Qian Sui is the sixth playable Hero in Gunfire Reborn. Where other characters prefer staying in the backline, Qian Sui is a bulwark or an unstoppable force that shatters enemies against his Shield. Other characters like Ao Bai or Qing Yan fit more of the front-line bruiser aesthetic, whereas Qian Sui is a lightning-fast tank who can shrug off tons of damage.
Qian Sui Character Summary
Qian Sui specializes in the art of close combat and zipping through the battlefield while showing his immense strength. He can summon a liquid shield to block all attacks in front of him while smashing any enemy who dares stand in his way.
Unlike other Heroes in Gunfire Reborn, like Ao Bai, Qian Sui doesn’t rely on sticking to one weapon type. Furthermore, the majority of his Ascensions focus on enhancing his speed, shields, or punches.
How Qian Sui’s Abilities Work in Gunfire Reborn
Tidal Aspis
Tide Aspis is Qian Sui’s Primary Skill. Using it creates a shield of water that blocks all attacks from the front for five seconds and completely negates any damage they would inflict. Attacks from the sides or behind Qian Sui will not be blocked. Attacks that hit in an AOE or leave a damaging pool will be blocked so long as you face the center of the arena.
When you re-cast Tidal Aspis, or the skill expires, the Aspis will be retracted, dealing AOE DMG to enemies in front. While the barrier is active, weapons can’t be fired. Instead, attempting to fire your gun will result in Qian Sui casting his Secondary Skill Striking Punch. All punches are automatic so long as the button is held down.
Knowing that you can end Tidal Aspis early is critical, allowing the cooldown to start immediately. Also, while Tidal Aspis is active, Dash is replaced with Hurtle, which allows Qian Sui to move even further and faster than a typical Dash. Enemies in the way of Hurtle will take damage and become staggered.
Striking Punch
Striking Punch is Qian Sui’s Secondary Skill. Using it strikes all enemies in a short area directly in front of you. While moving, you will constantly build up stacks of Fist Sensation, which increases the damage of Striking Punch. Each stack is gained for every meter traveled and decays every two seconds. The faster you move, the more stacks can be attained at once. Each stack of Fist Sensation increased Striking Punch’s DMG by 5%.
Related Guide: How to Build and Play with Qing Yan in Gunfire Reborn
Qian Sui Strengths
Qian Sui’s strengths rely on sticking close to enemies and stacking movement speed to increase the damage of his Striking Punch with stacks of Fist Sensation. Since Tidal Aspis blocks all damage in front of Qian Sui, he can blaze through crowds of enemies without fear of resistance, so long as he isn’t struck from the sides or behind.
However, his strengths can only be utilized appropriately in melee range. Even if Qian Sui can gain enough movement speed to make closing the distance between him and his foe, not an issue, his main difficulty comes from proper positioning.
Even if you can absorb all damage in front of you, having good positioning and knowing which targets to prioritize will help you survive in higher difficulties. Qian Sui also doesn’t have any strengths or weaknesses in using any type of weaponry, but he excels in using close-range weapons like Swords, SMGs, or Shotguns.
Tips & Tricks for Playing Qian Sui in Gunfire Reborn
Qian Sui is built like a tank, moves like lightning, and hits like a truck. To preserve the strengths in his playstyle, you should prioritize stacking Shields, movement speed, and damage resistance whenever possible. Stacks of Fist Sensation don’t expire after using one Striking Punch, making your movement highly important to keep your damage scaling. Use your Dash whenever it’s off cooldown to maintain your stacks of Fist Sensation to pummel your enemies into the dirt.
Lastly, always be careful about your positioning, especially in the early game. Qian Sui can quickly obtain ludicrous amounts of movement speed, but this also allows you to slip by your foes and take a ton of damage when your Shield is down. It’s also important to note that most of your damage will come from using both your Primary and Secondary skills.
Qian Sui can easily forget about whichever weapons he has equipped. Many late-game scenarios can have players maintaining their Tidal Aspis for long windows, or their Striking Punch will deal more damage than bullets, thanks to your movement speed.
Qian Sui’s Best Talents
Every character in Gunfire Reborn has three talent trees that focus on enhancing their guns, abilities, or granting extra utility. Qian Sui’s talent tree enhances his Striking Punch, weapons, or Tidal Aspis. While there are many viable builds for focusing on one tree over the rest, we found that one of Qian Sui’s best all-around builds focuses on upgrading his punches and his barrier.
