Many new players who come to Hell Let Loose initially struggle with the game’s learning curve. The tactics needed to excel and thrive in the tactical shooter’s brutal landscape are not easy to earn. Hell Let Loose is a tactical WW2 FPS that is equally punishing as it is rewarding. Yet, Hell Let Loose can be difficult to pick up if you are not familiar with basic infantry tactics. This article will provide beginner Hell Let Loos players with a plethora of tips, tactics, and topics that will greatly increase their survival as an infantryman.
Utilizing these topics is a sure-fire way to increase your versatility as an infantryman. After reading this article and applying these Hell Let Loose tips, you will capture objectives and stack up kills with your squad.
A Good Firing Position is Key to Effective Combat in Hell Let Loose
Having a good firing position will greatly improve your combat effectiveness. Heeding this tip in Hell Let Loose will allow you to engage enemies better while defending or attacking the game’s many objectives.
When taking up a firing position, it is important to keep a few things in mind. Your fighting position should always include cover or concealment. The best fighting positions have a mixture of both. The more you play Hell Let Loose, the more you will be able to judge good firing positions and where your enemies are likely to advance.
Tips for Using Cover and Concealment in Hell Let Loose
If you are unfamiliar with the difference between cover and concealment, I will describe the difference now. Cover is any surface that covers your body and protects you from small arms fire from enemy infantry. Not all cover may not protect you from higher caliber fire. For instance, explosive tank, mortar, artillery shells may still deal damage through many forms of cover. Explosives and grenades are a huge threat to a firing position that otherwise has good cover.
Concealment cannot offer you protection from bullets or explosives. Yet, it can offer you an advantage by breaking up your silhouette and hiding you from those looking to spot you. Using concealment is great for moving as an alternative to moving through an open area.
A good firing position with a mixture of concealment and cover can give you the strategic advantage to engage enemy units and triumph. Pick a fighting position that uses the principles described in our Hell Let Loose tips. You will find that you are a harder target to spot because of foliage breaking up your silhouette and a lot harder to shoot because the cover protects all of your vital bits. Therefore, choose your fighting position wisely, and you’ll come out on top 9/10!
Moving Tactically In Hell Let Loose
Movement in Hell Let Loose can come off as a daunting and borderline insurmountable task when you first start playing and moving from objective to objective. You may find yourself in one of the many open areas without any cover or concealment to take advantage of. Or, you may find yourself advancing to an objective that has an open and dangerous obstacle to navigate. You may be chopped down by machine gun fire without warning in many of these situations.
Stay Crouched and Ready to Fight
We tackle these difficult obstacles with a surplus of tactics that I will be outlining and explaining so that you may have some more success in taking them on. You must first plan your assaults with cover and concealment around the route you are taking.
Whether you move through reeds to break up your silhouette or behind cover, concealing yourself completely, you should stay out of the open as you push forward to your objectives. Keep this tip in mind when playing Hell Let Loose: stay crouched and ready to fight!
Use Smoke when No Other Concealment is Available
If you absolutely need to move through an open field, do so under the cover of smoke. The smoke will keep you concealed temporarily before dissipating, which can help you speedily cover the distance and keep you alive to accomplish our objective. Yet, do this only as a last resort. Smoke often draws your opponents’ attention.
If you’re out of smokes, you might need to do things the old fashion way, with a lot of lead down range to keep combatant’s heads down. The best way this can be accomplished is by utilizing the high fire rate your friendly neighborhood machine gunner or your automatic rifleman is capable of. By using their standard loadout, you can move to better cover or concealment while they are keeping your foes ducking!
It’s important to keep cover and concealment in mind when moving because, to put it bluntly, that will keep you alive in the long run. If they can see you, they can’t shoot you. Conversely, if they can’t hit you, they can’t kill you.
So, remember to always move with cover and concealment because moving through an open field without covering fire or smoke is a recipe for disaster. That will get you killed ninety percent of the time. If you use these tips and tricks in Hell Let Loose, I have no doubt that you will successfully take on the harsh and rugged battlefield of Hell Let Loose.
Tips to Improve Communication and Teamwork in Hell Let Loose
In Hell Let Loose, most beginner players think that it’s a one-man show. They foolishly run off to accomplish objectives alone. One of the most important Hell Let Loose beginner tips we can provide is to find a squad that is open and actively communicating with each other.
When you seek out a squad that is communicating well, you will find that you are more likely to be successful in accomplishing your objectives. You can coordinate and overcome by talking and communicating where enemies are moving and where your team is meeting the stiffest resistance. As a bonus, you are also more likely to talk to more experienced players that will be willing to help you in your journey through the brutal tactical shooter.
In Hell Let Loose, the first lesson in squad tactics is to understand that a Lone Wolf Is a dead one. You will frequently rely on guidance from your squad leader and squad mates for direction and support. As a rifleman, you won’t be able to take on a tank. That’s when you need to rely on artillery or your squad’s Anti-Tank specialist. If you need to cover ground and move long distances without cover or concealment, your Machine gunner can help you do that by keeping enemy heads ducking.
Communicating and working with your team and understanding the roles of the classes in your squad can greatly amplify your chances of accomplishing and conquering your objectives and enemies. When you know what your team members are capable of, you will know what to ask of them and how to utilize them in combat better.
Reaction to Contact
Another area in which many new players fail is in their immediate reaction to contact with the enemy. Firstly, if you are actively being shot at, your best bet is to go prone and make your silhouette as small as humanly possible. Once that is accomplished, try to remember where you saw the tracer of the round come from and give a compass bearing or direction. Moreover, try to tip off your squad in Hell Let Loose the approximate distance to your target.
This will allow you to communicate an approximate region for your squad mates to engage and destroy the threat. If it was machine gun fire, that is vital information to communicate to your squad, as it will change how they handle the threat. You also may have unknowingly found a machine gun position that will likely hinder the advance of other squads.
If You are Unable to Deal with an Enemy Position, Mark It to Advise Your Allies
If you have eyes on where you were taking contact from, remember to use the marking tool. It can shorten your communication time and give everyone a visual mark of where enemies were firing from. Hell Let Loose is a game where information, squad tactics, and communication are vital to your team’s success. You are only as good as the information and communication of your command and squad.
If you are unaware of enemy movements, where the defense is most heavy, or where Enemy armor is moving and where it’s headed, you won’t be able to avoid it or set up an ambush to eliminate that armored threat. So remember to listen to your squad and your squad leader’s commands. After all, they are on the horn with squad leads of every other squad in the match. Remember, a lone wolf is a dead wolf.
Final Hell Let Loose Tips and Tricks for Beginners
We hope this collection of tips for beginner Hell Let Loose players answers some questions and potentially helps you play better and work in a more cohesive manner with your squad. After reading, you should understand how cover and concealment are vital to your life as an Infantryman. You should also feel comfortable selecting a good firing position for attacking or defending.
Most importantly, you should feel comfortable using your voice and getting into matches and playing Hell Let Loose! The community is very nice and open to helping newer players and providing them with tips in Hell Let Loose.
If you don’t know, don’t hesitate to ask! Most of the players in the community understand that you are only as strong as your squad’s weakest link. Furthermore, anyone who is playing Hell Let Loose today was once in your shoes, so don’t be shy!