A blast from the past comes to inject happiness in your veins because we’re about to reminisce and fanboy over the best PS1 JRPGS of all time! Before we take the trip down memory lane, we should mention today’s list has only 4 slots. Bummer, we know, but hey, at least it’s something.
Plus, we get to talk about our favorite old-school games! So, the silver lining and all those positive vibes are always our focus.
Why Are PS1 JRPGS Popular?
The surge in popularity of JRPGS is traceable to the boom of the PS1’s inception. Many gamers hold the classic console in high regard because of the JRPG offerings present on the system. In fact, many players still long for the classic PS1 games, including JRPGS, which is why the PS Plus Premium service exists. It gives access to the library of PS1, PS2, and PS3 games and plays them on their PS5.
How to Tell Which JRPGS are the Best?
Before diving into our list of top PS1 JRPGS, we need to set a few rules because we’re spoiled for choices without them. There are way too many excellent JRPGS, and it’s impossible to cram them on our list of the top 4. It will be painful to drop so many fantastic contenders, but we must draw the line somewhere. So these are what we look for in a JRPG for it to qualify for today’s list.
- The JRPG must be available on the PS1. If it’s a game on other systems at the time, like the GameCube or the fantastic Game Gear but not PS1, we won’t consider it.
- Secondly, JRPGS during the PS1 era all were in the experimenting stage, so only the JRPGS with unique game mechanics will make the cut.
- Lastly, the JRPGS we will pick must have a compelling narrative that pushes the envelope. The stories must have an emotional, impactful, and, above all, high-stakes feel to them. Anything short will prevent the PS1 JRPG from the selection.
Which JRPGS on PS1 are the Best?
Today’s list is the most hotly contested one yet because it’s kind of like choosing from your kids. There’s absolutely no way you’re getting out of it unscathed. JRPGS are our jam; we love them a lot; you can check out our ranking of the top Fire Emblem games as evidence. Well, let’s not waste any more time and begin our list. Here we go!
4. Final Fantasy VII – The Timeless Final Fantasy JRPG is Still the Benchmark
Kicking things off for us, we have a game that will surprise nobody. It’s the PS1 JRPG you think about when you read or hear Final Fantasy. The megastar that is Final Fantasy VII is actually not that different from many of the other games in the franchise. However, what sets apart Final Fantasy VII from others is its grand world-building and outstanding character development on a personal level.
The villain, Sephiroth, is just as interesting as the hero, Cloud Strife and the cast of characters is the most iconic in the franchise. The other stand-out traits of Final Fantasy VII are the turn-based combat system and how the game’s plot twist evokes a strong reaction from the player base. You wanna see the bad guy get their comeuppance, and this strong connection helps Final Fantasy VII stand at the apex of the franchise.
The First Final Fantasy Game to Embrace 3D Visuals and Truly Strategic Combat
One of the things about Final Fantasy VII is that the PS1 JRPG was lightning in a bottle. The timing was perfect, and the groundbreaking factor was that it was the first Final Fantasy game to adopt 3D modeling visuals. Despite showing its age nowadays, the pixel graphics were way ahead of their time in Final Fantasy VII. The scope of the map and the sheer breadth of every location in the game is staggering.
If you like roleplaying games with similar grand vistas for you to explore, we highly recommend checking out our top 8 RPGs like Fallout. Oh yes, another highlight of Final Fantasy VII is the reliance on teamwork and using your attack turns tactically. The game also shows the difference in power between the hero and the villain, using gameplay mechanics, which is uniquely refreshing.
3. The Legend Of Dragoon – The Ambitious JRPG that Deserves Your Attention
Let’s face it, many gamers will remember Final Fantasy from the PS1 days, but a select few will know about The Legend Of Dragoon. That’s okay; we don’t blame you, the game’s not as mainstream, but that’s what makes it so special. It’s a hidden gem that shines brighter for us among the treasure trove of JRPGS on the PS1. The high fantasy game is stellar.
The game has dragons, so it holds our attention right off the bat. The story and the presentation all carry the feeling of a weary and ominous vibe. The narrative about the protagonist’s quest to prevent calamity to all life on the planet, with chunks of the story in crisp CGI visuals and cutscenes, is a remarkable feat. What’s more, the game is a PS1 exclusive.
