Commando is one of the two starting survivors in Risk of Rain 2 and one of the more iconic characters of the game. Commando is a well-rounded and easy character to pick up and play with no major strengths or drawbacks. However, simplicity doesn’t mean Commando isn’t one of the strongest characters for his high speed and many proc coefficient skills.
How Do Commando’s Abilities Work?
Commando’s Primary Skill
Commando’s primary skill in Risk of Rain 2 is Double Tap, which allows them to fire six shots per second at base attack speed. This primary skill deals 100% base damage and adds extra shots with the more attack speed scaling items. Double Tap also has a proc coefficient of 1.0, giving this ability a consistent chance to proc items every time it hits a target.
The only downside to Double Tap is that the bullets suffer from the default projectile fall-off, making it weaker at long ranges.
Secondary Abilities for Commando in Risk of Rain 2
Phase Round
Commando’s default secondary is Phase Round. Phase Round fires a single bullet that does 3x Commando’s damage in Risk of Rain 2. Phase Round also deals 40% more total damage every time it passes through an enemy, making for a potentially powerful horde clearing ability. This secondary skill also has a proc coefficient of 1.0 and can travel through terrain.
Phase Blast
Commando’s other secondary skill is Phase Blast which fires two close-range blasts that deal 8×200% total damage. While powerful up close, the blast suffers from buckshot fall-off, making it useless at long range. This ability has a proc coefficient of 0.5 x 8 and must be unlocked through the Rolling Thunder Challenge. Since it outputs so many projectiles, this skill is preferred as it has a far higher chance of activating on-hit effects when firing at a boss or high-health enemy.
To unlock Commando’s alternate secondary in Risk of Rain 2, you need to land the final shot on an Overloading Worm as Commando. You can encounter overloading Worms on high difficulty. You can also find them with mountain shrines on Abyssal Depths, Bulwark’s Ambry, Rallypoint Delta, and Sky Meadow. It is highly advised to loop on Sky Meadow instead of fighting Mithrix if you are hunting for this achievement.
Utility Skills on Commando in Risk of Rain 2
Tactical Dive
Commando’s first utility skill in Risk of Rain 2 is Tactical Dive. Commando performs a small roll, which can be used while sprinting, and resets falling speed when used in mid-air. Both of Commando’s Utility skills share the ability to sprint while using them.
Tactical Slide
Commando’s second utility skill is Tactical Slide. Commando slides on the ground for a short distance. This carries any current momentum, allowing you to slide for huge distances with lots of movement speed items.
Tactical Slide also enables you to continue firing while using this ability. It adds a small amount of vertical momentum and works like a very short jump if used in the air. The versatility of this ability makes it objectively more potent than the default roll in most situations.
To unlock this skill, you must complete the Godspeed Challenge in Risk of Rain 2 for Commando by charging the first-stage teleporter within five minutes. Players can achieve this challenge quite easily by rushing the teleporter on the first level while playing on Drizzle difficulty.
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Commando’s first unique ability in Risk of Rain 2 is Suppressive Fire. Like Double Tap, this special fires six bullets at base attack speed which stun for 100% damage per shot. The number of shots increases with attack speed scaling items. Suppressive Fire has a proc coefficient of 1.0x, activating every time the bullets hit. This is the fastest item-activating move in their arsenal. Just like the primary, Commando’s Suppressive Fire suffers fall-off damage.
Commando’s second special ability is Frag Grenade. People rarely use this ability since Suppressive Fire is objectively stronger in most situations. The grenade bounces once before doing seven times the damage Commando naturally has, and you can hold two charges at a time. This explosion only does maximum damage at the center, making the damage not worth giving up Suppressive Fire.
To unlock Commando’s Frag Grenade, you need to clear 20 stages as Commando without using any Lunar items, which isn’t too hard as long as you can speed through levels after looping.
What Should You Build On Commando in Risk of Rain 2?
Minus a few niche scenarios in Risk of Rain 2, you will typically want to take both the alternate secondary and utility on Commando. You should keep the default special as Frag Grenade is not worth giving up the synergy Commando has with attack speed in Risk of Rain 2.
You should go for nearly every item on Commando, but attack speed and on-hit items are what Commando definitely excels with. Items like Tri-Tip Dagger, AtG Missile Mk.1, Ukulele, Shattering Justice, Brittle Crown, and other on-hit effects synergize well with Commando.
It would be best if you always went for attack speed items: Mocha, Soldier’s Syringe, Predatory Instincts, Warhorn, and Gorag’s Opus. Critical Strike items always work well on Commando since Crits aren’t affected by Proc-Coefficient. If you build crit on Commando, Predatory Instincts is a must-have.
Commando is also one of the best Risk of Rain 2 characters to build a Crit-focused Laser Scope build in Risk of Rain 2, though there are better choices, such as Railgunner.
Tips & Tricks to Using the Commando Survivor in Risk of Rain 2
- Commando’s alternate secondary synergizes massively off of Critical Strike chance. The eight bullets essentially have doubled their natural chance of hitting for increased damage.
- Commando can use either of their Utility skills to negate fall damage in Risk of Rain 2 before hitting the ground.
- In Risk of Rain 2, Commando can quickly rotate their special use between multiple targets, stunning a crowd instead of just one monster.
- Ukulele can chain on-hit effects, making it a must-have for a high on-hit build.
- Stacking bleeds with the Tri-Tip dagger or Shatterspleen will result in a massive damage increase on multiple targets.
- On-hit effects don’t suffer from fall-off. Thus, even if Commando does less raw damage at a range, their items can deal the same amount of damage as long as shots land.
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Wrapping Up Our Commando Survivor and Build Guide from Risk of Rain 2
That’s our guide for everything you need to know to build and play with Commando in Risk of Rain 2. While his playstyle is simpler than most of the other survivors, that doesn’t mean he isn’t as strong or fun to play. If you enjoy high speed and showering your enemies in a hail of bullets, then Commando is the right choice for you.
Are you a Commando fan in Risk of Rain 2? If so, what do you think of our guide? Do you have any other tips or tricks you’d like other survivors to know? If so, let us know in the comments section. For those new to Commando in Risk of Rain 2 or looking to build him better, we’d also love to hear from you. Did you find this advice useful?
For more great insights, check out our guide on how to beat Risk of Rain 2 (including all endings).