Ahoy, PAYDAY 3 fans, are you wondering about the game having an always online requirement? Well, wonder no longer cause we’re about to answer the nagging question on everyone’s mind. But before that, we gotta understand why is it even a thing; makes sense, right? After all, if a game’s got such a demand, we wanna know the ins and outs about it all before passing judgment.
PAYDAY 3 has massive hype behind it, and so far, nothing seems like it’s gonna derail that. However, we don’t wanna jinx anything. It’s bad enough that most devs are under crunch to get a game out on launch day. But to release a game that’s buggy as heck or downright unplayable? Now, that’s a cardinal gaming sin that we won’t tolerate. Alright, so let’s cut the drama and see what’s what.
Do You Need to be Always Online to Play PAYDAY 3?
Well, here’s the long and short of it all. If you’re playing PAYDAY 3, YES, it is always online. You definitely need a stable internet connection. So, then, if you were planning on playing PAYDAY 3 offline, well, you’re out of luck. On the bright side, you can kinda of see why the devs are going with this pesky requirement.
If you’re into party games with co-op features like Overcooked! You know it’s taxing and chaotic on the console system you’re playing on. Frankly, if you’ve got the time to play games together with friends, using the internet connection makes sense. This helps the devs to make adjustments and gain data to see if there are any issues; they can immediately begin working on a fix.
However, as we say this, there’s a dangling sword with games that are always online, like PAYDAY 3 is. You see, the game is on borrowed time, so if you pay for it but the servers were to go down in a couple of years, you can’t do anything about it. This sucks because, really, you paid for a game that you’re truly never gonna own. Ponder on that while you think always online is a good thing with no flaws.
Will PAYDAY 3 Be Playable Offline in the Future?
Okay, we get it, can’t avoid the always online requirement at launch, but what about going forward? It makes sense when you think about it. When the game’s out and a couple of months have passed, maybe PAYDAY 3 doesn’t need you to be always online. The truth is we don’t know what the future holds, but we wouldn’t recommend holding your breath for an offline version of PAYDAY 3.
The reason is simple: fans of the series already know what they’re getting into with PAYDAY 3. If there was massive backlash and fan demand, maybe there’s a better chance for PAYDAY to drop the always-online requirement. Though, presently? There’s not enough reason for the devs to change anything, but it seems the majority of the player-base is A-OK with everything so far.
Final Thoughts
Alright, that about covers everything for today’s PAYDAY 3 news, about its always online requirement. Are you fine with it? Or do you feel indifferent to the whole argument for or against it? Perhaps you’re angry and wanna rage at the devs for including this feature. Whatever your thoughts, fire away in the comments below, and while you’re at it, tell us which version of PAYDAY 3 are you getting.
Before we leave you, we wanna end things on a positive note and exude some good vibes. So, PAYDAY 3, are you excited about it? We know we sure are; in fact, we’ve even gone ahead and made a feature wishlist for PAYDAY 3. Check it out and compare notes with us to see which ones match and what’s different. Alright, that’s it; we’re signing off now, so take care, everyone, and we’ll see you in the next one.