry was immense.
The gameplay of Resident Evil is uninspired and relies too much on Call Of Duty-style moments. The story feels dull, and the lead characters fail to carry this game into mildly interesting territory. We will admit, though, Albert Wesker is the show-stealer, and his personality is always enjoyable. If we ever play Resident Evil 5, it’s for Albert Wesker.
29. The Walking Dead: Survival Instincts
Talk about cash-grab, huh? The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is the textbook definition of a game trying way too hard. Nothing even remotely resembling the popular comic book or tv show of the same name. The game is a flat-out disgrace to fans of The Walking Dead and first-person perspective games.
Before any of its fanboys come to us with facts like the game’s voice actors being from the tv show, we tell them we know and we don’t care. The game is bare-bones, and there’s nothing that makes us want to play the game. The zombies and their jump scares are laughable; we never felt jumpy or hesitant to move forward. The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is an immediate skip for us.
28. Dead Space 3
EA is a mixed bag when it comes to its AAA offerings. The leadership often pushes its developers to incorporate popular trends in their games. Very rarely do following trends that don’t match the game’s theme work, and Dead Space 3 perfectly hammers this point. Dead Space 1 fully and 2, for the most part, were well-received because of the ambiance and dread that surrounded the players.
EA blindly forced the creative studio Visceral Games to follow Call of Duty-style combat shooting. The result was a grave departure from the intense and scary games that people wanted. The backlash and fandom outrage quickly pushed the game into the vault of faded memories. Only recently did EA realize their mistake and successfully commission the remake for the first game. Here’s hoping they don’t both up the next game.
27. Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City
When Operation Racoon City was announced, we were a little concerned but hopeful. Time and again, Capcom has a habit of shooting itself in the foot, and that’s what happened with Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City.
No memorable characters, no proper story, and only objective-based gameplay comprise the entirety of Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City. The characters lack diversity, and all seem like cardboard cutouts; they don’t even have a voice for their story-related missions. As you can see, with so many red flags, it’s no wonder why we’ve shoved Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City into the worse pile of Xbox 360 zombie games.
26. F.E.A.R. 3
Oh, look at that! Another incredibly original and refreshing concept of a horror game with zombies on Xbox 360. Wait, oh hell no! This one also bites the dust because it’s another third game in a franchise, and it’s reduced the horror to zero because of the Call Of Duty trend. F.E.A.R. 3 is a brilliant story with highly addictive gameplay, but the lack of scares is disturbingly low.
Players can play with a friend in the main campaign in co-op mode, which is good, but there are no proper scary moments. We play zombie games for the thrills and intense moments, and this game is severely lacking in that department. If you like action-heavy, cinematic games with a first-person perspective, by all means, have t it. However, if you’re like us and want something spooky, you’re better off not playing F.E.A.R. 3.
25. Call Of Duty: Black Ops II
Okay, time to address the elephant in the room. We’re not fans of Call Of Duty games, but since we’re making a list of zombie games on Xbox 360, we have to talk about Black Ops II. We’ve tried the game’s zombie modes, and it’s nothing more than a gimmick. Generic enemies are reskinned as zombies with slight animations, and there’s hardly any innovation.
Activision has been guilty of reskinning and repackaging the same game multiple times. Case-in-point, Call Of Duty Black Ops II is the same as Black Ops I and World At War. This sheer amount of malpractice and greed on display is proof that we shouldn’t blindly buy any game. By jumping on the bandwagons of hype trains, we pressure ourselves and lose our hard-earned money. Anyway, that’s our hot take on Call Of Duty Black Ops-II; avoid it like the (zombie) plague).
24. How To Survive
How To Survive is one of the few games rarely mentioned when discussing zombie games for Xbox 360. How To Survive is a charming and endearing little game that does many things exceptionally well. The game’s mechanics are easy to follow and understand, and the story is also wonderfully told, so why is it in the stinker pile on our list? The main reason is that How To Survive falls off a cliff in its character development.
When you think about the narrative and the antagonist’s true motivation, it doesn’t make much sense. Plus, the gameplay though easy to grasp is repetitious after a while, and the top-down perspective reduces the immersion significantly. It’s not the worst game ever, but far from one of the better ones; it’s also a snooze-fest. There’s a reason How To Survive is an obscure game; now we know why, so you should forget about it.
23. Blood Drive
Oh, terrific, another stinker. If you can believe it, a vehicular combat game can be so bad that it’s aggravating and rage-inducing. We’re talking about Blood Drive, and its premise has a lot of potential, yet it screws up everything in spectacular fashion. Players use modified cars, buggies, and trucks to ram their transport into other opponents to defeat them.
