Matching the rhythms of Hell is essential for staying alive in Metal: Hellsinger. The longer you stay in sync with the song, the more points, movement, and powers you will gain over your enemies. There’s nothing more satisfying than maintaining a high combo and hearing the lyrics merge organically into the currently-playing track while you slaughter and dodge your way through hordes of enemies alongside the rhythm.
There are many important factors to remember when maintaining your combo, along with the reasoning why you would do such. So without further ado, here’s our explanation about the benefits and process of maintaining your combos in Metal: Hellsinger.
How to Maintain High Combos in Metal: Hellsinger
Before we start hacking and slashing apart demons, we need to get our settings in order. Since Metal: Hellsinger is a rhythm game, checking that your settings are properly calibrated before diving into Hell is essential.
Some days we can react faster than others, or you struggle with higher DPM songs, but by recalibrating your settings, you can lessen the difficulty of hitting those notes. Regardless if it’s your first playthrough or you want to improve, calibrate your audio and visual settings for a few minutes.
Learn Your Arsenal in Metal: Hellsinger
Not only does your weapon affect your playstyle, but your ability to hit notes and build your combos in Metal: Hellsinger. Each weapon has different firing speeds, making them easier or harder to use depending on the song. Persephone is a great weapon for shotgun lovers and Metal: Hellsinger beginners because of its high damage but slow firing speed.
Other weapons such as the Vulcan or The Hounds have a high fire rate, making them ideal for consistent damage output, but more difficult to stay on beat. Of course, you can only select two weapons to bring into Hell, while Paz and the Terminus are always equipped.
Mix and match different weapon combinations to find the perfect balance or playstyle. Otherwise, if you can handle any weapon, but worry about the effect each gun brings to combat, choose your weapon based on what enemies give you the most trouble. If you struggle with flying enemies in Metal: Hellsinger, equip The Hounds, or if you get swarmed with melee enemies, use Persephone or Vulcan.
Paz is Your Best Combo Saver in Metal: Hellsinger
Paz isn’t the strongest weapon in the Unknown’s arsenal, but they are extremely helpful for maintaining your combo. Metal: Hellsinger has short preserves between combat sections, and since this is a rhythm game, you need to hit an enemy to keep your combo meter high.
However, Paz is unique because their primary fire allows you to maintain and build your combo meter in and out of combat. Some levels also have small walking sections before you get into your first engagement, but with Paz, you can start your combo meter before seeing your first demon.
Even in tight situations where you need to evade dozens of projectiles or spam the dash button to create distance between you and your enemies, Paz is a great tool to keep your combo meter, even when you aren’t consistently nailing triple dash combos.
Triple Dash Combos in Metal: Hellsinger
Metal: Hellsinger has many movement options for players to employ in combat. Taking advantage of the movement tech can save you from several bad situations and help you avoid any damage. You can perform dashes in any direction and while in the air.
Newer players might not know that performing three timed dashes in a row result in a triple dash combo in Metal: Hellsinger, thus giving you points and maintaining your combo meter.
You can also dash during other animations, allowing you to shoot and move at the same time. You technically can also dash offbeat, but you travel significantly less distance, so we don’t recommend playing offbeat.
Weapon Swapping
Some weapons in Metal: Hellsinger have slower firing speeds, like Persephone, but you can employ weapon switching if you want to maximize your uptime. Weapon switching was popularized with DOOM Eternal to skip animations and maximize damage by alternating weapons.
Instead of waiting for Persephone to finish their animation, you can swap to another weapon during the minor downtime between shots. For example, after firing once with Persephone, you can switch to another weapon, such as the Red Right Hand, to maintain almost flawless uptime on your combo.
Metal: Hellsinger’s Combo Meter Power Ups
Plenty of power-ups are scattered across all levels in Metal: Hellsinger. These power-ups aren’t randomized and have the exact spawn locations every time you retry a level. Learning where these powerups spawn can help you start your first combat encounter on a higher rating or act as a way to replenish your meter after taking damage. Use power-ups to maximize your combos in Metal: Hellsinger.
Torments are Fantastic Upgrades
Lastly, plenty of additional challenges reward you with bonus passives. These passives can drastically change your gameplay. For example, one of the first upgrades you can earn is the Guardian Sigil, which allows you to take a few hits before dropping your combo.
Practice makes Perfect
Overall, practice is the best piece of advice we can provide. Learning each track takes time, and once you become more familiar with each BPM, you will start to improve your combo uptime in Metal: Hellsinger. Also, prioritize your dodges over dealing damage.
If you get hit too much, you will drop your combo faster than you can build it back up. Finally, even if you don’t land headshots, any damage will prolong your combo, but you can always rely on Paz if you don’t want to pepper your enemies when scrambling for a better position.
Final Thoughts on Maintaining your Combo in Metal: Hellsinger
That’s our short guide for maintaining your combo meter in Metal: Hellsinger. Keep dodging, shooting, and, most of all, practicing. If you haven’t yet made the decision to purchase the game, check out our Metal: Hellsinger review to see if it is worth your investment.
For now, Happy Slaying!