BattleBit is the game of the moment. It has a massive community of players enjoying it every day, and more coming to it with all the updates the developers have for us.
While the graphics of BattleBit Remastered are simple, the gameplay can get very challenging. This is especially for newcomers who don’t know the maps, the best weapons, and the difference between classes. Understanding the playstyles available for every class and their capabilities for succeeding in a game like this is essential.
One of the most relevant classes in BattleBit Remastered is the Assault Class; it is made for almost every playstyle and is extremely friendly for new players, yet lethal in the hands of veteran players.
This guide will cover everything you need to know to become a deadly Assault on the chaotic battlefields of BattleBit Remastered.
Why the Assault Class is so Relevant in BattleBit Remastered
While Assault players can be considered the “standard grunts” of BattleBit Remastered, they are also the tip of the spear that will always be on the offensive and doing the dirty work for the most part.
The Assault class is excellent for new players. This role provides weapon boosts for standard rifles that are relatively easy to handle. Moreover, a good veteran player can be deadly with this class.
Understanding that this class will always be leading both offensive and defensive tactics is important.
What is an Assault Unit Capable of in BattleBit Remastered
The Assault unit in BattleBit Remastered is the class that constantly reduces enemy numbers while attacking and keeping them online. With this class’s boosts and access to Assault rifles, this role is meant to be constantly aggressive regardless of the game modes and objectives.
This unit can also do pathfinding for their team by creating new paths and flanking routes for them.
How to Complete the Best Assault Loadout in BattleBit Remastered
The gadgets of an Assault unit in BattleBit Remastered enable them to move through the map more effectively by creating paths and angles as they deem fit. Additionally, the Assault class has access to refill their ammunition and keep enemies at bay.
Special Gadgets
- Pickaxe – Breaks specific structures
- Sledgehammer – Breaks specific structures
- Riot Shield – Stops enemy bullets
- Small ammo kits – Refills ammo
- Grappling hook – Creates a rope to escalate tall structures
Best Weapons for an Assault Class Loadout in BattleBit Remastered
The Assault class has access to the most reliable weapons in the game: assault rifles. These include the M4A1 and AK, which are extremely powerful and easy to control. This makes them perfect for dealing severe damage to enemies and being highly offensive.
We highly recommend BattleBit Remastered beginners start with an assault rifle, even if they aren’t building an assault loadout. They provide excellent mid-to-long-range combat abilities and are even quite successful in close-quarters combat.
Class Weapons
Assault builds have access to only two weapon types in BattleBit Remastered. This contrasts with the incredible versatility of an engineer loadout in BattleBit Remastered that can choose from every weapon. Yet, ARs provide a lot of versatility and are one of the best weapon types in the game.
- Assault rifles
- Pistols
Armor and Character Equipment for the Assault Class in BattleBit Remastered
The Assault class in BattleBit Remastered has access to a wide variety of equipment to help them be aggressive while also being able to take some damage and having extra storage for their magazines.
Character Equipment
- Light armor – Low protection with increased movement speed
- Normal armor – Standard protection
- Heavy armor – Great protection with limited movement speed
- Normal helmet – Standard protection
- Light backpack – Minimum capacity with increased movement speed
- Normal backpack – Standard capacity
Tips to be a Better Assault Class in BattleBit Remastered
In the following, we’ll cover 12 excellent tips for mastering the Assault class in BattleBit Remastered. For more general advice that is useful to all classes and players, check out our beginners guide and tips for BattleBit Remastered.
1. Have an Assault Loadout in BattleBit Remastered Ready for Every Distance
While the Assault class’ weaponry is very straightforward, particular weapons in the assault rifle type will be better for certain distances. As you learn more about the maps and game modes, you will learn which assault rifles and equipment are better for specific scenarios.
2. Use Canted Sights
While using canted sights may be a personal preference, we highly recommend trying them out; they will help you to be more effective at various ranges. With canted sights, you can equip a scope suitable for medium- to long-range engagements while also having a sight for close-range encounters with nearby enemies.
