Since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 have been released, many gamers have wondered if it is necessary to buy MW 2 in order to play the Battle Royale game mode. This question is fair, as Warzone 2.0 is technically part of the same game built on the same engine.
In this article, we will answer the simple question of whether or not you need to buy Modern Warfare 2 to play Warzone 2. Moreover, we will tell you everything you need to know to get you started and playing Warzone 2 as quickly as possible.
Can I Play Warzone 2.0 without Buying Modern Warfare 2?
The short answer is yes; Warzone 2.0 is free to play with your friends, solo, or with other gamers, without purchasing the rest of CoD: Modern Warfare 2. Yet, only installing Warzone 2 won’t give you access to any other game modes from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
This means you will not be able to play the campaign, co-op missions, or multiplayer modes You will need to buy the full game to get access to these other features.
What About an Error Message Saying I Need MW2 to play Warzone 2?
If you haven’t purchased Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 but are still receiving an error message stating that you must purchase the game to play Warzone 2.0, don’t worry – a simple solution exists! Worry no more; there is an easy fix for this issue.
If you get an error saying that you need to buy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to play Warzone 2, simply close the game, check for updates, and do any updates available. Then, you should be good to go.
How Can I Start Playing Warzone 2 without Modern Warfare 2?
If you’d like to immediately begin playing Warzone 2 without paying anything for the base game or any other content, you can download the full Warzone 2 mode from the publishers, here.
Though, we recommend you continue reading to learn more about how progress moves between game versions and if Modern Warfare 2 players have any advantage over those with just the Battle Royal game mode.
Progress from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to Warzone 2.0
Although Modern Warfare 2 owners won’t be able to gain any advantage over gamers playing the free-to-play Warzone 2.0 game, there is a perk they can take advantage of – having an easier time unlocking and progressing their weapons in multiplayer modes compared with those who need to enter a match of Warzone equipped with essentials.
For those of you that already own Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, take advantage of the ability to level up your weapons and complete challenges with ease in respawn game modes like Team Deathmatch and Domination. Unlock attachments by doing so, and watch as all your progress carries over into Warzone 2.0!
Players of Warzone 2 can upgrade their weapons in the Battle Royale game mode, though it takes more time than some gamers may expect and presents a significant hurdle to fulfilling certain weapon or attachment requirements. Furthermore, not every gun may be beneficial for this particular mode; some are simply too weak for battle royale scenarios.
Does Progress from Warzone 2 Transfer to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?
Fortunately, even if you do not currently own Modern Warfare 2, if you ever decide to buy it, everything you managed to progress in Warzone 2.0 will carry over to the regular multiplayer.
This means that you can take your own weapons with all their attachments and continue to upgrade them in Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer game modes.
In short, buying Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is not necessary for playing Warzone 2.0, but it does provide an advantage when progressing guns and unlocking some hard-to-reach items without the ability to quickly respawn to increase your stats.
How do I Join My Friends if I Don’t Own CoD: MW2?
If you’re eager to join your friends on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, but don’t own the game yourself yet, there are a few simple steps that can help make it happen.
To join your friends, they need to be in the Warzone 2.0 menu to invite you, and you should be able to join without further problems, even if they own the full version of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
If you get a warning saying that you have to buy the game to access Warzone 2.0, do not be scared; your friends likely invited you from the Multiplayer menu, but you will still be able to access it. For this reason, it is recommended to invite and accept invitations from Warzone 2.0, rather than Multiplayer.
Related Article: The Best Assault Rifle Loadouts for CoD: Warzone 2
Final Thoughts
There you have it; enjoy Warzone 2 without worrying about buying or owning the full version of Call of Duty: MW2!
While there is no significant disadvantage to not owning Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, we highly recommend it, as it is an enjoyable experience where you will be able to play tons of modes with your friends and unlock everything you need for Warzone 2.0.
Feel free to review our other Call of Duty Warzone 2 articles to find more helpful information to help you dominate your enemies in upcoming battles. For instance, you will want to learn about the best perk packages available in Warzone 2.
Let us know in the comments if there is any topic you would like us to cover regarding Warzone 2.0. Good Luck, and Have Fun!