Wouldn’t you know it, PAYDAY 3 is about to come out, and many gamers are still in the dark about if it’s got controller support or not. Yeah, not exactly a great job by the marketing department, but hey, we’re all human, right? Unless the A.I. invasion’s already started and nobody told us about it,…. a grim thought. Anywhoo, today’s query is gonna be about that accessibility feature of controller support.
PAYDAY 3 is riding the hype train onto Cloud 9. Let’s see if it stays afloat or crashes and burns under the weight of fan expectations. Either way, the build-up and the gameplay reveals have ticked off all boxes, and everything’s so far, so good. Let’s see how PAYDAY 3 does with today’s question of the day.
Why’s Controller Support Important In PAYDAY 3?
Before we answer if controller support is present in PAYDAY 3, let’s see why it’s such a highly requested feature. You see if you’re playing the game on your Xbox X|S or a PS5, then of course the game’s gonna be playable via a controller.
The real question surrounding PAYDAY 3 is if it’s playable using a controller on a PC. Cause sneaking around like in the picture above, using a controller is easier than with a mouse.
Most PC gamers are used to gaming, especially competitive FPS games like Call Of Duty, using the standard keyboard and mouse. Some have a hard time with it. To work around this issue, PC ports of games support the use of controllers. To make sure everything’s running A-Okay, games like PAYDAY 3 usually put out beta versions of the game before launch to test the waters.
Is there Controller Support in PAYDAY 3?
Alright, time to get to the meat of the matter. Let’s answer the question about PAYDAY 3 having controller support; yay or nay? Well, we’re happy to announce that, YES, you can use a controller to play PayDay 3. The controller support feature will be available at launch on PC.
What a relief, right? Cause we’ll be honest with you, we were a nervous wreck before we found out ourselves. Now, before jumping for joy, you might wanna hold your horses and check out our tips for honing your skills in PAYDAY 3. It’ll prove really handy when the game comes out on September 21st, 2023.
Final Thoughts
Well, that was short and sweet, just the way we like it. We hope you find our on-point guide useful about PAYDAY 3 having controller support. Now we can rest easy knowing that we can play the game on PC how we wanna play it. Other devs should take note cause that’s how you get fan support for your games.
Anyway, while we’re talking PAYDAY 3, if any of the devs are reading this, or other fans for that matter, take a gander at our PAYDAY 3 wishlist of features we wanna see in the game. Alright, that’s it; we’re outta here, so take care y’all, and happy gaming!