3. Stay Close to Your Medics
Assault units are essential in BattleBit remastered, as they will always be on the front attacking and keeping enemies at bay. If Assault soldiers start dropping like flies, the enemy will have a higher chance of wiping out an area.
Having a great medic in BattleBit Remastered near will help the Assault soldiers to constantly remain in combat by reviving them and providing them with healing.
4. Communicate With Your Squad
As an Assault soldier, you will be at the forefront of the team and have firsthand knowledge of the current enemy situation. You should always communicate with your nearby allies and the squad to enable them to react as quickly as possible if necessary.
5. Be Ready for Every Scenario
During the match, it’s crucial to be prepared for sudden changes in strategy and playstyle to respond to any assaults by the enemy and safeguard objectives. As such, the Assault unit should be the go-to team for such situations.
6. Have Your Magazines Full
As mentioned, the Assault soldiers will have to be combat-effective 100% of the time, and a unit of this class will be as useless as a rock with an empty magazine.
Constantly check your magazines and combine them so that you always have a full magazine at any given moment.
7. Watch All Your Angles
While this is the main work of other roles dealing with flankers, the assault class, being the most deadly, should also look for potential flankers and enemies holding sketchy angles.
8. Stay in Communication With Your Snipers
One of the main factors of success in BattleBit Remastered is managing your resources and relying on your teammates to fulfill specific actions that an Assault cannot do.
Instead of wasting ammo on a faraway enemy you will never be able to neutralize, ping, and communicate with the snipers so that they can deal with the threat more effectively.
Related Article: Check Out When BattleBit Remastered will Release on Consoles
9. Assault Soldiers in BattleBit Remastered Must Always be on the Move
A stationary soldier in BattleBit Remastered is an easy target that will only deplete the team’s tickets and cause the enemy to win.
Be a hard target for your enemies to hit, and be unpredictable by moving around and repositioning to surprise them, making them feel insecure about their movements.
10. Push With Your Team
As an Assault unit, you should be at the front of any attack, and letting other roles, such as the Medic or Support in BattleBit Remastered, is a great way to lose tickets in this game. Always take the initiative and take the lead to efficiently deal with enemies trying to stop your team’s attack.
11. Play the Objective
As the Assault class is the most aggressive and combat-effective in BattleBit Remastered, you should always be prepared to play the objective and take initiative. It is highly recommended that you do so with a team of allies, allowing you to react to any scenario.
Remember that you can do the most damage on your team, and you should always be the one at the tip of the spear.
12. Be Careful About Assaulting from High Places
There are currently no parachutes in BattleBit Remastered. This means that you can’t simply jump from high places to assault positions from new angles. Think tactically about your position and your elevation when you play as an Assault in BattleBit.
Final Thoughts on How to Master the Assault Role in BattleBit Remastered
Mastering the Assault Class in BattleBit Remastered is a journey of understanding your role, capabilities, and responsibilities on the battlefield. This class offers a versatile playstyle suitable for both newcomers and veterans alike.
With powerful and easy-to-control weapons, many equipment options, and the ability to create new paths for your team, the Assault class is undeniably a crucial part of any successful game strategy.
Equipping yourself with the right Assaut loadout and utilizing gadgets like the grappling hook, pickaxe, and riot shield can greatly enhance your gameplay in BattleBit Remastered.
Remember to always stay close to your medics, communicate effectively with your squad, and be prepared for every scenario. It’s equally important to keep your magazines full, watch all angles, and always be on the move.
Lastly, as an Assault unit, you should always be at the forefront of any attack, pushing with your team, and playing the objective. The Assault class’s aggressive and combat-effective nature makes it the perfect fit for players who wish to be the spearhead of their teams.
In summary, mastering the Assault class in BattleBit Remastered is all about understanding the class’s versatility, making smart equipment choices, and employing effective strategies. With this guide, you should be well on your way to becoming a formidable force on the chaotic battlefields of BattleBit Remastered.
For other great roles and tips on playing them, check out our ranked list of the best classes in BattleBit Remastered.
For now, best of luck in your games!