The zombies in the game are an afterthought, and there’s hardly a story aside from the game’s minor expositions. The gameplay is horrifically shallow, and we feel we’ve wasted precious seconds just talking about it now. That’s how lousy Blood Drive is, so let’s move on.
22. Dead Rising
Dead Rising is Capcom’s secondary zombie flagship franchise. One would think they’ve learned what people want from a parody-inspired zombie apocalypse setting. Yet, when their leadership takes the confounding decisions to include game mechanics like time limits, it’s headache-inducing. Players can’t fully appreciate the game when a clock dangling over their heads tells them to rush.
Whatever fun gameplay elements are present in the original Dead Rising game, they’re essentially nullified by the time crunch. Looking retrospectively, Dead Rising 1, while innovative, also made a lot of mistakes that make it easily one of the worst Xbox 360 zombie games. (Please don’t come after us with your pitchforks and torches, we’re only humans who speak the truth).
21. Resident Evil 0 (HD)
Look, we’ll level with you. Nostalgia and retro games are our jam, but even we must draw the line somewhere. Sure, the visuals of Resident Evil 0 HD are much better than the original game, and the voice-acting is improved, but dear God! How we despise the tank controls. The camera movement, while a lot better in the remaster, still can feel awkward at times.
The item-sharing mechanic is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, players can freely exchange items between the characters, but on the other hand, the inventory space is limited. To compensate, players can drop items and come back for them later. It’s super convenient that item locations are marked on the map; however, this has a problem. Players must do a lot of backtracking to get simple items. The whole gameplay ruins the incredible atmosphere and ambiance setup. Hence the game is down on our list.
20. Silent Hill HD Collection
Would you look at that? Two Silent Hill games remastered in HD; this can’t possibly go wrong, can it? As it turns out, Konami’s attempt at milking the fan-favorite franchise knew no boundaries. A blatant cash-grab attempt aptly sums up Silent Hill HD Collection, containing Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3. The two games are upscaled and have improved textures to give them a nice glossy feel.
Sadly, the upscaling and glossy aesthetic barely conceals the glitches, bugs, and lack of ambiance. The brightness and removal of the fog in Silent Hill 2 from the HD collection make the game feel awfully bland. The collection has numerous other downsides and bogs the games down on Xbox 360.
Time To Jump Into The (Relatively) Better Category Of Zombie Games On Xbox 360
Phew~ now that we’ve gotten the stinkers out of the way, it’s time to see which zombie games on Xbox 360 are mid-tier. Without wasting any more time, we’re resuming our list.
19. Silent Hill: Homecoming
Silent Hill: Homecoming is one of our favorite games in the series simply because it reinvigorated our love for the franchise. The game is responsible for paving the way for future installments. Players got to control a character who isn’t afraid to get into a scrap with the monsters. The daring approach provided a refreshing take on a brave protagonist, but that didn’t detract from the scares.
The exploration and combat are thoroughly polished, and the game feels incredibly immersive. The soundtracks are haunting, delivering an intense chilling atmosphere for players to enjoy. The dialogue option affecting the narrative and ending is a mechanic that gives Silent Hill: Homecoming excellent replay value. We highly recommend checking it out.
18. Plants Vs. Zombies
Starting out life as a tower defense strategy game, Plants Vs. Zombies became an overnight sensation that got a lot of attention. The colorful aesthetic is eye-catching, and the game’s hilarious take on zombies always puts a smile on our faces. The gameplay is surprisingly addictive, as players defend a home base from zombie invasions using exaggerated plants.
There is a ton of variety and innovative styles of plants that use various abilities. An example of unique powers for plants like spike shooting cactus plants or an explosive plant, making the game feel refreshing and fun. Multiple zombie variants require proper strategizing to prevent zombies from overcoming the home. Overall, we were highly impressed by Plants Vs. Zombies and it’s an easy recommendation.
17. State Of Decay
State Of Decay has undoubtedly taken up a colossal identity of its own and has influenced many similar titles. The open-world survival niche and crafting elements with scarce resources became popular with State Of Decay. The game is incredible, with multiple co-op and multiplayer options that players will enjoy.
