A big hello to all our fellow PlayStation gamers; today, we’re finally settling on which PS4 games for couples are the best. Providing excellent first-party exclusives to keep its loyal fan base happy, Sony is also diversifying its output into multiplayer games lately. While welcome, the step in the new direction is rightfully a cause for concern for loyal PlayStation gamers.
However, Sony’s clarification highlights the strategy to appease gamers who prefer single-player games and the newer casual gamers and couples. The idea behind the multiplayer and casual games-as-a-service titles is ultimately to generate funds for the single-player eco-systems. This way, everyone’s happy. Now, let’s focus on the games that the PS4 has on offer, specifically for couples.
Many Gaming Couples Love Playing Games on the PS4
Sony’s PlayStation is a household name for games, and the PS4 is very popular with gaming couples. Many couples own and prefer playing games on a PS4 over other consoles and systems because of its diverse offerings. Sony’s released many titles to cater to everyone and wants to keep this trajectory going.
How to Tell Which PS4 Games Are Best for Couples?
We’ll share our best PS4 picks for couples, but we must set some ground rules before diving into our list of games. The games under consideration must fulfill our criteria; otherwise, they’re not finding a place on our list. Let’s see what our three-prong test is.
- The games must be on the PS4, but they don’t need to be exclusive to Sony consoles. Though, exclusives will take priority over multiplatform games.
- The games under consideration must have wild premises and mechanics that aren’t typically a part of traditional games.
- Lastly, the games must have a multiplayer component that isn’t half-baked. By that, we mean catering to couples who love playing games on the PS4 casually.
Which PS4 Games Are on Our List?
Alright, enough small talk and time to dive into our selections. We have a nice balance of fan favorites that many will recognize and some gems that deserve wider exposure. Here we go!
6. Knack II
Kicking things off, we have Knack II, a newcomer to the PlayStation family of mascots. The titular character Knack is equally cute as he is menacing to his enemies. We’ll admit the first Knack game didn’t exactly wow anyone, but Knack II easily enthralls couples on the PS4.
Knack II – Platforming, Puzzle Solving Fun With An Adorable Sony Mascot Will Leave Couples Gushing
The gist of the gameplay of Knack II revolves around platforming, puzzle-solving, and smashing enemies. Sometimes, couples have to alter the terrain to progress ahead. With the co-op elements, couples can enjoy the story of the PS4 game together at a casual pace.
Knack can transform his body’s size after picking up enough collectibles and unleashing a beating on the minions. The combat is highly satisfying. The antics of the adorable yet fierce Knack are like watching a kid grow up before a couple’s eyes.
The Accessibility of Knack 2 is the Game’s Greatest Appeal for Couples on the PS4
The main appeal of Knack 2 is the game’s colorful art style and accessibility. While primarily single-player, the game allows couples to play together by implementing a drop-in-drop-out couch co-op mechanic. A doppelganger Knack will join the original Knack, and they can continue the narrative without disruption.
The combat is forgiving, and platform sections are nowhere near as punishing as some other adventure games with platforming elements. Knack II also has a catchy soundtrack that will enhance the enjoyment of couples playing the game on their PS4.
5. Little Big Planet 3
Moving on from one PlayStation exclusive to another, we have another game couples will find endearing on the PS4. Little Big Planet 3 features diverse levels with gorgeous visuals and intricate designs that require couples to pay attention to the clues on screen.
Boundless Creativity, Freedom of Movement, and Charming Vibes Await Couples in Little Big Planet 3
While Little Big Planet 3 is, in essence, another platform game, there’s enough variety and creative freedom that we can justify having two of the same genre for our list. In Little Big Planet 3, additional characters add new dynamics to the gameplay. A bird, Swoop, can fly around and carry Sackboy and other characters; Odd Sock is a sock puppet dog that can leap around and wall jump.
Little Big Planet 3 features swinging and jumping around, exploring every inch of the map to find solutions to the obstacles. The power-ups are quite varied, giving players plenty of options to deal with enemy encounters and bosses. Couples will love playing Little Big Planet 3 because it’s a charming game with a unique presentation style.
Why is Little Big Planet 3 One of The PS4’s Most Unique and Fun Games for Couples?
A remarkable feature of Little Big Planet 3 is the game’s level-creation system. It’s almost unbelievable that what appears as a simple one-of game has such incredible depth. Couples can flex their creative muscles, challenge each other with customizable levels, or make new ones from scratch.
Little Big Planet 3 has a fantastic story on top of excellent co-op mechanics, making it stand out as a fun game on the PS4 for couples. Check out our piece about the 4 best Switch Co-op games for similar recommendations on another PlayStation rival console.
4. Injustice 2
Shifting from the adorableness of the last two entries, we enter the grim alternative setting of the DC Universe. Injustice 2 is a game from Netherealm Studios. If that name feels familiar, it’s because they’re responsible for the Mortal Kombat games. Nuff said~
Couples Will Enjoy Playing As Their Favorite DC Universe Character in Injustice 2
Couples will be immediately hooked from the start as the story and visual presentation are highly impressive. Injustice 2 continues the first game, but playing the previous title isn’t necessary for couples on the PS4. Plenty of characters receive the spotlight, from the popular ones like Wonder Woman and Superman to obscure ones like Blue Beetle and Swamp Thing.
Fan favorites like Harley Quinn, Black Canary, and The Flash also get chapters, so couples into comics will enjoy Injustice 2 immensely. The versus mode and inclusion of multiverse provide endless challenges for couples to try their hand at the game.
