Are you playing Darktide and have been wondering what a Maniac enemy is? Have no fear! Here, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the Maniac trait in Darktide – from how they differ from regular enemies to some tips on how to deal with this type of enemy. Keep reading so that next time you run into a Maniac in Darktide, you’ll be well-equipped to handle it like a pro.
Quick Overview of Enemy Traits
In Warhammer 40K: Darktide, you will fight a variety of Elite and Specialist enemies, each with their own unique weapons, roles, and abilities. Some are Unyielding, shrugging off stagger and knockback effects. Others may be infested, causing corruption to your HP with every attack. Still, others wear Carapace Armor, making them virtually indestructible. But among the legion of heretics to confront on your journey, there are some that stand out head-and-shoulders above the rest in power!
The corruption of Chaos will turn millions of humans insane from prolonged exposure, so it makes sense that some Specialist enemies in Darktide would carry this madness. However, there’s one enemy type that’s more simplistic and all the more interesting to fight against. Maniac enemies in Darktide will pursue you and your allies without regarding any danger or risk due to their spiraling insanity.
What does Maniac mean in Darktide?
A Maniac is an enemy that doesn’t hesitate in the face of danger. These enemies will charge headlong into combat and won’t retreat, no matter the situation. Maniacs can be a mixup between a minor inconvenience and a significant threat depending on the current combat situation. Maniacs are quite common in the Warhammer 40K: Universe.
Due to their simplistic headlong charge into combat, they are easy to predict and eliminate whenever they spawn solo. However, Maniacs can become very problematic during hordes or when combined with tanky Elite enemies in Darktide. This is because they will stick close to you no matter where you retreat, like a moth to a flame.
Which Enemies are Maniacs in Darktide?
Some Maniac enemies in Darktide include the Scab Trapper, Dreg and Scab Flamers, and the Mutant.
Dealing with Scab Trappers
For starters, the Scab Trapper will prioritize one player, thus oftentimes resulting in the Trapper running through the entire team just to focus on one player in the back. Scab Trappers prioritize one player like the Plague Hound, but their lack of speed makes them easier targets to eliminate.
The Scab Trapper somewhat breaks the Maniac theme we previously explained, since they are the only enemy to retreat if their attack fails. However, the Scab Trapper will stand idly after successfully capturing a player instead of immediately pursuing a new target, which is odd. Still, since they are insane, it also somewhat makes sense.
Dreg and Scab Flamer Enemies
Both the Dreg and Scab Flamers are Maniacs. One small detail to note is the Scab Flamer wears armor like other Scab units but doesn’t gain any extra protection. It’s a small thing to note since all Scab units are typically harder to kill because of their armor bonus, but both Flamers have the same armor values.
With this small note aside, there is one little difference between the Scab and the Dreg flamers. The Scab Flamers will spray green fire, corrupting your HP, but the Dreg Flamer uses a standard flamer, which does more damage than giving corruption.
Related Guide: How to Easily Defeat a Plague Ogryn in Warhammer 40K: Darktide
How to Fight Mutant Maniac Enemies in Darktide
Lastly, there is the Mutant, a hulking mass of unbridled rage and muscle who charges headlong into a fight to toss you around. The Mutant is extremely tanky despite having no armor. It fixates on a target like the Scab Trapper.
However, Mutants are not only Maniacs but are also unyielding enemies, which makes them immensely hard to stagger. However, due to their loud screaming, which can be heard from several rooms away, you can prepare for their frantic assault before they get too close.
General Tips
Of course, all enemies, Maniacs or not, have a purpose or a specialty in combat, making them far more deadly in the right situations. For example, a Scab Trapper might be the easiest Manic enemy to eliminate alone. Still, in situations where it’s difficult to counter them, they will easily trap your teammates one by one.
As you progress into greater difficulties, the power of Elites and Special enemies in Darktide will become far more prominent and clear. You will learn to fight them. Never underestimate an enemy, especially since every kind could be lethal under the right situations.
Final Thoughts on Darktide’s Maniac Enemies
Now that you know what it means when an enemy is classified as a maniac in Darktide, you can better prepare yourself for battle. You should also be aware of which enemies have this trait so that you can be extra careful when encountering them.
If you keep these tips in mind, then you will surely come out on top when fighting against maniac enemies! Also, don’t forget that most Specialist enemies have some warning or sound trigger to warn players of their impending approach, so listen carefully.
Do you have any other suggestions for defeating maniac enemies? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Whether you found this article for the sake of doing a challenge, or if you were curious about the enemy type, we hope you enjoyed our breakdown of Manic enemies in Darktide. Check out our guide on how to build a Zealot Preacher if you want to learn more!
Good hunting, Rejects!