State Of Decay has only gone up in quality with each iteration, but the foundation is the first title on Xbox 360. If you enjoy survival games, you owe it to yourself to check out State Of Decay and immerse yourself in the experience
16. Zombie Driver HD
Intense and adrenaline-pumping action awaits those who play Zombie Driver HD. Zombie Driver HD immediately impressed us with a beautifully crisp aesthetic from the top-down perspective and fluid vehicular combat. The use of modifications and upgrades only enhances the game’s fun factor.
The level of carnage you will see on-screen is incredible; with the undead after you, it’s only fitting to respond in kind. Well, maybe a bit excessively since the zombies don’t have access to powerful vehicles and gadgets that the players do, but you get the idea. Long story short, Zombie Driver HD is outlandishly fun, and you should check it out.
15. F.E.A.R. 2 (Project Origin)
The creative studio behind F.E.A.R.2, Monolith Studios, has said on record that they were going for variety in the game. Well, they sure successfully achieved that goal, though the execution might seem lacking. Different doesn’t equal nor guarantee a good change, which is what happened with F.E.A.R.2. Players felt like the game wasn’t as atmospheric as the first one, and they’re right, as we share similar sentiments about it.
The great thing about F.E.A.R.2 is that the action is cranked up to 11, with a major focus on combat. The playable characters have various abilities and skills, and the introduction of mechs has only added to our enjoyment of the game. While not a full-on zombie survival game, players will still have fun, so we recommend checking out F.E.A.R.2.
14. Left 4 Dead 2
Gearing up to the upper echelon of industry-leading games, we have one that fits the bill nicely, Left 4 Dead 2. The game company, Valve, got off the high of the first game’s release and announced the sequel to the popular series. Left 4 Dead 2 is infinitely better and improves every facet of the prequel. Giving players innovative and dynamic difficulty that rapidly adapted to players’ playstyle and performance, the game was entirely original and groundbreaking.
The emphasis on co-op-style gameplay with a ton of zombie variety enabled players to strategize on the fly. The combat is brisk, and the kill animations are highly satisfying. The dangers are around every corner with the procedurally summoned enemies, and the different game modes offer nearly endless replay value when players clear the story campaigns. Left 4 Dead 2 is a worthy successor that deserves all the accolades it received, and you should definitely play it if you haven’t already.
13. Dead Island
Dead Island is another highly innovative, in-depth first-person survival game players shouldn’t sleep on. The emphasis on the story with incredible plot twists and an entirely original narrative will keep players hooked from start to finish. Dead Island features an open-world game map with enemies sprawling everywhere; the game’s environments on the island vista are gorgeous and breathtaking.
The character development of the main cast is executed exceptionally well, and the gameplay is immensely addictive. The game limits players via the stamina bar; the characters cannot indefinitely run, climb, and attack with or block physical attacks. At the same time, the enemies are much more visceral and diverse, some hunting from the shadows or others coming at the players directly. The stealth segments are always intense, making Dead Island an excellent zombie game on Xbox 360.
12. Dead Space 2
After the success of the first Dead Space game, EA greenlit the sequel to the popular video game series. Once Dead Space 2 was released, there was much debate about the slightly action-oriented approach when compared to the first one. Admittedly, we’re fans of horror games that focus on the horror part and do not allow players to go John Wick on enemies.
Dead Space 2 upped the intensity significantly, giving players frightening cinematic imagery and cutscenes that are another disturbing level. The voice-acting of the protagonist was another welcome addition that made the character feel more like a human rather than a cardboard cutout. Also, the jumpscares and musical score during the stealth segments are some of the most anxiety-filled moments you will ever experience. The point is Dead Space 2 is a masterclass in horror and one the best zombie game on Xbox 360.
11. Telltale’s The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead is at the height of its popularity. Emotional and impactful storytelling is the core of the franchise. The game and tv show’s setting is in the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse. Telltale Game’s interactive and branching narrative style with cinematic gameplay is a match made in heaven for telling riveting tales in the Walking Dead mythos.
Lo and behold, when Telltale’s The Walking Dead came out, it got glowing reviews for its deep character-driven gameplay and tear-jerking storylines. All we’ll say about the game is that Telltale’s The Walking Dead is a must-play that will have you in tears by the end of the first season. Don’t get attached when playing the game.
A Few Honourable Mentions Before We Get Into The Top-Tier Category Of Best Zombie Games On Xbox 360
Right, so obviously, there are a lot of games, and most of them will be on the ranking. However, some titles that couldn’t find a place on our list will be discussed here. Let’s see which particular zombie games on Xbox 360 deserve the spotlight
1’st Honorable Mention On Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games Is Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
Okay, so Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is a brilliant game that outdid the prequel in many ways. However, the appeal and novelty of the game wear off quickly as the game is basically a third-person shooter with a multiplayer focus. The tower defense mechanic that made the first game so famous and fun is not the main focus, so we’re left with a generic shooter wrapped in a gimmick.