Injustice 2 is Perfect for Casual Matches Between Couples on PS4 During Game Nights
Injustice 2 makes things super engaging and exciting for couples by pitting their favorite characters against one another. Also, couples can play challenges in the multiverse mode to see who is better at the game on the PS4.
The satisfying combos and easy mode allow for casual play sessions for couples. Online tutorials for specific characters like Harley Quinn allow mastering specific moves and combos.
Couples Will Find The Story of Injustice 2 Fantastic With Lots of Twists and Turns
An excellent way to enjoy Injustice 2 is to play the story mode. The tale is about how some former superheroes, led by Superman, have decided to cease control of world governance. Some reformed villains, and the other rogue heroes fight against the tyrannical rule; Batman leads them. If you enjoy Batman games, we highly recommend checking out our friend’s ranking of all Batman games.
In a first for Netherealm Studios, Injustice 2 has two major story endings. Couples can play the game again on the PS4 to see how things play out differently. If that’s not enough, many twists and diverging epilogues for individual characters in the arcade mode are also there for couples to see.
3. It Takes Two
Jumping into the upper half of our list, we’ve got a game that will give couples an emotional journey on the PS4. It Takes Two is a thought-provoking, narrative-heavy, and surreal game that will leave gamers in awe of its brilliance.
High Stakes Narrative and Thrilling Gameplay Combo Make It Takes Two Shine
Mr. Josef Fares, the creative director behind It Takes Two, has a knack for delivering games that hit people in the feels. It Takes Two brilliantly incorporates the themes of cooperation and fuses them with a refreshing plot and gameplay mechanics on the PS4. It Takes Two requires two players to work together; otherwise, the game is unplayable.
The gameplay elements include a plethora of temporary abilities like copy mimics or shape-altering. They’re for brief segments, which is refreshing. New challenges make them useless, so don’t overstay their welcome. The game’s primary goal is to clear the huge obstacles and challenges that prevent the protagonists from reaching their daughter, Rose.
Couples Will Find Themselves Misty-Eyed At The Emotional Beats of the Story
As fun, as the gameplay of It Takes Two is, it’s the story that many couples will agree is phenomenal. Couples will love that the gameplay requires two players at all times to work in tandem to find solutions. Platforming, mini-games, and even puzzle-solving require excellent teamwork and give couples a satisfying feeling when playing on the PS4.
We have a list of similar games like It Takes Two if you want more suggestions.
2. The Quarry – The Runner-Up Game For Our List of Excellent PS4 Couples Games
For couples looking for a radically different PS4 game thematically, we have one that’ll scare the pants off of them. That’s right, get ready for a spook adventure in The Quarry.
The Quarry – Frights, Thrills, Chills, and Werewolves Await Couples in the PS4 Horror game
The Quarry is a game with multiple perspectives, as there’s a huge cast, and each playable character’s fate hangs in the balance. There are pulse-pounding quick-time-events, and you never know when the werewolves or other dangers will appear. The game on the PS4 has loads of scary scenarios and a terrifying ambiance that will keep couples on edge.
The Voting and Co-op Gameplay Can Drastically Alter The Narrative, Giving The Quarry Excellent Replay Value
The split-screen feature in co-op mode and voting during the critical choices by the couples will shape the story. The ending will drastically differ depending on which characters survive the dangers in The Quarry. Many theories and vague interpretations about the mysteries in The Quarry will get couples talking about the PS4 game.
In fact, a question of The Quarry fandom about the origins of Silas, the white werewolf, is a hot topic we’ve also discussed. The game has excellent replay value where couples can start over and see if they can make everyone survive. Alternatively, they can intentionally have everyone slaughtered, like in a mix of horror slasher final destination movies.
1. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 Remastered – Hands Down The Best PS4 Game for Couples
The final game on our list, and none are worthy of the top slot than Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 Remastered. The show-stealing momentum-based movement of the pro-skating experience will captivate couples when they play the gorgeously upscaled game on PS4.
Couples Who Enjoy Quirky Sports Games Will Love Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 Remastered
In the remaster, players get two games, and both have their distinct flavor from the original release back in the PS1 era. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 Remastered is a master class in what a fun game should be. Its approachable gameplay attracts both casual and hardcore gamers, including couples who love playing games on the PS4.
The absurd feats that players can accomplish to accumulate scores are spectacular to view on screen. The gravity-defying adrenaline rush is such an addictive quality of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 Remastered is unmatched.
Plenty of Multiplayer Modes Keep The Experience Fresh
If the addictive high-flying action wasn’t enough, there’s more to keep the gameplay aspect fresh. The Multiplayer modes in Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater1+2 Remastered provide score attack, trick time trial, and even King of the Hill mode. Each one is pretty self-explanatory and, gameplay-wise, allows couples to switch things up from the traditional free-roam exploration.
Also, there’s custom-level creation, which makes players feel like being a kids in a candy store. Couples can create their ideal version of a skating ground for their partner and challenge them to score high points with various obstacles. We believe Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 Remastered is the most fun and enjoyable PS4 game that couples will play together.
Final Thoughts About Our PS4 Games List for Couples
And that’s a wrap, folks! We have our top 6 games for couples that, in our opinion, are the cream of the crop on the PlayStation 4. Please share your thoughts in the comments below, as your feedback helps us improve. For alternative couples games by Sony’s staunchest rival, check out our companion piece about 6 Xbox X|S games for couples.
We’re pretty confident in our choices, and their diversity encompasses various genres for couples. Still, if you’ve got a game we overlooked, please tell us about it. We always welcome the idea of new games getting the spotlight. Anyway, until next time, stay safe and happy gaming.