Ebb and Flow
After lifting or retracting the Aspis, your Shield starts to recover immediately and receives +50% Shield recovery speed. Ebb and Flow is one of the few Ascension with no further upgrades and requires taking it once. Qian Sui has more Shields than HP, and granting yourself guaranteed Shield replenishment after your barrier drops can save your life.
Ebb and Flow can save you from a lot of unexpected damage, and you won’t think much of this talent until it saves your life. We highly recommend always taking Ebb and Flow, especially on greater difficulties.
Unfathomable Ocean
After retracting the Aspis, gain 50% Max Shield scaling up to 150% for five seconds. At third rank, lower the cooldown of Tidal Aspis by one second for every 10 Shield you lose during this period.
Unfathomable Ocean allows Qian Sui to bolster his Max Shield after his barrier drops, allowing you to tank any oncoming hits that you couldn’t block with your Tidal Aspis in Gunfire Reborn. This is another must-take talent for us, especially if you can get rank three. Rank three Unfathomable Ocean is a crucial talent to constantly refreshing your Tidal Aspis, allowing you to continue your unstoppable rampage.
Mighty Stream
Increase the duration for Tidal Aspis by two seconds, then four, up to six seconds at max rank. At rank three, recover one second of Tidal Aspis’s duration for every attack you block. (Every recovery shortens max duration)
Mighty Stream is the primary talent that extends the lifetime of your barrier, which grants you the power to advance toward enemies out of your range and allow their shots to extend your Tidal Aspis. Mighty Stream is another must-have talent if you are going for a tanky build.
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Unbearable Hurtle
Enemies hit by Hurtle deal less damage, starting at -30%, then -50% up to -80%, and take more DMG for five seconds. Enemies start by taking +30% extra damage at rank one, up to 100% more at rank three.
Upgrading your Dash during Tidal Aspis to make enemies vulnerable and cause them to deal less damage to your group is an excellent investment. It’s one of the best utility upgrades for your Qian Sui build in Gunfire Reborn. Moreover, it even makes Elite enemies more manageable. Even with taking only one rank of Unbearable Hurtle, that’s still 30% less damage enemies deal to your squad, on top of the stagger Hurtle already afflicts.
Rogue Wave
Each stack of Fist Sensation increases the next Striking Punch’s damage by 10%, then 15% up to 20%. Additionally, with every rank, you gain extra stacks of Fist Sensation immediately after using Hurtle. At rank three of Rogue Wave, the stack duration of Fist Sensation is increased by three seconds.
Rogue Wave is highly rewarding for scaling your movement speed and zipping around the battlefield to deliver even deadlier punches. Each Dash increases your Striking Punch’s damage already, but with Rogue Wave, the scaling is insane.
Alternate Talents for Qian Sui in Gunfire Reborn
A few other strong talents to grab are Solid Shell, Hostile Gift, Wave Rider, Concussive Current, and Tidal Rhythm. Solid Shell gives you damage reduction for every enemy within 10 meters of you. Solid Shell also resets Tidal Aspis’s cooldown at max rank whenever your Shield is broken.
Hostile Gift causes you to recover ammo in your current magazine and reserve ammo when you retract your Aspis. Afterward, you reload faster, and your rate of fire is increased for five seconds. At rank three for Hostile Gift, you have a 50% chance not to consume ammo.
Wave Rider gives Qian Sui extra movement speed while holding the Aspis and afterward for six seconds. For every 1% movement speed bonus, you also gain 1% weapon and skill DMG. Concussive Current gives you extra weapon DMG after dealing damage with Striking Punch for each stack of Fist Sensation. At rank three of Concussive Current, you also gain Lucky Shot Chance for each stack of Fist Sensation.
Lastly, Tidal Rhythm gives you extra Skill DMG while holding the Aspis and extra weapon DMG after retracting it. At third rank, Tidal Rhythm grants an additional 10% DMG bonus for each attack you block with Tidal Aspis.
Weapon Builds for Qian Sui in Gunfire Reborn
As we previously stated, Qian Sui has no restriction on using any weapon type, but since he is a melee-focused character, we recommend using close-range weapons. We suggest using the Illusion, the Wild Hunt, or Hell for Shotguns. All three Shotguns pair exceptionally well with Qian Sui since most of his gameplay revolves around staying in melee.
We recommend the Illusion between all three shotguns since it is extremely strong and grows more potent the longer you hold down the trigger. However, the Wild Hunt is another great option when combined with Hostile Gift.