Don’t get us wrong, the gameplay is enjoyable, but that’s not enough to make the game stand out. The first game’s appeal surprised us, but that’s not the case with Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare. Hence, we’ve bumped the game to the honorable mentions instead of a ranked position on our list.
The 2nd Honorable Mention On Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games Is Left 4 Dead.
The original Left 4 Dead game is in no way, shape, or form a bad game by any stretch. However, the sequel is such a masterpiece that it trumps everything Left 4 Dead introduced. The conscious effort to keep players invested using the A.I. Director that ramps up the difficulty and switches around enemy and item placements is spectacular.
The story of Left 4 Dead is divided into chapters that require players to complete objectives. The co-op and survival are the main focus instead of going on a zombie-killing spree, which is honestly refreshing. Left 4 Dead is awesome; check it out, but its sequel is superior in every way, so we’ve put the original in the honorable mentions.
The 3rd Honourable Mention On Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games Is F.E.A.R.
The gameplay of F.E.A.R. is not only highly unique but daring as well. F.E.A.R. injects a psychological horror vibe incorporated brilliantly within the action-driven horror game. F.E.A.R. is a love letter to its inspirations which are classic movies. Fans of first-person shooting and combat will appreciate its astounding game mechanics. Reflex time and particle effects visually make players feel powerful and give them a chance to fight against overwhelming enemy numbers.
The game’s aesthetic is atmospheric and haunting, and the story beats are much more subtle. Alma, the antagonist, shows up at the most unexpected of times, without noise and only creepily watching the player. The eerie feeling of being watched sends chills down our spine. Even though we love the original F.E.A.R. game, we couldn’t find a place for it on our list of zombie games for Xbox 360.
The 4th Honourable Mention On Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games Is Resident Evil HD Remaster
Okay, we hear you raging, but please, settle down, take a deep breath, and hear us out. We love the original Resident Evil game, and the remake it received has done a tremendous job. The visuals, dynamic lighting, the zombie’s enemy design, and the whole ambiance are perfectly replicated for new players to experience this classic.
Despite everything the game’s done right, we can’t ignore that the game is flawed even in HD. Those darn tank controls ruin the immersion, as players must constantly ensure they aim correctly. Not to mention, the camera angles can still feel jarring, especially if you’re not a retro gamer and are used to having more accessible options for camera rotation. Still, the game is delightful and worth checking out, just don’t be salty that Resident Evil HD isn’t on our list. (Sorry, snowflakes)
The 5th Honorable Mention On Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games Is Dead Island: Riptide
Dead Island: Riptide continues on the story its predecessor, the first Dead Island game. The game carries on the gameplay formula from the previous titles, slightly expanding upon the mechanics, but not enough to set itself apart. The gameplay is solid, and the narrative-heavy campaign is fantastic, but it’s more of the same.
While we wait patiently for a proper sequel to Dead Island, players can dive into Dead Island: Riptide to tide themselves over. In this sense, Dead Island: Riptide is the appetizer until the main course arrives; that’s why we have the game in the honorable mentions.
The 6th Honorable Mention On Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games Is Singularity
In Singularity, players fight off mutants using a time manipulation device and traditional firearms. The plot centers around a marine who experiences time distortion. The enigma of righting wrongs, using time travel to undo a mistake, and then repeating the act to prevent one is part of Singularity’s charm.
The story is mind-blowing, and the gameplay is highly innovative. Players see mutated corpses rise due to time travel, where the dead return to their bodies as if they were alive. The concepts and execution are highly original and new, and we wish there were a sequel, but until then, enjoy Singularity.
The 7th Honorable Mention On Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games Is Metro 2033
Metro 2033 offers players a bold and immersive horror experience with an aesthetic and playstyle that doesn’t rely on gimmicks. No super fancy technology, and markers tell players where to go or if enemies are around. Players must focus on the visual and audio cues to ensure they don’t get abused.
A subtle morality system that alters the ending and fate of characters is another remarkable feature that surprised us. The shooting mechanic and cover-based tactical movement are authentic and engaging. Plus, you have to scavenge for resources and bullets, which are not infinite. All the great things we mentioned have convinced us Metro 2033 deserves all its praise and adoration, and everyone should play it.
