Legendary Items are by far the most game-breaking items you can obtain in Risk of Rain 2. Given how much they provide or alter your runs, Legendary Items don’t drop that often, but it’s a massive power spike when they do. As players become more accustomed to playing Risk of Rain 2, players will often prefer to Loop for as long as possible. This can cause a single run to easily go over an hour, making most Legendary Items get better the further the run continues.
Here are our picks for the best Legendary Items for looping in Risk of Rain 2.
5. Ben’s Raincoat – Honorary Mention for Top Legendary Item in Risk of Rain 2
Ben’s Raincoat is a blessing in disguise, often saving your life and your run without you even realizing it. Ben’s Raincoat prevents one debuff and grants a temporary barrier equal to 10% of your maximum health. Each stack of this item adds an extra debuff it can block, but its cooldown is only five seconds.
Obtaining one Ben’s Raincoat turns any DOT or other debuffs into a temp shield, saving you countless times from Burns, Bleeds, Slows, and much more. Ben’s will also prevent any new debuffs added with Survivors of the Void DLC like Collapse or Nullified.
Most importantly, Ben’s Raincoat removes the Malachite debuff, which prevents healing. The only downside to this incredible Legendary Item is it can only remove one debuff every five seconds, making stackable debuffs like Overheat from Grandparent’s mountainous AOE still extremely deadly.
Sadly Ben’s Raincoat isn’t as strong as it used to be; in a past patch, Ben’s Raincoat used to have no cooldown, allowing you to forgo any debuffs for the entirety of the run.
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4. N’Kuhana’s Opinion
N’Kuhana’s Opinion is a Legendary Item that synergizes excess healing into passive extra damage. N’Kuhana’s Opinion stores 100% of healing as Soul Energy. If your Soul Energy reaches 10% of your maximum health, this Legendary Item fires a skull that deals 250% of your Soul Energy as damage.
It’s important to note that the skulls will trigger with healing at full health, allowing you to launch an army of flaming skulls for stacking healing items and Drones. Since Soul Energy is calculated with your maximum health, stacking items that increase your max health increases the damage of N’Kuhana’s Opinion.
Paring this Legendary Item with Rejuvenation Rack effectively doubles all healing received, thus doubling the number of skulls fired. Shields also count as max health, making the great Lunar item Transcendence increases the damage of the skulls by roughly 50%.
3. 57 Leaf Clover
57 Leaf Clover is a godsend item in a roguelike game like Risk of Rain 2. The majority of runs revolve around your luck with RNG and proc chance. All random effects are rolled an additional time when obtaining at least one 57 Leaf Clover. If one of your items has a proc chance that was rolled and didn’t proc, 57 Leaf Clover gives you a second chance.
For example, if you have a 20% chance to critically strike with Lens-Maker’s Glasses, and your attack doesn’t critically strike, it is then rerolled in a near instant to attempt to crit again. This is all contributed to the Luck stat, which is how items roll their proc chance.
The more 57 Leaf Clovers you have, the more rerolls you get until you roll a favorable outcome. The only item that can offset these additional rolls is the Lunar Item: Purity. Having one 57 Leaf Clover and one Purity causes both items to cancel each other out, giving you neither a favorable nor unfortunate outcome. Lunar Items are often like this. In fact, some terrible blue items in Risk of Rain 2 are never worth picking up.
2. Aegis
Aegis is another defensive Legendary Item that we argue is one of the best Red Items in the Game. Healing past your full HP bar grains you a temporary barrier for 50% of the amount you healed. With the right healing items or always consistently overhealing, Aegis allows you to gain a temporary second health bar.
Unsurprisingly, an Item that can double your health, so long as you are healing over your max health, is exceptionally strong, especially with longer runs. The more times you continue your run by Looping, the higher chance you will gain more healing items than you need to keep you alive. Aegis now allows you to use your excess healing by doubling your survivability.
As long as you don’t have Shared Design or Transcendence in Risk of Rain 2, you are able to gain a barrier off of percentage healing items like Bustling Fungus. In addition, obtaining a Rejuvenation Rack with Aegis doubles the speed and healing needed to gain and maintain this temporary barrier.
1. Brilliant Behemoth – The Best Legendary Item in Risk of Rain 2
To the Risk of Rain 2 veterans, this ranking is no surprise. The Brilliant Behemoth is one of the strongest Legendary Items in Risk of Rain 2 for a few reasons. First, the Brilliant Behemoth causes all of your attacks to explode in a 4m radius for a bonus 60% total damage to nearby enemies. Giving the power to cause all single target-based attacks to now have a small amount of AOE potential.
Secondly, Brilliant Behemoth states ALL attacks explode, including items. The best feature about this item isn’t even mentioned, and Brilliant Behemoth is the only item in the game that allows you to do this. The explosion inherits the damage type of the initial attack that causes it.
Great Synergies with Brilliant Behemoth
To clarify, abilities that have specific qualities when fired, like Heavy attacks dealing more damage when moving faster, or Slayer attacks doing more damage at low health, provide these qualities to the explosion Brilliant Behemoth provides. This means you can stack Bandit’s Desperado ability on swarms of enemies with a big enough explosion.
If you have a high proc coefficient with the corresponding attack, Brilliant Behemoth’s size scales with it. The highest Proc Coefficient move in the game is Railgunner’s Supercharge. This means that a Railgunner build with this Risk of Rain 2 Legendary Item can effectively triple the radius of her Supercharge ability when colliding with enemies or surfaces.
The only thing holding Brilliant Behemoth back is its inability to activate on-hit effects like Collapse or Bleed due to it having a 0.0 proc coefficient. We still believe this Item to be the strongest out of all the Legendary Items in Risk of Rain 2, purely because any ability with a proc coefficient can become an AOE ability, dealing a bonus 60% of its raw damage to an area around it.
Summary of Our Guide to the Best Legendary Items in Risk of Rain 2 for Looping
Any Legendary Item in Risk of Rain 2 will greatly enhance your run. We mainly targeted these rare Risk of Rain 2 items that you would try to gain whenever possible. Even if your favorite Red Item isn’t on our list, it doesn’t mean it’s less amazing to use. If you’re looking for more related content, check out our guide on how to unlock and build the Void Fiend in Risk of Rain 2. He is one of the best characters in RoR2 by far and a really fun Survivor to play!
If you don’t yet have Risk of Rain 2, you should head over to Steam to purchase it. For those who are already players, what do you think of our top Legendary item picks? Do you have any other go-to items you think are essential in your build? Let us know in the comment section below.