Unique Gameplay Mechanics of The Legend OF Dragoon Make it A Cult Classic JRPG
The Legend Of Dragoon is one of those PS1 JRPGS that relies on more than just its gorgeous graphics, as the gameplay is equally as spectacular. Players must time their button presses during combat. Waiting for two squares to appear on the screen to align and then hitting the attack button is worth it. If players do it correctly, they can chain attacks and repeat for as long as they can keep up.
Another remarkable feature of The Legend Of Dragoon is that the protagonists, in addition to the standard turn-based fair, gain the ability to transform into the titular Dragoons. The shapeshifting helps enhance the damage and increase resistance, and it’s also a cinematic experience. If you like games with intriguing plotlines and twists, our story-driven games list is worth checking out.
2. Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment – Our Runner-Up Picks for the PS1 JRPGS List
Well, we’re at the runner-up position on our list. After thinking long and hard about it, we’re going with not one but two games. Hear us out; it’s not even breaking or bending the rules because both PS1 JRPGS have the same numbering. The story is so expansive it’s told in two games, Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment. They’re both interconnected.
The atmospheric ambiance and sinister air are rampant in both games. They’re more in line with the Shin Megami Tensei series. Players will navigate the school grounds, explore hidden dungeons, and fend off supernatural threats. Their ability to summon personas which are demons with physical manifestations of each protagonist’s personality. These two PS1 JRPGS are gritty, intense, and highly addictive.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Bring a Game-changing Rumor System and Combat
Aside from the engaging storyline intertwining beautifully between Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment, they offer plenty gameplay-wise. Not only does the combat make players think about their next move, but they can also avoid it. If you select the appropriate character whose personality matches the demon’s, they can talk things out. Answer correctly; the demon leaves without fighting and grants skill cards and items.
If not, you can perform fusion spells to dish out heavy damage. Not only that, but players will also love the implementation of the rumor system. Once you stumble across a rumor, players can spread it. This will positively or negatively affect the characters and impact the gameplay. All these factors make Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment top-tier PS1 JRPGS.
1. Chrono Trigger – The Undisputed King of PS1 JRPGS
This is it, the final entry on our list of top PS1 JRPGS, and it’s Chrono Trigger. The game is timeless, and it’s ironic we say that because time travel is one of the major story beats of the game. The dream team behind Chrono Trigger has the pedigree, and it clearly shows in this masterpiece video game. Everything about the game just screams top-notch gameplay and legendary art style.
Chrono Trigger has a hauntingly soothing melody that perfectly captures the sense of despair and hope. Two themes that represent the shift in the game’s narrative. The ominous Lavos, the main antagonist of Chrono Trigger, is a terrifying creature that will intimidate and bash the protagonist and his party.
It’s up to the player to grow stronger, travel through time, and amass companions for the final confrontation. If you like games that have mind-bending scenarios and provide escapism into fantasy, you’ll enjoy going through our handpicked top 4 medieval-themed games on PS4.
Time-Travel Scenarios and Multiple Endings Will Keep Players Hooked
Chrono Trigger features an active time-battle system. Enemies can move around the battle grid in real-time during fights, and players can turn that to their advantage by switching attack patterns. The locales and thematic surroundings help each area distinguish itself from others. Plus, time distortions can create truly memorable environments from the end of time to the prehistoric era.
The endings drastically differ depending on the critical choices in the narrative and when you take on Lavos. You’ll love how everything comes full circle, and the story wraps up. It can be a tragedy or triumph against all odds. When you finish Chrono Trigger, the sense of fulfillment is a joyful event, but it also fills you with melancholy because it’s one of those rare PS1 JRPGS that leave you wanting more.
Final Thoughts About the Best PS1 JRPGS
Well, there you have it; our list of the best PS1 JRPGS is done and dusted. It certainly is painful, not to mention the many other hidden gems we’re leaving out. Who knows, if our readers demand it, we might do a follow-up list to talk about other PS1 classics. In the meantime, let us know your thoughts on today’s picks. Have you played them recently or from back in the day? Do they still have that magic?
Also, please tell us which games you would put on our list if it were you. We’re always looking forward to reading our reader’s comments, and it helps us immensely. Speaking of retro titles, if you can stomach the PlayStation rivalry with Xbox, you can check out a list of fun and exciting classic Xbox games. Well, until next time, stay safe and happy gaming, everybody!