Suppose you’re looking for alternative weapons. We recommend using the Fire Tower, The Bone Dragon, Deafening Mortar, or the Hexagon. The Fire Tower pairs exceptionally well with Qian Sui for its hard single-target DPS when compared to the other Swords.
The Bone Dragon is great for crowd control and pairs well with the Deafening Mortar’s melee range explosion. The Hexagon is also a fantastic option if you want to have another barrier whenever your Tidal Aspis is on cooldown.
For more great weapon suggestions, check out our guide to the best guns in Gunfire Reborn. It can help you prioritize your other selections.
Best Occult Scrolls for a Powerful Qian Sui Build in Gunfire Reborn
There are a lot of Occult Scrolls in Gunfire Reborn. They can shape the outcome of your build by adding some quality-of-life improvements or drastically impacting your damage output. To round up our Gunfire Reborn Qian Sui build, we recommend the following Occult Scrolls.
Occult Scrolls that Increase Damage
- Brutal Gloves: +35% Weapon/Skill DMG to non-Crit-Hits
- Resolute: +50% Movement speed and +25% DMG when your Shield/ Armor is zero. It Doubles the time your Shield rests before recovering.
- Thunder Screen: Deal Lightning damage to surrounding enemies within 12 meters when your Shield/ Armor breaks. The damage is affected by your max Shield.Armor, HP and Skill DMG.
- Field Support: While the older is moving, gain +15% weapon damage for yourself and your teammates within 15 meters.
- Sucker Punch: +45% Skill DMG when your skill hits an enemy with more than 70% HP.
- Vindictive Nature: +40% Weapon and Skill damage for ten seconds upon being hit or taking DMG.
- Untold Effort: When casting your Secondary Skill, there is a 50% chance to double to consumption, and a 50% chance to deal double damage.
- Thunder Step: After dashing, cast a lightning bolt at your previous position, dealing DMG to nearby enemies and temporarily imprisoning them.
- Surprise Bonus: When dealing Skill DMG, there is a 15% chance to deal +100% total DMG.
- Speedy Pursuit: +50% Lucky Shot Chance for two seconds after dashing.
Other Great Scrolls that will Boost Your Gunfire Reborn Qian Sui Tank Build
- Double Exhilaration: Secondary Skill capacity gets doubled.
- Snow Boots: Gain immunity to Slows and -50% DMG taken from traps.
- Abnormal Speed: +3% Movement speed for every 10% Shield/ Armor you currently have.
- Advanced Joggers: -50% Dash cooldown.
- Skateboarder: Fill your magazine instantly after dashing.
- Tactical Reload: While reloading, take -20% less damage and gain +30% movement speed.
- Resilient Life: After taking damage, restore 3% HP per second for five seconds.
- Paranormality: Max HP is fixed at one, but Max Shield/ Armor is doubled.
- Silver Medal: Your Shield starts recharging when you defeat an enemy or destroy an item.
- Flowing Wind: While moving, the faster you move, the less DMG you take. (Up to -20%).
- Magic Watch: There’s a 33% chance to reset the cooldown every time you use your Primary Skill or Dash.
- Propulsion Device: Your Dash has three charges.
- Veteran: +1 Max HP for each enemy you defeat within seven meters.
- Strategic Advantage: +40% Movement Speed for three seconds after using a Dash.
- Windrider: After dashing three times, gain immunity to all damage for two seconds.
- Fight for Immortality: Upon Taking DMG, gain additional max Shield/ Armor for 12 seconds, equivalent to the DMG received.
- Terrific Crossfire: Reduce your Primary Skill’s cooldown by one second upon casting your Secondary Skill.
- Ancient Timer: -50% Primary Skill cooldown and set your Secondary Skill’s cooldown to three seconds.
- Gold Medal: Recover 15% Max Shield/Armor when you use your Primary Skill or Dash.
- Stone Skin: -30% DMG taken for three seconds upon taking DMG.
Wrapping Up Our Qian Sui, Gunfire Reborn Build Guide
That’s our guide to building and playing Qian Sui in Gunfire Reborn. It’s great to see a tank be capable of dealing tons of melee damage without sacrificing speed, which is an overused video game trait. Qian Sui is one of the more stand-out characters among the Hero roster in Gunfire Reborn, especially since they don’t primarily focus on using guns.
If you’re looking for a great glass cannon alternative character, check out our guide to building and playing with Tao in Gunfire Reborn. He is a fantastic mid-ranged swordswoman.