Valorant is, first and foremost, a team-based game. But when a jittery Jett is currently carrying the enemy team to a breezy 13-2 victory, it’s easy to forget that. On the other side, feeling your aim is somewhat “off” can completely demoralize you and your team. Having good aim is an undeniable part of the Valorant experience. We will show you how to get better aim in Valorant with a few quick tips to get your flicks snappy and tracking consistently.
Make Sure You Have the Right Hardware to Improve Your Aim in Valorant
Unfortunately, when trying to improve your aim in Valorant, your dad’s old PC and a mouse with an old ball rattling inside won’t quite cut it. Aim duels should come down to a simple matter of skill, and struggling with cables or running out of mousepad space is less than ideal.
PC Hardware Must be Fast Enough to Hit Desired Frame Rates
Being able to get a consistent 60 frames per second (at least) in the middle of an intense firefight is a bare minimum. Graphics are a secondary consideration, if at all. This means that a high-end CPU should be the primary concern when shopping. Make sure to check reviews to see if a pre-built computer is capable of maintaining good fps, or consider building your own. If your computer is overheating trying to render the game, you may want to cap your FPS in Valorant to maintain a steady, controlled frame-rate.
A High Refresh Rate Monitor is Required to Aim Quickly
If you have access to the funds, a 144hz monitor can feel like night and day. While most commercial-use monitors only refresh 60 times a second (measured in Hertz), monitors built for first-person shooters typically refresh up to 144 times a second. That doesn’t mean you should go buy the most expensive 360hz monitor that you can, but the more often your monitor refreshes, the easier it will be to track an opponent’s movement. As a result, you won’t have to contend with poor visuals when trying to learn how to get better aim in Valorant.
You Will Also Want a Responsive Mouse
Most modern mice should be capable of the micro- and macro-movements required in Valorant. Here, your focus should be on comfort and responsiveness. The mouse should feel comfortable in your hands; not too big and not too small. Some mice have additional side buttons and the ability to change sensitivity, but these should be secondary concerns. Ideally, you never have to think about the mouse at all. It should be an extension of your consciousness: aim there, as naturally as pointing your finger.
Similarly, the mousepad should go mostly unnoticed. Large so you never run out of space, and comfortable so it doesn’t wear on you after a long session.
Improve Your Valorant In-Game Settings to Get Better Aim
Valorant has a variety of settings that allow the player to customize their individual aiming experience. Most are up to individual preference, but there are a few that can go overlooked.
Mouse Acceleration Can Cause Your Aim to Be Off in Stressful Situations
Mouse acceleration is a feature common in most modern games. When this setting is enabled, moving the mouse faster makes it move farther than moving it the same distance slowly. While it sounds good on paper, it means that when under stress, you will find yourself over-flicking and missing your intended target. In Valorant, this means that you should turn on the RawInputBuffer setting to prevent those unfortunate situations.
Don’t Overthink Mouse Sensitivity
Mouse sensitivity is often fixated upon as a possible source of blame for poor aim in Valorant. In reality, this setting is often one of the least important. As long as you find it possible to make both sweeping movements as well as micro-adjustments, it really doesn’t matter. There is no need to scour online for the exact setup the pros use, though you can if you really want to. Pick one you’re comfortable with, and stick with it. If possible, err on the side of lower sensitivity, since firefights are more about small movements than large ones, but it really is up to preference.
Pick a Crosshair Setting Your Like
Similarly, crosshair settings are much-hyped and rarely impactful in terms of your ability to aim. Being visible in all situations is obviously important but beyond that? Whether lines or dots or even the infamous “Among Us crosshair”, as long as you know where that first bullet is going, it will suit your needs.
That being said, while a crosshair change may not help you learn how to get better aim in Valorant, it can make the game more fun and enjoyable. It also allows you to make the experience more your own or lets you play like your favorite pro players. Check out our guide to the best Valorant crosshairs to check out some of our top picks!
Change Your Mindset to Get Better Aim in Valorant
Now that you’re all set up, here is where the hard part begins. Practice is the most important aspect. You can have the fanciest rig in the world, but it won’t matter if you never actually use it. When deciding to practice something, like aim in Valorant, it’s important to solely focus on that. While many recommend things like aim trainers and Shooting Range, those are probably more useful for warm-up than anything else. The best way to improve your aim in Valorant is: to play Valorant.
This seems like an overly simplistic solution, but it really is the best one. Don’t just go jumping into ranked games quite yet. Remember, you have to focus on your aim. When you play, all of your attention should be given to clicking on the enemy as accurately as you can. Lineups, communication, team play, and strategy, can all be worked on some other time. You may use utility, but your primary focus is the aim duels. For this reason, you may want to use this time in Unrated or another game mode if you don’t want to ruin other people’s ranks.
Fire in Controlled, Short Bursts to Steady Your Aim
In-game, during a crucial rifle round, learning how to control your firing is crucial. Short 4-5 round bursts are the most effective. Between each burst, make sure to reset your crosshair and allow the gun time to reset its recoil. Pausing for only a moment between each burst will get you the worst of both worlds: poor aim and fewer bullets. Learn the right timing and drill it into your muscle memory.
Whether on the Phantom or Vandal, sometimes a large group of enemies will push you. This is when spray control comes into play. Each automatic gun has its own unique “pattern” it will draw when fired continuously. Although there is some unpredictability, you can do your part to mitigate it. Learn to use your mouse to control the pattern, and your bullets will be finding their marks much more often.
Aiming in Valorant isn’t just about the physical movements either. Proper crosshair placement is important too. Always have your crosshair at head height, whether watching an angle or pushing a choke. This sets you up for success. Similarly, understanding the flow of the game is important too. Being prepared or unprepared to take a duel can often make a world of a difference in terms of aim. In case you want to use a long-range rifle, you need to make sure your sniper rifle aim is excellent.
Seeing utility used in an unexpected way, or a stray footstep in a “cleared” area should activate that warning alarm in your head. Experience will help, but asking yourself why your enemy is doing what they are will speed learning up immensely. Being mindless leads to surprises and sloppy aim. The most terrifying opponent to face is one with the brain to always have a favorable fight and the aim to win them.
Final Thoughts on Learning to Improve Your Aim in Valorant
“Good aim” in Valorant is a culmination of multiple things. Physical hardware, in-game settings, and of course the hours and hours of effort put in behind the scenes. It’s important to understand that nothing will cause your aiming skills to suddenly improve. There may be small spikes now and then, but repetition in the server is the only way to meaningfully create change. Work hard, and you might find yourself in a few months surprised at how far you’ve come.