HROT has dozens of well-kept secrets scattered throughout every level. Like most boomer shooter secrets, these can be found behind destructible walls, parkour jumps, hidden switches, and more. HROT’s secrets are difficult to find and can challenge even the best secret hunters. This guide will briefly highlight all the secrets in the third chapter of HROT and provide their locations.
All Secrets in HROT Chapter 3
The guide will continue by providing step-by-step walkthroughs of Chapter 3 from HROT. It will provide detailed coverage of each level, starting with the first level and progressing through each section in sequence.
Along the way, it will highlight all the secret areas, giving both text descriptions and screenshots to help you locate them more easily. There’s even an entirely hidden, secret level to uncover! With this comprehensive coverage of Chapter 3, you’ll be able to take on any challenge with confidence!
If you are looking for any of the game’s previous chapters, check out either of our guides to every secret in HROT Chapter 1 or all secrets in HROT’s Chapter 2.
E3M1: War with the Newts
Secret 1
Immediately at the start of the level, there is an interactable wall on the right side of the room. Opening it will reveal a ladder with two car batteries at the top.
Secret 2
Once you enter the small hall filled with newts, there is a small interactive wall next to a valve. Opening the wall will reveal several bars of shiny gold.
Secret 3
Jump into the river near the shops and swim to the small alcove on the side. After swimming underneath, interact with the wall in the left corner to unlock the next hidden, secret area in HROT for a Hussite Crossbow.
Secret 4
In the wine cellar, there is a fake wall located in the right corner of the room that you can interact with. This cleverly concealed wall not only adds an element of intrigue but also rewards you with an additional wine bottle.
Secret 5
In the murky tunnel beneath the privy marked “Capek” on the wall, there is a cracked wall around the corner. Break it open to find a hidden stash in this HROT secret area, holding tons of gold bars.
E3M2: Hospital
Secret 1
The first secret of the level can be a tiny bit tricky to get. In the bathroom on the second floor, there is an air vent. Break the vent, then peek outside, looking to the lower left. Break the second air vent and climb through it for a second pistol.
Secret 2
In the hospital parking lot, there is an ambulance that is hiding an interactive wall panel. Destroy the ambulance and interact with the wall to access the next secret area in HROT Chapter 3.
Secret 3
Once you reach the entrance to the swimming pool, go to the right side of the building, where there is a small window with an electrical panel inside. Shoot it, and a door will open on the right side of the entrance.
Secret 4
Right as you enter the swimming pool area, turn to your left and interact with the wall on the left for the fourth secret of this HROT level. This is an otherwise very well hidden area, as the wall coloring doesn’t make it obvious there’s a hidden area or something to interact with here.
Secret 5
Climb on top of the diving board in the swimming pool area and shoot the clock. Shooting the clock will reveal a switch, and when you press it, a secret door will open across the pool.
Secret 6
In the outside area with the AutoDrome, there is a small electrical panel high up on the side of the building. Shoot it, and a door will open at the base of the building.
Secret 7
Inside the room from the previous secret, there is a locked door waiting to be opened. By demolishing the tree outside, you can reveal a key cleverly concealed beneath the fallen branches. Retrieve the key and use it to unlock the door, unveiling what lies beyond in the last secret area of HROT’s Chapter 3, Level 2.
E3M3: Roztyly
Secret 1
Once you emerge from the sewer and clear out the courtyard, open the second garage and shoot the car until it explodes. Afterward, you can toss a grenade down a small vent to open up the path toward this hidden easter egg in HROT Chapter 3.
Secret 2
In the courtyard, there is also a hidden panel on the left side, where you originally came out of the sewer. You can interact with the wall to discover a secret Backpack waiting for you.
Secret 3
There is a small balcony that you can jump to once you reach the top of the building after riding the air vent from the courtyard. This secret area offers a perfect vantage point to overlook the surroundings and enjoy the desolate view in HROT.
Secret 4
Once you make your way into the apartments, there is a secret hidden behind a poster of a horse. Destroy the poster to reveal a hidden room. You have to wonder, what’s up with HROT and horses?
Secret 5
When you reach the elevator shaft, jump across to land on top of the counterweight. Shoot the electrical panel to make the counter wight rise to a hidden panel for a Lightning Gun.
Secret 6
On the construction site, there is an interactive wall located near a lamp at the back of the wall. Just a little to the left, there is another wall that you can interact with to uncover the final HROT secret of the level.
E3M4: George of Podiebrad
Secret 1
There is a cracked wall to the left of the room filled with propane tanks. Use one of the tanks to blow open the secret, but be careful not to set off a chain reaction while in the room.
Secret 2
In the next room, there is a fire extinguisher box near the entrance. Break the box and flip the switch inside, which will lower the nearby wall for some health pickups.
Secret 3
In the room with the Aluminum Key, there is an interactive wall to the left of the locker. Interact with the wall, and it will open to reveal a backpack.
Secret 4
Above the subway train, there is a switch in the ceiling on the right side of the platform. Press it, enter the passage, and walk around behind the train until you reach a closed panel on the wall to the right. You can open this panel to uncover the next hidden HROT secret.
Secret 5
In the metro station, there is a carving of Lenin that can be broken apart to reveal a switch. Flip the switch, and a section of the wall will lower, revealing a Lightning Gun.
An Entire Secret Level in HROT
Instead of exiting the level normally, return to the bell tower where you lost your weapons and make your way back to the nook with the traced circle on it. This area will now be open, and you can move on to the secret level in HROT. This is a pretty cool easter egg for those with a keen eye!
E3M5: Incinerator
Secret 1
In the room with piles of coal where you face a Miner, there is a catwalk that stretches around the pit. Go to the left on the catwalk and interact with the wall on the corner, and you will get the first secret of the level.
Secret 2
Next to the rested key door, there is a small wall you can interact with in the left corner. Interacting with the wall will give you a small loaf of Kifli.
Secret 3
In the office room, behind the door labeled “Common Key,” there is a cracked wall hidden behind a potted plant. You can obtain the game’s third secret by blowing up the cracked wall.
Secret 4
Leading out of the turbine room, there is a small switch tucked away on the ceiling. Flip it, and some doorways will open on the nearby wall. Behind the wall, you will find some cells for the Lightning Gun.
Secret 5
Right before hitting the button to end the level, turn around and interact with the wall behind you. Dropping the wall will reveal another hidden area and let you get five Koruna before exiting this HROT stage.
E3M6: Bubny
Secret 1
Right at the start of the level, there is a small wall in the far right corner that has a different texture. Interacting with it will give you a Lightning Gun.
Secret 2 – The Final Hidden Secret in HROT Chapter 3
After exiting the rising pool of water and getting onto the catwalk, head to the left corner next to the door and interact with it. Once you lower the door, you will find a backpack, which surprisingly happens to be the last secret of the level.
Wrap up on All Secrets in HROT Chapter 3
That’s our look into finding all of the secrets hidden away in HROT Chapter 3. Some of these were difficult to find, especially in the sewer levels.
If you enjoyed our guide and want more content, check out our HROT beginner’s guide.