If you have just picked up Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you will learn that the game has many mechanics and ways to play. As such, it can be overwhelming to someone new to the game or RPGs in general.
Skyrim never explicitly tells you that there is a wait feature; you kind of just find out by looking at the settings or hearing it from other people on the internet. If you have played other Bethesda games, this should come as no surprise, though, and waiting is a nifty feature that can save a lot of time.
How To Use The Wait Feature In-Game
Waiting in Skyrim is simple; just press T on the mouse and keyboard, or Back/Select on a controller. You will be given a slider to adjust how much time you want to wait. The maximum amount of time you can wait in one go is 24 hours, but you can wait for as long as you desire.
Unlike sleeping, this mechanic gives no benefits whatsoever; rather, it is used for convenience. Sometimes, there are quests that can only be completed at a certain time of day, or one might want to wait for traders to restock their wares. Doing so without the wait feature takes up a lot more time.
When You Cannot Wait in Skyrim
Note that there are a few caveats to the wait function, and most of them are fairly obvious. You cannot wait in combat; this one is pretty self-explanatory. However, you also cannot wait if enemies are nearby, even if you are not in combat.
That is why waiting near bodies of water sometimes does not work, as pesky schools of fish are nearby. On that note, be careful when waiting in dangerous areas, as enemies may spawn near you and put you completely out of position. This happens rarely, but it is something to keep in mind.
Even though waiting gives no bonus for resting, it still replenishes your health, magicka, and stamina, making it a good strategy to wait before combat if any of the three is not full.
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Final Words
While sleeping helps to level your skills, it is essential to wait in moments when you need to take a break. Doing quests is potentially much easier with waiting, as is bartering and restocking items.
It just goes to show that a simple mechanic such as this one can be used in many ways to one’s advantage, and there are even more things one can do if they are creative enough.
Thank you for reading this article. Please tell us your opinion in the comments below, and share some creative uses of waiting that you have found.
If you are new to the game, our article on how to exit Skyrim on PC may help if you encounter any issues. We are constantly releasing new content that will help new and veteran players alike, so check back soon.
See you around, and good luck with your games!
Frequently Asked Questions about Waiting in Skyrim
Yes, in Skyrim, you can wait, play, and feed as a vampire at night. To do this, find a safe location, press the wait button (T on PC, Back/Select on consoles), and choose the number of hours to wait until nightfall. This allows you to avoid sunlight and take advantage of your vampire abilities.