The 8th & Last Honorable Mention On Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games Is Resident Evil: Revelations
Is it obvious yet that we love the Resident Evil franchise? The atmospheric game with fan-favorite Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield back, this game was poised to be a top contender, and for the most part, it is. However, some flaws make us question why wasn’t a proper mainline Resident Evil game with Jill and Chris pairing made again.
Unfortunately, Resident Evil: Revelation’s chapter-based storytelling feels jarring. It doesn’t have the same essence as the mainline games, so we’ve downgraded Resident Evil: Revelations to the final honorable mention slot.
Time To Finish Our List Of Xbox 360 Zombie Games And Decide The Top 10
Now that we’ve dealt with the rest of the categories let’s resume the ranking of our list of Xbox 360 zombie games. These games are top-tier, and we have fond memories of them. Let’s go!
10. Doom 3 (BFG Edition)
Okay! We’re in the top ten of our list of zombie games on Xbox 360, and no better way to kick things off than with DOOM 3 (BFG Edition). The game is a remastered version of DOOM 3 with improvements that make the game infinitely better. The control schemes are a pain because you can’t assign hotkeys or quick-select specific weapons, but that’s a minor gripe.
The adrenaline rush players experience during the game’s frantic action and horror vibes are unmatched. The protagonist bravely marches against hordes of demons and other terrifying monsters, slaying them left and right. Okay, so zombies might not be thematically present in the game, but the demons fill out that role in the same capacity. DOOM 3 (BFG Edition) is a certified hit; its pulse-ponding action is highly addictive, so check it out.
9. The Evil Within
Next up, we have The Evil Within, a highly original and not to mention, intriguing horror game by Shinji Mikami. If you don’t know about Mr Mikami, he created the original Resident Evil games. Mr Mikami’s work in The Evil Within is enchanting and mesmerizing, as players will be in awe of the grotesque enemies they face.
The upgrade path in The Evil Within offers safety against the vicious and cerebral dangers in the game. With a fascinating narrative and captivating mystery at the story’s heart, The Evil Within impresses like no other. Plus, there are zombies, too, though, they’re the least of the player’s worries as the bosses are fierce and intimidating. The Evil Within is worth your time, so play it and experience a visionary Xbox 360 zombie horror game.
8. Silent Hill: Downpour
Well, what do you know, a Silent Hill game made it within the top-tier rank on our list of zombie games for Xbox 360? Shocking, we know, but there’s a valid reason for the game to be on here. Silent Hill: Downpour is thematically one of the scariest and most surreal games out there. In Silent Hill: Downpour, undead nightmarish creatures are waiting to jump the protagonist, and there’s also psychological horror where the town is hostile toward him.
The game has disturbing and ominous sounds as the players navigate the eerie interiors of buildings and the haunting outdoor locales. Silent Hill: Downpour is a fantastic return to form for the franchise that was necessary, and the devs nailed it. We can’t recommend this game enough; it’s one of the most atmospheric zombie games on Xbox 360.
7. Metro: Last Light
Metro Last Light is proof that you can improve upon perfection. The previous game in the series, Metro 2033, delivered one of the most revered and intense stories ever. The follow-up is even better as Metro Last Light makes the players see the narrative payoff, and it’s a gratifying feeling.
Aside from the narrative, the gameplay has improved significantly as well. Players now have destructible environments that they can use to their advantage to take out enemies. Stealth and tactics are vital more than ever as the ammunition for firearms is even more scarce. Plus, the enemies are relentless in their pursuit of players. The psychological horror elements on top of the mutant threat are a mix that makes Metro Last Light an excellent zombie game for Xbox 360.
6. Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4 fans are having a meltdown, we suspect, because of the game’s placement below the top-5 on our list. Don’t worry; we’ll explain our justification. Firstly, we want to say that Resident Evil 4 is the forerunner for how to balance action and horror in a game. Leon Kennedy embodies a cool, level-headed, and popular-with-the-ladies protagonist that we all aspire to be.
Resident Evil 4 is a highly enjoyable ride from start to finish, getting more absurdly over-the-top with progression. Zombies are present, but in a limited scope; instead, the focus is on main-controlled villagers and other horrors. Interactive environmental prompts enable multiple actions that help keep the action going smoothly. The story is also entertaining with laugh-out-loud moments than creepy horror ones. Hence Resident Evil 4, while a fantastic game, isn’t at the top of our list of zombie games on Xbox 360.
