There are eight types of weapons available to you, and they run the gamut from pistols and shotguns to sniper rifles and rocket launchers. Each class has numerous weapons, with the total weapon count for Far Cry 6 being 116. With so many weapons, you’re going to need a ton of ammo to keep yourself in the fight to liberate Yara. Thankfully, we will show you in Far Cry 6 how to carry more ammo and stay topped up for the next fight.
Where To Find Ammo in Far Cry 6
Far Cry 6 gives players several ways to stay stocked on their ammo reserves. The first, and probably most efficient, is to take it from downed enemies. You’ll be shooting, sniping, and stabbing hundreds of soldiers. If they have a white outline around their body after they’re eliminated, you’re able to loot them for items, including ammo.
To do this more efficiently, it is recommended that you unlock the trusty canine companion: Boom Boom. This can be done by completing the Yaran Story mission Boom or Bust. This helpful mutt is a returning character from Far Cry 5. You can even find a note in the game that explains he was shipped from Montana to Yara.
He’s a great partner to have here in Far Cry 6. It doesn’t matter that it’s kind of a silly explanation. Fortunately, his range of abilities is unchanged from Far Cry 5. This is especially important since you can no longer purchase ammo from vendors.
Boom Boom’s Abilities
Boom Boom has several unlockable abilities available to him that will aid in keeping you flush with bullets. These abilities include Pointer, which allows you to use him to mark enemies, Expert Tracker, which lets you mark enemies from farther away for a more sneaky approach, and Thick Coat, which allows Boom Boom to take more damage before running away to heal.
For stealth-minded players, the Pointer and Expert Tracker abilities will invaluable. They are great for posting up outside of a hideout, sniping enemies as the opportunity arises. On those fallen enemies, you can send Boom Boom in to collect their loot and bring it back to you! Ensuring that, at least for that hideout, you won’t run out of bullets before you’re able to retake it from the enemy forces.
Ammo Boxes
Most of the many combat zones in Far Cry 6 have ammo boxes from which you can refill your supply. Interacting with these ammo boxes will give you full ammo for all of your weapons. It will also replenish your gadgets, making them incredibly useful.
You should always be on the lookout for Ammo Boxes. They are the only way to fill everything at once. You’ll often find yourself running low on ammo, but there is a way to mitigate that.
How To Carry More Ammo in Far Cry 6
To prolong your ability to fight, you’re going to have to extend your overall ammo capacity, allowing you to carry more ammo. Far Cry 6 has options to do this. Yet, they aren’t as clear or cut-and-dry as it’s been in past games.
Instead of crafting ammo pouches are investing points into a skill tree, Far Cry 6 uses armor abilities and the brand-new Supremo. Supremo is a backpack that allows you to pull off devastating Ultimate Moves. They can even wipe out a number of enemies at once.
On the armor side of things, you’re able to purchase pieces that will increase the upper limit of your ammo supply. This is done by unlocking the Garrison at any or all of your Guerilla Camps. As you upgrade the Garrison, you’ll gain access to better armors with better buffs. Yet, each piece that increases ammo only does so for a single type of weapon.
Unfortunately, this means it’s not particularly useful if you use many different weapons often. On the other hand, if you gravitate towards a specific type of weapon, it can be quite handy.
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While the Supremo is used primarily for getting out of a tight spot when you are overwhelmed by enemies, it does have mod slots that let you apply several abilities to it. As far as ammo goes, you can obtain an ammo pouch for your Supremo. It’s not much, and it only increases the ammo capacity for one weapon similar to the clothing, but it’s better than nothing.
Cantina Buffs
Additionally, if you know you’re heading into a difficult encounter, you can eat a meal at the Cantina to get a buff that will help with your ammo situation. In exchange for one Hutia meat, you can purchase Bullets and Beans, which increases the supply of ammo for all weapon types, and lets you loot more ammo from downed enemies. This is one of the easiest ways in Far Cry 6 how to carry more ammo.
Final Thought for Far Cry 6 How to Carry More Ammo
While you can’t easily purchase ammo in the game, there are many ways to increase your ammo capacity and help you ensure you don’t run out of bullets in the middle of the fight. Let us know which methods are the best for you and if you have any other tips for other Far Cry 6 players in the comments section below.