5. Dead Space
Here we go! Top 5 zombie games on Xbox 360, and it’s fitting that the game which kicks down the door is Dead Space. The necromorph concept is a devilishly clever and terrifying idea that is brilliantly shown in the prologue. In Dead Space, players witness the unsightly form of the mutated corpses come to life and attack anything in sight. The visuals and gore fill us with shock and set the stage for the rest of the game.
The first Dead Space game is by far the greatest in the original trilogy. The remake has returned the series to its survival horror roots, but the original is still the standard for sci-fi horror games. The Ishimura space station’s dark pathways echo the players’ movement, and necromorphs trace it to our location. The game won’t let players catch a moment’s breath, and it’s an absolute joy for fans of the horror genre. Definitely worth your time, so don’t wait; play it asap.
4. Resident Evil 6
A crazy world we’re living in, right? Resident Evil 6, a divisive game, is above the much-lauded Resident Evil 4. In all honestly, we’re also surprised, but the truth is, after playing both games retrospectively, we’re more confident than ever in our stance. Through the power of hindsight, we believe Resident Evil 6 is the best Resident Evil game on Xbox 360.
The multiple playable characters in pairs and unique action-oriented gameplay with character-driven stories are our jam. The narrative blends seamlessly between the campaigns, creating a cohesive and entertaining plot with high-octane moments. You can’t go wrong with Resident Evil 6, and it’s our personal favorite on the Xbox 360 console.
3. Alan Wake
Alan Wake is the quintessential cinematic horror game, enthralling players with its brilliantly structured plot. Struggling novelist Alan Wake serves as the protagonist for the bewitching atmosphere of the game. Reality and fiction collide in a meta way, which is handled cleverly and fully captures the player’s attention. In an attempt to spark his creativity, Alan goes to a cabin vacation retreat with his wife in Bright Falls. Soon things turn sinister, and his wife gets taken hostage by darkness.
The players must find clues and recover Alice, Alan’s wife. What follows is a mesmerizing psychological experience. Alan deals with rabid townsfolk who are influenced by the darkness and give chase while throwing axes at him. The light sources are a source of respite and sanctuary, and we’ve never been more relieved to stand underneath a lamppost. Words can’t fully describe how much we love playing Alan Wake; you have to play it yourself to understand.
2. Lollipop Chainsaw – The Runnerup For Our List Of Zombie Games On Xbox 360
And now, it’s time to reveal the runner-up on our list of zombie games on Xbox 360. The honor belongs to Lollipop Chainsaw. We’ll be honest; the outlandish nature of the game and the hot lady protagonist are the factors that propelled this game on our list. The gameplay is such a blast, and the plot’s ambitious and silly nature gives the game its charm. Juliet, the chainsaw-wielding beauty, must slay rock and roll musical-themed dark purveyors of calamity.
Also, her boyfriend is a decapitated head, and she’s upbeat and cheerful that she can find a way to recover his body. During specific segments, Juliette can use her boyfriend’s head to overcome obstacles and even engage in combat. Speaking of combat, the thrill of cutting down hordes of zombies when Juliet enters her particular state is positively thrilling Everything about Chainsaw Lollipop screams a jolly good time, and it’s our second-best zombie game on Xbox 360.
1. Deadly Premonition – The Best Zombie Game On Xbox 360
Okay! This is it! The final game on our list of zombie games on Xbox 360. The top spot goes to the wacky, nonsensical, downright comedic and dramatically disturbing Deadly Premonition. Players get to see a lush countryside town, Greenvale and interact with the dynamic and diverse locals. The day/night cycle is vital in the game for progression, as certain side-quests require talking to an NPC at specific times. Deadly Premonition has an immersive and haunting ambiance that shows whenever the nighttime segments happen.
Stealth is the best way to get out of a sticky situation where zombies come after York. The main character York Morgan can hold his breath while hiding to wait out the pursuers, especially the main villain, The Raincoat Killer. The investigative part and story are intricately interwoven into the gameplay, creating an enrapturing tale worth your time. In our opinion, no other game comes close to matching the quality and quirkiness of Deadly Premonition. Hence, Deadly Premonition is the overall best zombie game on Xbox 360.
Final Thoughts
OMG! It’s finally over! Thank heavens, we can lie down now and sleep for a week. In all seriousness, though, this particular gaming list for zombie games on Xbox 360 was brutal to compile. We hope you appreciate our hard work, and let us know your thoughts on our picks in the comments below.
If you have any suggestions for a game we’ve missed out on, please tell us; we’re always happy to hear from you all. In the meantime, check out our other retro console gaming list All Spiderman PS3 Games Ranked, From Worst To Best.